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4th Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry Roster



Submitted by Richard (Rick) King


(Transcribed by M Schwanke)





Fourth Iowa












P. C. King, J. P. Flick and R. B. Rockwell,

Late 4th Iowa Infantry,











 THROUGHOUT The period covered by the war it was an easy matter to tell where the 4th Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry was, viz: "Always at the Front !"  Now, since 22 years have passed from our "baptism at Pea Ridge," our "roll calls" and "half rations" having long since been numbered among the things that are past, it is no easy matter for officers or soldiers of this organization to know or tell of the whereabouts of many of those who formerly answered to the "roll call" of this regiment in every insurgent state, save one.

We consult the records and we find the long, long list of those who died in camp and on marches, from disease and snffering, or in prison, and the tears fall upon the paper as we write of the brave boys who fell in the front of the battle at the first rattle of musketry at Pea Ridge, and on through Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, and the almost numberless places where they fell, on until the close of the struggle, when we answered to our names in the shadow of our National Capitol to pass in grand review and severed the ties of our soldier lives, cemented by hardships and struggles, covering a space of more than 4 years.

In remembering all this, how of the ones who escaped death in battle and from disease and exposure in camp and field ?  Alas!  They are scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean, and the object of this Roster is to collect the names, to revise and correct same, and hold in kindly remembrance all of the soldiers of the 4th Iowa Infantry.  I will be pleased to add names to this imperfect Roster, and answer all inquiries as to our regiment, looking forward when we can have a Grand Regimental Reunion in the future, I remain                                                                                                                    Your Comrade,


Late of Co. "K," 4th Iowa Vet. Vol. Inft'y.

P. C. King,

R. B. Rockwell,  } Committee, Bedford, Iowa

J. P. Flick,


Rosters [Handwritten notations are in ( )]



Major General G. M. Dodge,
Brigadier General J. A. Williamson,
George Burton,
Colonel S. D. Nichols,
Major E. R. English,
Major Joseph Cramer,
Major A. E. Anderson
Surgeon Myron W. Robbins,
Surgeon D. C. Greenleaf,
Surgeon Alex. Shaw,
Assistant Surgeon I. J. Whitfield,
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Washington, D. C.
Marengo, Kansas
Panora, Iowa
Glenwood, Iowa
Villisca, Iowa
Sidney, Iowa
Las Vegas, New Mexico
Bloomfield, Iowa
Denver, Colorado
Grand Rapids, Michigan




Williams, Sturgis,
Thorngate. Charles
McElroy, Joseph,
Crock, Levi ,
Hill, E. S.,
Dalton, G. W.,
Dalton, F. M.,
Head. T. H.,
Ewing, Marat,
Whitfield, D. M.
Foldham, Barrett.
Mort. Nouh,
Hopkins, Charles,
Blackmar. H c
Bannon, J. M ,
Watts, J. K c
McRunnells, T. P ,
Henry, George A.,
Percival, Iowa
Weeping Water. Nebraska
Percival, Iowa
Percival, Iowa
Atlantic, Iowa
Maryville, Missouri
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Glenwood. Iowa
Glenwood, Iowa
Malvern, Iowa
Bartlett, Iowa
Beloit. Kansas
Des Moines, Iowa
Burlington, Iowa
Cecil, Kansas
Grafton, Nebraska
Willman, Iowa
Chippawa Falls, Wisconsin




Bonney, J. W.,
Walton, B. F.,
Bradshaw, Harvey,
Bradshaw. V. M ,
Tucker, G. WS.,
Davy, W. H.,
Marian. R. N.,
Brooks. T. R.,
Folsom. E. L.,
Hackney. A.,
Lewis. J. D.,
Burk, H. M.,
Barton, N. H.,
Laken, Thomas.
Marlinew. Samuel,
Little Sioux. Iowa
Little Sioux, Iowa
Hamburg, Iowa
Lewis, Iowa
Neola, Iowa
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Council Bluffs. Iowa
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Crescent City. Iowa
Council Bluffs. Iowa
Bedford. Iowa
San Francisco, California
Springville, Utah Territory
Lewis. Iowa
Gray. Iowa




