IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.
1940 Biographies Index


~Source: The Iowa Press Association's Who's Who in Iowa, a Biographical Record of Iowa's Leaders in Business, Professional and Public Life; Pub. by Iowa Press Association, Des Moines, Iowa; 1940

~transcribed by S. Ferrall for Clayton co. IAGenWeb

Cahill, John Aloysius: Physician & Surgeon; b. Clinton, lowa June 16, 1884; son of Cornelius Clifford Cahill & Mary Higney; ed Clinton HS 1902; Drake U, MD 1907; NY Post-Grad Med Sch, 1921-24 & 1928; Columbia U, post grad med sch, 1940; 1907-08 interne Mercy Hosp, Des Moines; 1908 prac med, Volga City; mbr staff Oelwein Hosp; during World War enl in US army June 16, 1918 Camp Dodge Base Hosp Surgical Service, disch May 30, 1919 1st Iieut.; Amer Legion, post 327, past comm; Clayton Co Med Soc, past pres; lowa Med Soc; Sacred Heart Cath Ch, trustee; Dem, del to state convs several times; hobbies: outdoor sports, swimming, motor travel; res Volga City. (pg 290)

Campbell, Harold Delbert: Owner Hatcheries; b. Aurora, lowa Apr 9, 1900; son of Clarence Henry Campbell & Ida Elizabeth Fry; ed Strawberry Point HS 1916; Capital City Comml Coll 1919; m. Blanche H. Hamlett Aug 29, 1920 Manchester; 1919-22 owner & opr Franklin Hotel, Strawberry Point & Orleans Hotel, Estherville; 1922 in chick business, Strawberry Point, 1925 owner chick hatcheries, with capacity of 1,000,000 chicks annually, has 50,000 breeders under contract & supervision of eggs, raises 5000 turkeys, has had branches in Bellevue, Manchester, Oelwein & Garnavillo & stores at Colesburg, Dyersville & Fairbank, has sales in 30 states, sells Campbell Farm Products, 1934- opr hatchery Tampa, Fla with 200,000 chick capacity; owner & mgr 2 farms, near Strawberry Point; 1930-33 mbr Clayton Co bd of supvrs, youngest mbr ever to serve in lowa; during World War enl in US army Mar 1917 Co H 133rd inf, Manchester, sent to Fort Des Moines then Camp Cody Deming N. M. 2nd Iieut of 136th inf, O/S Sept 1917 with 34th div then 36th div, 141st inf as 1st Iieut, returned July 1919 capt, disch Aug 2, 1919 Camp Dodge; Amer Legion, charter mbr, past comm, past adjt; 1933-37 inspector for Regional Agrl Credit Corp, US Dept of Agr; lowa Poultry Improvement Assn; Amer Poultry Assn, life mbr; 1937-38 inspector for Production Credit Assn; Northeast Iowa Turkey Growers Assn, secy & treas; Internatl Baby Chick Assn; Comml Club, past mbr & past secy; KP; AF&AM 130; Cedar Rapids Scot Rite 32°; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies: fishing, hunting; off & res Strawberry Point. (pg 290)

Carlsen, Elmer W.: County Sheriff; b. Lafayette Co near Blanchardville, Wis Sept 23, 1897; son of Hans Carlsen & Caroline Anderson; ed Darlington, Wis HS 1917; U of Wis, BSc 1927; Phi Chi; m. Greta Jane Miller Dec 27, 1929 Pasadena Cal; dau: Mary Jane; prior to 1922 with brother on mother's farm, Lafayette Co., Wis; 1922 worked way through uni, first as night clk in Park Hotel, Madison, Wis & 1925-28 worked nights on police dept, Madison, Wis, during this time with ofcr Dawe captured bank robber, Jack McClintic Sept 16, 1927; 1927 apptd instr of Madison Police Sch; champion of Madison police pistol target shooting; 1928-31 bond salesman in Dubuque territory for Straus Brothers of Chicago IL; 1931-39 Elkader branch mgr of interstate Finance Corp, Dubuque; 1930- gen ins agt, Elkader; 1939- Clayton Co sheriff, promoter of crime prevention programs in Clayton Co schs; 1934- mbr city coun; lowa St Sheriffs Assn; orgr of Clayton Co. Jr Sheriffs; lowa Assn of Ins Underwriters; Comml Club; BPOE, Dubuque; AF&AM 72, Elkader; Scot Rite, Clinton; Luth Ch; hobbies: bridge, baseball, fishing, hunting; off Courthouse; res Elkader. (pg 290)

