IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.


What's New?
of New Content added to the Clayton co. IAGenWeb website & Important Announcements

This page was updated February 28 2025

Everything found on the Clayton co. IAGenWeb website has been transcribed by and/or contributed by volunteers! If you've found something that 'made your day' or just want to say "thank-you", drop an email to the contributor, or to the county coordinator & your message will be added to this page.

Do YOU have something to share??

Note: this website is indexed (spidered) by the FreeFind search once every week, usually on Wednesday or Thursday. The newest records may or may not show up on a site search depending on when they were added.


* Please check the Surname Registry if you've added your research interests - let me know if your email address has changed!

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2025 Comments and Thank-you notes - Do you have something to say about this website?

*I enjoy visiting your website and most times find something new for my family records ... Malyssa, Detroit
*Thank you for your outstanding work on this website.... Michael L.
*Thank-you for all you do on Clayton county history ... Ron H., Wisconsin

New and/or updated Content

February 2025

BIOGRAPHIES - Miscellaneous biographies from sources other than specific collections: A-J * K-Z
* Added biographies of A.W. Daugherty & Peter Karberg - from S.Ferrall (2/25/25)

BIOGRAPHIES - Portrait & Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones & Clayton Counties, 1894
* Update! Added Clayton biographies: H. Wiegand, C. Woods & F. Zapf - from Suzanne Terrell (2/5/25)

CEMETERY RECORDS (burial lists & related items and Iowa Gravestone Photo Project (IGPP) additions)
* The cemetery burial lists are updated frequently (often daily) by the coordinator. 26 cemeteries have been updated in February, several of them more than once.

MARRIAGE RECORDS -marriage licenses, engagements, marriages & divorces
*New content added to compiled marriages,1950 & 1951 - from Reid R. Johnson (1951 updated throughout Feb)
*New content added to compiled marriages,1959 - from Reid R. Johnson (last update 2/14/25)

* Added to the Civil War Honor Roll, T. Kelley - coordinator (2/11/25)
* Added to the WWI records, Boardman Township WWI Honor Roll & Service Flag - from S. Ferrall 2/5/25

OBITUARY BOARD - often added daily, now with 21,320+ transcribed obituaries
*Thank-you to the February obituary contributors - Reid R. Johnson, Connie Ellis & S. Ferrall

OBITUARY INDEX - last updated 02/28/2025

January 2025

BIOGRAPHIES - Portrait & Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones & Clayton Counties, 1894
* Update! Added Clayton biographies: Welch, Wellman & Wieland - from Suzanne Terrell (1/28/25)
* Update! Added Clayton biographies: Pearsall, Peterson, Putz, Schoulte, Schroeder & Scott - from Suzanne Terrell (1/21/25)
CEMETERY RECORDS (burial lists & related items and Iowa Gravestone Photo Project (IGPP) additions)
* The cemetery burial lists are updated frequently (often daily) by the coordinator. 34 cemeteries have been updated in January, several of them more than once.

MARRIAGE RECORDS -marriage licenses, engagements, marriages & divorces
*New content added to compiled marriages,1959 - from Reid R. Johnson (throughout Jan, last update 1/30/25)
*New content added to compiled marriages,1955 - from Reid R. Johnson (throughout Jan, last update 1/13/25)

* Added to the Civil War Honor Roll, an entry for H.A. Rogers (from coordinator 1/20/25)

OBITUARY BOARD - often added daily, now with 21,270+ transcribed obituaries
*Thank-you to the January obituary contributors - Reid R. Johnson, S. Ferrall & Larry Friedlein

OBITUARY INDEX - last updated 01/30/2025

PHOTO ALBUM INDEX - lots of photos and misc. historical info. from around the county
*All New! John Kafer Family album - from Kristy Sligar (1/13/25)

December 2024

BIOGRAPHIES - Portrait & Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones & Clayton Counties, 1894
* Update! Added Clayton biographies: Ehrhardt, Dunsmoor, Hall, Ihm, Jenkins, Johnson, Katschkowski, Kregel (2) - from Suzanne Terrell (12/05/24)

CEMETERY RECORDS (burial lists & related items and Iowa Gravestone Photo Project (IGPP) additions)
*The cemetery burial lists are updated frequently (often daily) by the coordinator. 28 cemeteries were updated in December

*New content - 1953 May, October & November term petit jurors - from Reid R. Johnson (12/05/24 & 12/8/24)

MARRIAGE RECORDS -marriage licenses, engagements, marriages & divorces
*New content added to compiled marriages,1953 & 1955- from Reid R. Johnson (throughout Dec, last update 12/27)