Gibson. W. S.,
Herrington. J. W.,
Revelle. W. J.,
Mount, E. C.,
Gibson. S. W.,
Bike, George W.
Towler, Thomas,
Nash. G. W.,
Mumford, J.
Northop, C. P.,
Guthrie Center, Iowa
Guthrie Center. Iowa
Guthrie Center, Iowa
Guthrie Center, Iowa
Guthrie Center. Iowa
Melno. Iowa
Dale City Iowa
Pickering. Missouri
Westboro. Missouri
Dexter, Iowa




Woodard, I. B.,
Teale, Fred
Finley, J. P.,
Coney, W. I.,
Hine, Willis,
Davis. M.,
Sellers, John,
Milligan. I.,
Weldon, R ,
Burnett, Wm.,
Gray, Joseph,
Seimiller, Israel.
Tucker. Arnold,
Turner Wm. F.,
Burlington Junction, Missouri
Leon, Iowa
Leon, Iowa
Garden Grove, Iowa
Garden Grove, Iowa
Weldon, Iowa
Decatur City, Iowa
Allendale, Missouri
Springfield, Missouri
Decatur City, Iowa
Decatur City. Iowa
White Rabbit, Nebraska
Davis City. Iowa
Grand River, Iowa




Griffith, H. H.,     (Dead)
Gargis, J. N.,
Black, C. B.,
Green. Charles,
McNulty. Robert,
Hunt, W. H.,
Phillippi, Chris,
Brambill, E.,
Spense. Abram,
Bloom. L. D.
Simmons, W. S ,
Billings. Wm.,
Lewis. John,
Sims. George C.
Houser, George L.,
Reeves. Isaac.
Price. Thomas,
Lacy. Henry.
Ash, Wm.
Summers, Henry,
Des Moines, Iowa
Carlisle, Iowa
Lewis, Iowa
Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines, Iowa
Carlisle, Iowa
Carlisle, Iowa
Indianola. Iowa
Marysville, Ohio
Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines, Iowa
Cambridge. Nebraska
Swan, Iowa
Swan, Iowa
Harlan, Iowa
Carlisle, Iowa
Grinnell, Iowa




