Kiron Area Pioneer Family Biographies


Kiron History From Denison Review January 14, 1995

Biographies of family groups who arrived in the Kiron
Area between 1867 and 1872.

We are Americans! The story of the immigrants continues into the decade of the 1880's. More and more relatives and friends still living in the old land are hearing of the good life in the new world and set out to join those who have gone before. Those who are here are adapting to the new land. New customs and practices are being accepted. Men renounce their allegiance to the sovereign in the old land and apply for citizenship in their new land. There is a good feeling in the air. Now we are Americans!

1867 Immigrants
Carl Peter Andersson Frodig
Nels Fredrick Johansson Rodin
Charles Johan Star
Mrs. Sara Christina Engström
Anders Andersson
Nils Peter Beck
Peter Fredrick Nilsson Beck
Peter Carlsson
Erick Ericksson
John A. Ericksson
Includes Fred Erickson, Charles S. Johnson, and George P. Swartz
Hans Hallander
Lars Jonsson
Sven Jonsson
Nils Lindberg
Ingemar Michaelsson
Elias Munsson
Petter Nilsson
Gustaf Nylin
J. A. Nylin
John Fredrick Petersson
Peter Petersson
Waldemar Petersson
Nils Olsson
Peter Star See Charles Johan Star
Peter W. Weberg, Sr.

1868-1872 Immigrants
Ahlstrand, William
Andersson, James
Andersson, Johan August
Andersson, John Peter
Andersson, Nils
Berg, Olof
Berggren, Mons
Bodelsson, Swen
Carlsson, Carl
Christiansson, Christ
Claesdotter, Sara Charlotta
Claesson, Carl Fredrick
Dolk, Anders
Edling, Carl O.
Engberg, Carl E.
Engelbrektsson, Sven
Ericksson, Herman
Ericksson, Nils Petter
Ewall, Elias
Fanberg, Jonas
Gradin, Olof
Hagglund, John Andersson
Hendriksson, Andrew
Hoaglund, John
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Carl see Nicolaus Lindblad
Johnson, Charles Johan
Johnson, David Ludwig
Johnson, Peter Sr.
Johnston, John E.
Johnston, Peter
Jönsson, Henri See Jöns Sparfeldt
Larsson, Johan
Includes Andrew Larson, Charles A Larson, Frank Larson
Larsson, John Peter
Larsson, Olof
Larsson, Peter Lorentz
Lindberg, Charles
Lindblad, Nicholas
Lindblom, John Olof
Linman, Carl M.
Lundberg, Axel Fredrick See Nicolaus Lindblad
Malmquist, John Lars
Nord, Nils Peter
Norelius, Andrew
Nylin, Gustaf
Olsson, Lars P.
Olsson, Peter B.
Palm, Samuel August See Nicolaus Lindblad
Petersson, Carl Johan
Sandberg, John J.
Sandstrom, Swan N.
Sparfeldt, Jöns
Svensk, Jonas
Swanson, Nels
Winquist, Nils
Youngberg, Andrew
Youngren, John

The Making of a Community

Within the first five years of arrival in the new land, these immigrant people had set about to meet their basic survival needs. They arrived with little money but they were full of hope. They found that they could pick up work with the railroad companies and earn enough cash to both survive and to start their new lives as frontier farmers. After five years most had moved out of the railroad camps and were settling into making a place to call home.
Now they had neighbors! People like themselves. People joined in a common effort to make good in their new land. People who they could trust. People who were willing to lend a hand when the need was there. People with whom they could join in the making of a community. Their own community. It didn't have a name but it was their place!

1873-1880 Immigrants
Baker, August
Benson, Ben
Björkman, Ola
Carlsdotter, Johanna Maria
Christianson, Sophia
Crook, Swan
Darling, Nicolaus
Giermann, Henry
Gronau, Fred Leo
Hamren, Rev.
Hansson, Nils A.
Jansdotter, Mary
Johnson, Axel
Larsdotter, Anna Maja
Larsson, Johan Gustaf
Larsson, Nils Emil
Lindgren, August
Lindquist, Alfred
Lundberg, John
Lundell, Andrew W.
Mauritz, Par S.
Miller, Nils
Nilsson, John
Neville, William
Norlander, A. Erick
Ogren, John Peter
Petersson, Gustaf Fredrik
Petersson, Lars Magnus
Petersson, Nils Peter
Peterson, Solomon
Schultz, Charles
Schurkee, Carl
Segerström, Carl Emil
Senander, John
Stalt, William
Stephans, Andrew
Stolt, John
Stoneberg, John
Strahn, Nils O.
Svensson, Carl Christian
Teaquist, Albert S.
Turin, John Peter
Ward, Erick
Wick, Olof

1881-1895 Immigrants
Andersson, Anders J.
Andersson, Gustaf
Andersson, Gustaf Alfred
Anderson, Robert
Belstene, Gust
Bergman, Olof A.
Blomgren, August
Bringlesson, Albert John
Carlsson, Carl A.
Carlsson, Carl G.
Carlsson, Emil
Carlsson, Nils
Danielsson, John
Eckman, Augusta Clara
Ekstrom, George
Eng, Lars Peter
Ericksson, Olof
Ericksson, Lars
Freeman, Sam
Gustafson, John
Hansdotter, Anna
Jacobsson, Andrew John
Johansson, Anders Johan
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Andrew D.
Johnson, Carl M.
Johnson, John
Johnson, Par August
Johnson, Solomon
Kullberg, Andrew
Larsdotter, Amanda Josefina
Larsson, Carl Johan
Linden, Andrew Johan
Lindstrom, Simon Issac
Linhult Charlie J.
Lundquist, Hulda Sophia
Mauritz, Par S.
Nelson, Nels Gustaf
Olsdotter, Mary
Sanders, J. Gust
Selander, Gust
Shodin, Peter
Sjogren, Peter Magnus
Taylor, Nils
Tellgren, Charles John
Winstrom, P. August
Youngquist, A. G.

Pioneers born 1800-1830
Andersson, Nils
Olsson, Olof
Petersson, Johan
Linman, Carl
Lind, Nils Ingemar
Engström, Sara Christina
Berggren, Paul
Petersson, Gustaf Fredrick
Johnson, Axel
Beck, Nils Peter
Persdotter, Lena Maria
Sparfeldt, Jöns
Weberg, Peter W.
Ericksson, Erick
Lindblad, Nicolaus
Hansdotter, Anna
Star, Charles J.
Nilsson, Peter
Lindberg, Nils
Nilsdotter, Cathrina
Petersson, Lars Magnus
Lundell, Andrew W.
Swensson, Carl Christian
Berg, Olof
Peterson, Waldemar
Carlsson, Peter
Hamren, C. Ludwig
Lindberg, Olof
Olsson, Peter B.
Petersson, Nils Peter
Buller, Hans
Ericksson, Samuel
Mauritz, Par S.
Thunström, Carl P.
Rodin, Nils Fredrick
Johnson, Anna Mary
Nord, Nils Lars
Henderson, Martha Kajsa
Erlandsdotter, Ingrid
Bjorkman, Olaf
Hendricksson, Andrew
Johnson, David Ludwig
Andersdotter, Hedda Lovisa
Ward, Erick
Swansson, Nils
Johnson, Julia A.
Andersson, Anders
Carlsson, Carl
Larsdotter, Aneka
Strabeck, Bothilda
Frodig, Carl Peter
Johnson, Andrew
Nordell, John
Olsdotter, Elna
Larsson, Peter N.
Johnson, Anders Johan
Norelius, Andrew
Hanson, Nels A. (Sr.)

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