President Taft at Atlantic
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Postmarked April 19, 1910 at Atlantic, Iowa, this vintage postcard shows President Taft visiting Atlantic. William Howard Taft served as U.S. President from 1909 to 1913. Message is dated April 18, 1910 at Atlantic and addressed to Mr. W. E. Mumby, 763 Cedar St., Riverside Cal. Message reads: "Dear friend, I've sad news. All our pretty blossoms and tender green leaves are killed. Sat. the thermometer was below freezing and yesterday we had snow enough to make everything white. Our fri??t is gone I guess and we'll miss our berries. Makes us wish we were in California."

Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass, September, 2023 from the CCGS's vintage postcard album, Atlantic Public Library.