Colonel H. J. B. Cummings,
Captain J. S. Goshorn,
Captain D. E. Cooper.
Captain A. J. Tisdale,
Lieutenant John H. Kelly,
Sergeant William McClarey,
Sergeant J. F. Smith,
Sergeant J. M. Cooper,
Sergeant John A. Faurote,
Armbrest. Casper.
Ault, Gus,
Bird, Anderson,
Burdick, A. M.
Baker. David,
Bell. Rufus,
Brinson, William,
Brinson, David A.
Brinson, Thomas,
Bruce. John R.
Crandall, W. W.,
Compton, J. R.,
Conard, Joshua.
Conard, Jackson,
Conard. John.
Curry, Wm. R.,
Cline, Wm. R.,
Cason, Joshua,
Clarey, H. C.
Clarey, Charles
Dorrance, J. H.,
Dunsmore, D. G.,
Davis, Wm. H.,
Easton, J. A.
Evans, Jesse B.
Fuqua, Charles,
Ford, Ivin S.,
Guilliams, Wm.,
Guilliams. Benton C.,
Hess, W. J.,
Holliday, J. M.
Hood. James K.,
Harris, S. B.,
Jumper, G. W.
Jessup. Isaac,
Kelso. W. C.
Kinkennon, N. W.,
Keffer. George,
Martin, A. C.,
Mackey, W. J.,
Mackey, Thomas,
Moore, Anderson,
Nicholson, Dwight,
Porter, William,
Runkle, John M.,
Ray, Isaac,
Sullivan. George D.,
Smith, George W.,
Smith, F. M,,
Smith, O. F.,
Smith, Isaac N.,
Stiffler, Henry,
Starks, Doan,
Sturman. John J.,
Steward, E. C.,
Stiffler. G L.,
Stafford. O. P.,
Stiffler, John W.,
Smith. Thomas P.,
Tibbles, C. E,
Tibbles, G. N.,
Tilton, Roswell,
Trontman. W. F.,
Vennard. Sylvester,
Vandoren, C.
Williams, Jo D.,
Wilderson. Sam,
Winterset, Iowa
Winterset, Iowa
Winterset, Iowa
Lancaster. Missouri
Chicago (C., B. & Q. R. R.)
Cooltown, Pennsylvania
Lyons. Kansas
Cherokee. Kansas
Winterset, Iowa
Winterset, Iowa
Kansas City. Missouri
Winterset, Iowa
Battle Creek, Nebraska
Atlantic. Iowa
Great Bend. Kansas
Winterset. Iowa
Lyons. Kansas
Lyoons Kansas
Lyons, Kansas
Spring Mills, New York
Malvern, Mills County. Iowa
Osceola, Iowa
Winterset, Iowa
Cherry Vale. Kansas
Perry. Iowa
Winterset, Iowa
Osceola. Iowa
Harrison County. Missouri
Fairmount. Nebraska
Denver, Colorado
Beloit. Kansaas
Greenfield. Iowa
Princeton. Missouri
Pottawattamie County. Kansas
Des Moines, Iowa
Winterset, Iowa
Winterset, Iowa
Sterling, Kansas
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Winterset. Iowa
Leon, Iowa
Merietta, Nebraska
Winterset, Iowa
Missouri Valley, Iowa
Lathrobe. Nebraska
Truro. Iowa
Fort Scott, Kansas
Omaha, Nebraska
Winterset, Iowa
Council Blffs, Iowa
Lawrence, Kansas
Winterset, Iowa
Blencol, Iowa
Eldorado, Kansas
St. Charles, Iowa
Lyons, Kansas
Lyons, Kansas
Lyons, Kansas
St. Charles, Iowa
Glesgow, Kansas
Des Moines, Iowa
Creston. Iowa
Winterset, Iowa
McPherson, Kansas
Peru, Iowa
Burlington, Iowa
Jersey City, New Jersey
Union Star, Missouri
Union Star, Missouri
Patterson Iowa
Greenfield. Iowa




Marshall. D. B.,
Kimball, G. A.,
Rush, Job,
Soles, Fred,
Freshwater, Wm.,
Marshall, Nathan,
Hagans, Jasper,
Soles. Scott.
Kinblade, John,
Dugan, J. L.,
Cochran, Thomas,
Rains, -------,
Hagans, Charles,
Horseman. Wm.,
Kinblade, Swaim.
Pomeroy, Thomas,
Johnson. J. W.,
Thompson, H.
Preston, B.
Barton. L. H.
Warford. Charles H.,
Smith, Daniel G.
Slemmons, ------,
Mt. Ayr, Iowa
Mt. Ayr, Iowa
Prairie View, Iowa
Mt. Ayr, Iowa
Mt. Ayr, Iowa
Tingley, Iowa
Mt. Ayr, Iowa
Bedford, Iowa
McPherson, Kansas
Bedford, Iowa
Lenox. Iowa
Redding, Iowa
Mt. Ayr, Iowa
Omaha, Nebraska
Toronto, Kansas
Ottumwa. Iowa
Caladonia, Iowa
Redding, Iowa
Mt. Ayr, Iowa
Grinnell, Iowa
Filmore, Missouri
Topekam Kansas




