IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.
updated 09/11/2024 (F surnames)


Who's Who in Iowa, 1940

Biographies from the Clayton county section, plus biographies of persons who were born or lived in Clayton co., but as of 1940 were living in another Iowa county. The biographies contain many abbreviations so the transcriber has taken the liberty of spelling out as many as possible for ease of reading. The Key of abbreviations can be viewed on the Audubon co. IAGenWeb

Source: The Iowa Press Association's Who's Who in Iowa, a Biographical Record of Iowa's Leaders in Business, Professional and Public Life; Pub. by Iowa Press Association, Des Moines, Iowa; 1940

If you'd like a look-up from the book, contact Sharyl. Currently transcribed bios are in bold print - click on the letter to read the surnames starting with that letter.

Please do not re-post the biographies anywhere online without asking permission.

Transcribing the biographies is a work in progress - check back from time to time.

(copyright message at bottom of the page)


Abel, Mrs. Rhoda C.
Ahlers, Alfred Joseph
Alderson, James
Allen, Alvin W.
Allen, Ray
Andersen, Holger Martin

Anderson, Henry W.
Ashline, William G.

Ba - Bi

Baade, Gustave
Backhaus, August Gerhardt
Backhaus, Henry D.

Baily, Mrs. Amie Williams
Ballard, Mrs. Harriett L.

Banze, Harry W.
Baumgartner, Alvin C.
Baumgartner, August J.
Becker, Albert C.
Becker, Clarence F.

Beckman, Frederick W.
Beerman, Henry Louis
Benson, Charles August
Berg, Arthur Henry
Bernard, Ranson D.
Beyer, Arthur Edwin
Bickel, Leroy Phillip
Bickel, Robert O.
Bishop, Max Boyes
Bixby, Ransom James

Bl - By

Blizzard, Logan
Bollman, Donald J.
Borcherding, George H.
Borman, August Henry
Boylan, John T.
Boyle, Patrick James
Brandt, Gerold Edward
Braught, Frederick Elmer
(correct spelling: Braucht)
Broderick, John James

Brooks, Robert Raymond
Brown, Harrison Douglas

Brown, Howard Clark
Brown, James Charles
Buckley, Helen Turner
Buckman, Arthur Frederick
Buls, Carl William
Burlingame, Alonzo M.
Bygel, Clayton M.


Cahill, John Aloysius
Campbell, Harold Delbert
Carlsen, Elmer W.
Cass, Joseph E.

Cerny, Wilbur J.
Chapman, Susan
Church, J. Frank
Clark, Mrs. Emma R. Johnsrud
Clark, Joel
Cocking, Roger M.
Cole, Harry Dean

Coon, Robert Earl
Courtnage, Donald G.
Crider, Clayton Louis


Davidson, Wilmer Wickham
Dittmer, Arthur Raymond
Doerring, Alvin Edward

Donlon, John Burton
Donlon, Stephen G.
Drahn, Fred George
Dunfrund, George Ernest
Dutton, Ralph Waldo


Eberhardt, Edward Peter
Eberhardt, Eugene
Ehrhardt, Fred J.
Ehrhardt, Leroy Joseph
Eichendorf, Walter Louis
Elwell, William Harry Clayton
Embretson, Ole L.
Enderes, John William
Eno, W. Oliver
Epley, Floyd
Esch, Henry John
Evans, Robert L.
Everall, Bruce B.


Fay, Oliver James
Feller, George
Feller, Myrlin M.
Fillenwarth, Arthur T.
Fox, Kirk
Friedlein, Fred J.
Fritschel, George J.

Frommelt, Chris A.
Fuelling, Otto F.
Fuerste, Frederick


Garlock, Mrs. Jennie G.
Gernand, Fred Phillip
Geske, Martin X.
Gill, Gorda John

Glynn, Samuel
Goodrich, Mark Judson
Grant, Raymond Edgar
Gray, Harold Edwin

Griffith, Harold


Hahn, Grover H.
Hall, Levern Ora
Hardt, Kurt J.
Harris, Charles H.
Hatch, Floyd Homer
Hayes, William
Heins, George
Helwig, August
Hempel, John G.
Holmes, Alexander Alfred
Hommel, Placido Ramos Vasquez
Honn, Ray Gould
Howard, Frederick Henry
Huebsch, Frank George
Huebsch, Fredric George
Humphrey, William Francis
Hungerford, Louis N.
Hunt, Gerald W.
Hyde, John J.


