John J. Sandberg of Sweden

John J. Sandberg (1831-1906)

The following biography was published in the 1912 "History of Crawford County Volume II":

 During recent years native sons of Crawford county have been coming prominently to the front and among the number may be named William J. Sandberg, cashier of the Kiron State Bank.  Born May 9, 1869, on section 12, Otter Creek township, on the farm where he has ever since lived, he is a son of John J. and Bengta Sandberg, both of whom were born in Sweden.  The father was born September 25, 1831, and the mother December 21, 1832.  They were married in their native country and came to America in June 1868, settling in Crawford county, Iowa, where Mr. Sandberg engaged in farming.  He was a man of the strictest honor and integrity and deserved the success which he attained in his chosen calling.  He died March 15, 1906, being then in his seventy-fifth year.  His beloved wife is still living and has reached the venerable age of seventy-eight years.
 William J. Sandberg received his early education in the district schools and later attended the Western Normal College at Shenandoah, Iowa, for five months, graduating from the com-mercial department of that institution March 21, 1889.  After leaving school he worked on his father's farm until October, 1899, when he was elected cashier of a new bank at Kiron, which was started by the Boyer Valley Banking Company.  On October 1, 1905, the bank was reorganized as the Kiron State Bank, Mr. Sandberg being one of the incorporators.  He is also a member of the board of directors of this institution and has been cashier of the bank since its organization, discharging his duties with a fidelity that has met the hearty approval of all the officers and depositors.  He has also served since January 1, 1903, as treasured of the Kiron Telephone Company and as director and treasurer of the Farmers Mutual Insurance Association of Kiron since October 1, 1907.  He has never been urgent in his claims for political positions, but his ability has received recogni-tion from his friends and neighbors and he served for four years, from 1895 to 1898 inclusive, as assessor of his township, and also in 1893, 1894 and 1899 as township clerk, resigning from the latter position.
 Mr. Sandberg has spent his entire life in Crawford county and few men in the county are better acquainted with its resources.  He early became identified with agricultural pur-suits, of which he has a thorough understanding.  He is a good judge of farm values, a close reader of human nature and has acquired an established reputation as a safe and conservative financial manager, whose efforts are always directed toward the upbuilding of the community.
Descendants of John J. Sandberg and Bengta Persdotter
1-Jons Sandberg (bef 1815-)
sp: Johanna Sandberg (bef 1815-)
    2-John J. Sandberg (25 Sep 1831-15 Mar 1906)
    sp: Bengta Persdotter (21 Dec 1832-4 Feb 1934)
        3-Johanna Sandberg (6 Oct 1863-2 Oct 1877)
        3-Lydia Sandberg (13 Dec 1865-11 Oct 1877)
        3-William J. Sandberg (9 May 1869-27 Jun 1936)
        3-Alice Sandberg (5 Nov 1872-24 Jul 1955)
        sp: Erick Johan Nordlander (24 Dec 1864-4 Apr 1941)

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