Ankeny, H. G.
Thomas. A. D.,
Burgan, E. Y.,
Young, A. H.,
Baxter, Wm.,
Thomas, P. D.,
Chaney, J. B.,
McMillan, T. A.,
Darwin, Joseph,
Wright, John,
Fees, Jake H.,
Bishop, J. F
McMillan. H. G.,
Reese, David.
Campbell. F. M.
Starr, A. D.,
Baker, J. D.,
Minert, Wm.,
Rrown. W. E.
Coon. M. H.
Pierce, Hiram,
Pierce, Elijah J.,
Pearson, Thomas J.,
Corning, Iowa
Corning, Iowa
Corning, Iowa
Corning, Iowa
Quincy. Iowa
Eureka, Iowa
Brooks. Iowa
Bennett. Nebraska
Philip, Wisconsin
Milan. Missouri
Mt. Etna. Iowa
Afton, Iowa
Stanberry, Missouri
Stanberry, Missouri
Red Oak, Iowa
Villisca, Iowa
Villisca. Iowa
Villisca. Iowa
Guss. Iowa
Bedford,.. Iowa
Creston. Iowa
Amo, Indiana
Macksburg. Iowa




Craythorn, F.,
Shumard, J. L.,
Nelson, C. G.,
Gkasgow, S. L.,
Atkinson, John,
Lang, Robert,
Lang, James,
Foster, T. T.,
Nelson, M.,
Keplinger, Jno.,
Kansas City, Missouri
Maryville, Missouri
Corydon, Iowa
Burlington, Iowa
Burlington, Iowa
New York, Iowa
New York, Iowa
Corydon, Iowa
Cambia, Iowa
Cambia, Iowa




Arterburn. B.,
Flick. J. P.,
Cobb, A. L.,
King, P. C.,
Rockwell, R. B.
Nelson, Charles.
Ballon, Richard,
Cozan, Wm ,
Lane, G. W.,
King. A. D.,
Flood. James H.
St. Clair. B. L.,     (Dead)
Dunn, Wm. A.,     (Dead)
Dunn, Squire,
Lane. Thomas,
Anderson, W. H.,
Gilmore, George,
Smith, Clark.
Brooks, O. S.,
Brooks. A. M.,
Morledge, Robert,
McFarland, A. P.,
Wright, W. A.,
Helm. Asher.
Helm, Byron.
Underwood, Alex.
Shoemaker, J. L.
Cook. T. J.,
Townsend, J. B.,
Kinney, William,
Kinney, Peter,
Baker, Jackson,     (Dead)
Harris, P. M.,
Wood, Lucius,
King. V. R.,
Crisp, P . R.,
Friedly. G. W.,     (Dead)
Bodwell, W. S.,     (Dead)
Tuttle. George,
McCord. W. O.,
Gibbs, Benjamin,
Woods, Allen,
Patch, A. N.,
Patch, David.     (Dead)
Kinkade. Wm. A.,
Binns, I. M.
Lane, George,
Hahnenkratt, John,
Bedford, Iowa
Bedford, Iowa
Bedford, Iowa
Bedford, Iowa
Bedford, Iowa
Bedford, Iowa
Quitman. Missouri
Red Oak, Iowa
Afton, Iowa
Sidney, Iowa
Red Oak, Iowa
Plainville, Neb
Hastings, Iowa
Fort Scott. Kansas
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Troy, Kansas
Coburg, Iowa
Santa Barbara, California
Stanberry. Missouri
Wissington, Dakota Territory
Hastings Nebraska
Bridgport. Ohio
Superior, Nebraska
Red Cliff. Colorado
Bedford. Iowa
Central Valley, Indiana
Wilsonville. Nebraska
Hopkins, Missouri
Bedford, Iowa
Cecil, Kansas
The Dalles, Oregon
Bedford. Iowa
New Market. Iowa
Bedford, Iowa
Platteville, Iowa
Monroe City. Missouri
Bedford, Indiana
College Springs, Iowa
College Springs, Iowa
College Springs, Iowa
College Springs, Iowa
Maple City. Kansas
Bedford, Iowa
Hawleyville, Iowa
Burlingame, Kansas
Red Oak, Iowa
Afton, Iowa
Phillipsburg. Kansas


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Forty Rounds