Jacobs, Charles Lewis
Jacobs, Walter W.
Johnson, Arthur J.


Kaiser, Edward Casper
Kappen, Albert John
Kathen, Charles T.
Kerr, Joyce Mae Turner
Kettelkamp, Enoch George
Knapp, Montelle
Knight, John Samuel
Knutson, M. LeRoy
Kramer, John F.
Kregel, Arno W.
Kuempel, John Thomas
Kuempel, Reuben


Lake, Alois John
Lambert, Joseph Preston
Larson, Albin J.
Larson, Elmer H.
Leas, Harold Leslie
Lenth, Louis Charles
Lindemeyer, Paul Walther
Lyon, Max William

Ma - Me

Manus, George
Matthews, Jackson J.
McGrath, William Joseph
Meder, Lloyd Albert
Meese, Vergil W.
Meggers, Edward C.
Meier, Delbert William
Meyer, Gilbert N.
Meyer, Harry L.
Meyer, Irvin Frederick
Meyer, Joseph E.

Mi - Mu

Miller, Grover
Miller, Grover Cleveland
Millham, Charles B.
Minkler, Ralph R.
Morley, Delbert
Morse, Robert Lester
Moser, Clarence Bernard
Moses, Jacob R.
Murphy, Clarence F.


Naber, Bernard A.
Nehls, Raymond A.
Newberry, Byron W.


Oehmke, Frank John
Oelberg, Harold Francis

Oelke, George William
Oelke, Hugo H.
Orr, Harold Topliff
Ortale, Louis Paul
Orvis, Floyd Arthur
Orvis, Fred K.
Otis, Harvey B.


Palmer, Carson William
Peglow, Fred J.
Perrinjaquet, Louis Henry
Pohle, Edward John


Quigley, Georgia


Rethwisch, Peter E.
Rhomberg, Edward Bideaux
Richards, Warren Earl
Rittenhouse, Harley Sprague
Riveland, Cormell Adrian
Roggensack, Horace Kenneth
Roggman, Charles J.
Roggman, Lucia E.S.
Rulon, Claude Jay
Runyon, Frank Sharp

Sa - Sh

Sackett, Clarence E.
Saeugling, Eldon C.
Schoeppe, Carl August
Schroeder, Frank J.
Schulte, Mrs. Lillian
Schultz, Carl George
Schumacher, Realto O.
Schute, Henry Ernest
Seeland, Arthur William
Sharp, Fern Eugene
Sherman, Althea Rosina
Sherman, Blanche A.
Sherman, Ellen Amelia

Si - Su

Sigwarth, Anthony W.
Slyfield, John "Captain Jack"
Smith, Dwight L.
Smith, Ernest T.
Smith, Horace Hamilton
Sternes, Knudson K.
Sutter, Clara Melissa


Taken, James Patrick
Tangeman, Herbert Bruno
Tapper, George Washington
Thomas, William Harper
Thurn, Isaac
Tischauser, L.A.
Tornowske, Gustave Albert
Tuecke, Edward William
Turner, Harry Nichols

U & V

Ulbrich, Ernest H.

Vaughn, Philip T.
Voggenthaler, Ernest J.


Walker, Pearl
Walter, John A.
Walter, John F.
Walter, Joseph L.
Ward, William Henry
Weger, Otto Fred
Weil, Theodore Henry
Welch, Dale D.
Welch, John M.

Welch, Virgil C.
Welterlen, Frank E.
Wessel, George Henry
White, Valmah Sherman

Wilke, Elmer Frederick
Wirkler, Reuben E.

Witt, William John
Wolf, Henry Martin

Woods, Kenneth


Zieman, Vern W.

Copyright note

The Clayton co. IAGenWeb Coordinator can find no evidence that the copyright of this book was renewed, therefore it is presumed to have expired, and the work is in the public domain. Sources consulted:
> http://copyright.cornell.edu/resources/publicdomain.cfm
> http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/renewals.html
> http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/cce/


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