* Added or updated entries of W.H. Chase, D.K. Hobert, J.W. Nelings, W. Monlux, W. Sawyer & E. Tompkins - from coordinator (12/8/24)
* New! Military biography of Asa Haskins, 21st IA Inf., Civil War - from Carl Ingwalson (12/06/2024)

OBITUARY BOARD - often added daily, now with 21,185+ transcribed obituaries
*Thank-you to the December obituary contributors - Ken Johnson, Reid R. Johnson & S. Ferrall

OBITUARY INDEX - last updated 12/27/2024

November 2024

BIOGRAPHIES - Portrait & Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones & Clayton Counties, 1894
* Update! Added Clayton biographies: Brock, Brookshier, Candee, Chapin, Clark, Fuehr & Gooding - from Suzanne Terrell (11/21/24)

CEMETERY RECORDS (burial lists & related items and Iowa Gravestone Photo Project (IGPP) additions)
*Photo of the gravestone in the Old Stone cemetery of P. Voshell was contributed by a volunteer (11/7/24)
*The cemetery burial lists are updated frequently (often daily) by the coordinator. 37 cemeteries were updated in November

*New content - 1957 November term petit jurors - from Reid R. Johnson (11/13/24)

MARRIAGE RECORDS -marriage licenses, engagements, marriages & divorces
*New content added to compiled marriages, finishing 1957 and adding 1952 & 1953 - from Reid R. Johnson (11/1/24-11/23/24)

*Updated! Civil War Honor Roll - added O. Fallon & F. Washburn - coordinator (11/5/24 & 11/23/24)

OBITUARY BOARD - often added daily, now with 21,120+ transcribed obituaries
*Thank-you to the Novemberobituary contributors - Ken Johnson, Reid R. Johnson & S. Ferrall

OBITUARY INDEX - last updated 11/26/2024

PHOTO ALBUM INDEX - lots of photos and misc. historical info. from around the county
*All New! Fishel Family album, Elk twp. - from Lyndsay Bloomberg (11/2/24)
*All New! Phelps Family album, Mallory twp. - from Lyndsay Bloomberg (11/1/24)

October 2024

BIOGRAPHIES - History of Clayton Co., 1882
* Update! Added the 'Y' & 'Z' biographies that had not previously been posted (Yearous, Zearley (2) & Zimmerman)- from S. Ferrall (10/03/24)
* Update! Added the "W" biographies that had not previously been posted (Withrow, Wright, Wolf, Wolter, Woodworth & Wynne)- from S. Ferrall (10/01/24)

CEMETERY RECORDS (burial lists & related items and Iowa Gravestone Photo Project (IGPP) additions)
* Photos from the Giard & National cemeteries were added to IGPP - from P. Peterson (Oct 9-14)
*The cemetery burial lists are updated frequently (often daily) by the coordinator. 40 cemeteries were updated in October

*New content - 1957 May term petit jurors - from Reid R. Johnson (10/14/24)
*New content - 1957 Grand jury & Feb petit jurors - from Reid R. Johnson (10/3/24)

MARRIAGE RECORDS -marriage licenses, engagements, marriages & divorces
*New content added to compiled marriages, 1956 & 1957- from Reid R. Johnson (10/3/24, 10/14/24 & 10/28/24)

* New! Military biography of Victor Balluff, 16th IA Inf., Civil War - from Carl Ingwalson (10/12/2024)
* Updated! Civil War Honor Roll - added or updated the entries of A. Bevins, A. Drips, M.M. Grannis, Wm. Grannis & O.A. Phillips - coordinator (10/11 & 12/24)
* Updated! WWI Honor Roll - added an entry for H. McCann - coordinator (10/8/24)
* Updated! WWII Honor Roll - added an entry for H. Glawe - coordinator (10/8/24)

OBITUARY BOARD - often added daily, now with 21,005+ transcribed obituaries
*Thank-you to the October obituary contributors - S.Ferrall

OBITUARY INDEX - last updated 10/28/2024


Archived 'What's New' items 2024 * Archived 'What's New' items 2023 * Archived 'What's New' items 2022 * Archived 'What's New' items 2021 * Archived 'What's New' items 2020 * Archived 'What's New' items 2019 * Archived 'What's New' items 2018 * Archived 'What's New' items 2017 * Archived 'What's New' items 2016 * Archived 'What's New' items 2015 Archived 'What's New' items 2014 * Archived 'What's New' items 2013 * Archived 'What's New' items 2012 * Archived 'What's New' items 2011 * Archived 'What's New' items 2010 * Archived 'What's New' items 2009 * Archived 'What's New' items 2003-Dec 2008

Archived Thank-you Notes

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