Nurse's Training at Atlantic Hospital
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The photos on this page are from photo album of Christine Anderson of Lorah. Christine took nurse's training at Atlantic Hospital in 1913, prior to her marriage to Carl Petersen in January, 1915. The photos in the album are not labeled, but the "patient" in the photo above appears to be Christine.
Below, Christine and a group of women (other nurses in training?) enjoy raking leaves on the old Atlantic Hospital grounds. Christine is second from the left, wearing a dark sweater.
The photo below is labeled "Andersen - Daly 1913". Christine Andersen is standing on the right, wearing her nursing uniform. Miss Daly is on Christine's left, and also appears in the photo above hugging a young boy.

Below left: Unknown nurse. Below right: Miss Daly?

If you can help identy any of the unknown women above please contact the
Cass County Coordinator.
Photos from the collection of Christine (Anderson) Petersen. Contributed by Cheryl Siebrass, September, 2011.