Cass, Joseph E.: Theater Owner; b. Sumner, lowa Nov 18, 1894; son of Joseph F. Cass & Florence B. Roudebusch; ed Shattuck Mil Sch 1914; m. Paula M. Bitter Mar 22, 1916 San Antonio Tex; son: Joseph E. Jr; 1914-16 with father in lowa Investment Corp, Waterloo; 1916-17 VP lowa Ware house Co, Waterloo, 1917-22 pres; 1922-23 in father's real est & investment business J. F. Cass & Co, Hollywood Cal; 1923-25 with father in Hazel N. Cass Players Stock Co, Sumner; 1925-26 dept mgr Chancellor Lyon, Co., whol auto supply house, Straus Frank Co, San Antonio Tex; 1928 Los Angeles Cal; 1926-27 mgr radio dept 31 mgr radio service dept Natl Carbon Co, covering 10 states, hdars Kansas City; 1931 owner theaters Strawberry Point, Arlington, Lamont & Coggon, son is ptr & mgr, Lamont & Coggon; owner & opr Cass Airport, Strawberry Point; lic pilot since 1938, came owner plane; Airplane & Pilots Assn; Nati Aeronautical Assn; Lions, tail twister; BPOE 290; AF&AM 105; hobbies: flying, metal work, machinery; grandfather to lowa 1867, was founder of Cassville, a founder of Sumner, 1875 moved Cassville to Sumner when RR went through Sumner; off & res Strawberry Point. (pg 290-291)

Cerny, Wilbur J.: Grocer; b. lowa City, lowa Sept 7, 1906; son of Joseph R. Cerny & Mary Vanek; ed lowa City HS 1924; m. Olivia A. Matt Aug 5, 1931 Dubuque; 1928-30 clk, Welcher Hdw Co, Iowa City; 1930- owner & opr groc store, Guttenberg; 1939 orgr Guttenberg's first playground; Comml Club, past pres; Rotary, pres, past dir; IOOF 44, past noble grand; Rebekah; Good Samaritan Encampment, lowa City; hobby: radio; off & res Guttenberg. (pg 291)

Chapman, Susan: Postmaster; b. Luana, Dec 25, 1871; dau of James Monroe Chapman & Susan Melvira Hall; ed Postville HS; 1888-96 sch tchr, Clayton Co; 1898-1906 asst P. M., Luana, 1906- P. M.; 1914 correspondent for Clayton Co. Register, Elkader; lowa Ch, Natl Assn of P. M.'s; Meth Ch, mbr ladies aid soc; hobbies: stamp collecting, crochet bed spreads; off & res Luana. (pg 291)

Church, J. Frank: Superintendent of Schools; b. Coggon, lowa Jan 10, 1903; son of David Joseph Church & Maude Field; ed Coggon HS 1920; ISTC, BA 1931; U of lowa, MA 1936; Lambda Delta Lambda; Kappa Delta Phi; Kappa Mu Epsilon; m. Gene T. Balkan Aug 29, 1920 Dubuque; sons: Robert E. & Bill G.; 1922-24 manual training tchr & athletic coach Stanwood consolidated schs, Stanwood; 1925-27 prin, Bainville, Mont. Jr HS; 1927-30 supt of schs, Grafton, 1931-33 Keota, 1933- Monona; lowa St approved basketball ofcl; 1924 coached the lowa St champion HS baseball team; Clayton Co Activities Assn, secy; ISTA; NE lowa Tchrs Assn, del to state conv; Comml Club, past secy; AF&AM 70; Meth Ch; hobbies: fishing, woodwork; off High School; res Monona. (pg 291)

Clark, Mrs. Emma R. Johnsrud: Homemaker; b. Spring Grove, Minn.; daughter of Olavus H. Johnsrud & Randi Ellestad; ed. Spring Grove, Minn. HS; m. Joel Clark May 17, 1915 Spring Grove, Minn.; son Milo (dec Sept. 5, 1924); daughters: Mae (Mrs. Lawrence Jaster) & Rose Jean; 1915- homemaker; 1930- Clayton Co. chairman of Womens Home Project Div. of County Farm Bureau; 1936 delegate from Clayton Co. to Assoc Country Women of the World, Washington D.C.; committeeman 4-H Club, Clayton Co.; in charge of womens booth of Clayton Co at the state fairs, won 1st prize at last five state fairs, also has won 1st prize for Clayton Co. at Waterloo Cattle Congress since 1934; past mbr Coterie Club; Lutheran Church, Elkader; hobby: motor travel; residence Elkader. (pg 291)

Clark, Joel: Farmer & Stockman; b. Wagner twp., Clayton Co., Iowa Nov. 13, 1892; son of Seth Clark & Anna Embretson; ed. Wagner twp schs; priv totor; m. Emma R. Johnsrud May 17, 1915 Spring Grove, Minn.; son Milo (dec Sept. 5, 1924); daughters: Mae (Mrs. Lawrence Jaster) & Rose Jean; prior to 1916 with father on farm, Clayton Co.; 1916-20 farmer, Boardman twp Clayton Co.; 1920- farmer, Clayton Co., specializer in purebred Hereford cattle, has herd of 100 head; 1934- pres. Elkader Production Credit Corp.; pres Clayton & Allamakee REA co-op; dir. Tri-State Electrification corp., La Crosse, Wis.; chmn Clayton Co. Planning Bd; secy-treas Elkader Farmers Co-op; mbr Clayton Co. FSA com; mbr advisory com. of production Credit Corp of Omaha, Neb.; past dir. St. Olaf Creamery; chmn Clayton Co. Soil Improvement Assn; vice-chmn twp. Soil Conservation of AAA; twp. committeeman of AAA; past dir. NE Iowa Farm Business Assn; pres Elkader Fair Bd; Clayton Co. Farm Bureau, pres; Iowa State Farm Bureau, voting delegate from Clayton Co.; hobby: motor travel; grandfather Milo P. Clark homesteaded in Clayton Co. 1848, fater born on this farm 1860; residence Elkader. (pg 291)

Cocking, Roger M.: Veterinarian; b. Delaware Co, lowa Jan 15, 1913; son of J. Louis Cocking- & Katherine S. Haltmeyer; ed Manchester HS 1930; lowa St Coll, DVM 1934, grad work 1935-37; Phi Zeta Gamma 1918; m. Dorothy A. Brownbridge July 14, 1934 Des Moines; son: James Roger; 1934 emp in tuberculosis eradication dept, USDA, Allamakee Co; 1934-37 veterinary anatomy instr, lowa St Coll; 1934 & 1937- veterinarian, Monona; Amer, lowa St & Eastern lowa Veterinary Med Assns; Amer Soc of Veterinary Therapy; hobby: photography; off & res Monona. (pg 291)

Cole, Harry Dean: Dentist; born McGregor, Iowa Nov 13, 1888; son of Dr. William Cole & Kathryn Lee; educated Postville HS 1908; University of Iowa, DDS 1911; Psi Omega; married Rose A. Shaffer June 30, 1915 in Cascade; sons: Harry Shaffer & William; daughters Jane Rose & Margaret Mary; 1911- dentist, Postville; past member school board, Postville; member town council since 1932; Allamakee Co & Iowa St Dental Societies; American Dental Assoc.; Commercial Club, past secretary; member Boy Scouts of America committee, Postville many years; life member Nat’l Rifle Assn, expert rifleman; Knights of Columbus; St. Bridget’s Catholic Church, Independent; hobbies: rifle & pistol shooting; office & residence Postville, Allamakee co. IA (pg 43)

Coon, Robert Earl: Attorney; born Waukon, Iowa Mar 29, 1915; son of Frank Watson Coon & Nettie M. Pearson; educated McGregor HS 1932; U of Iowa, BA 1935; Harvard Law Sch, LLB 1938; Wilson Law Club; married Gladys M. Noble Sept 14, 1940 McGregor; 1938- prac law, McGregor; Clayton Co, Iowa St & Amer Bar Assns; AF&AM 135, secy; Methodist Ch; hobby: music; off & res McGregor. (pg 291)

Courtnage, Donald G.: Pharmacist; b. Independence, lowa Sept 21, 1894; son of Charles Courtnage & Mary B. Beckley; ed Independence HS 1913; Highland Park Coll; m. Florence Thyne Jan 22, 1922 Strawberry Point; son: Donald G; 1912-17 clk in B. W. Taylor Drug Co, Independence; 1919- owner & opr Courtnage Drug Co, Strawberry Point; mbr city coun; secy Cass twp dist sch bd; during World War enl Sept 4, 1917 Camp Dodge in med corps, 351st inf 88th div, med corps of mil police 88th div, Camp Grand OTC (Officers Training Corps), disch Nov 30, 1918; Amer Legion, charter mbr & past adjt; OES 86; AF&AM 130; Scot Rite; Meth Ch; hobby: fishing; off & res Strawberry Point. (pg 291)

Crider, Clayton Louis: Veterinarian; b. Rockford, IL May 7, 1890; son of Jacob P. Crider & Emma R. Allen; ed Waucoma HS 1906; Upper Iowa Univ. 1908; U of Iowa, DVM 1914; m. Ruth Jane Miller June 21, 1915 Elkader; daughers Dorothy Ruth & Grace Lavonne; 1908-10 prin, Westgate schs; 1914-15 veterinarian, Strawberry Point; 1915- veterinarian Elkader; 1928- assoc. with Leslie E. Klink on farm, Read twp., Clayton co, raiser purebred Holstein cattle & purebred Duroc hogs; 1908-11 played professional baseball in NE Iowa; dir. Clayton Co. board of education; 1931- mbr school board, Elkader; dir Elkader Fair Assn; Eastern Iowa Veterinary Med. Assn. VP; 1939 chairman Bovine com. Eastrn Iowa Veterinary Med. Assoc. Clinic; Iowa State Veterinary Med Assn., past VP; mbr Clayton Co., Iowa State & American Farm Bureaus; Comml Club, past VP & director; Methodist Church; hobbies: baseball & fishing; office & residence Elkader. (pg 291)


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