Griswold has a population of 1000 souls and is second only in commercial importance to Atlantic, the judicial seat of the county. The town is located on the lines of the Rock Island And the C.B. & Q. Railways, in the southwestern part of Cass County, and is the natural supply point for large portions of Cass, Pottawattamie and Montgomery counties, as well as the most convenient shipping point for the vast amount of grain and live stock produced in this section. The country in all directions for many miles around Griswold is the most fertile and productive in the state. There has not been a failure in crops in this part of Iowa within the recollection of its oldest inhabitants. Lands have naturally advanced rapidly during the past few years, but are not unreasonably high when their character, quality of soil, and productiveness are considered.
Griswold was laid out as a village in 1880, and has steadily gown since in financial and commercial importance until it is without exception the most prosperous and hearty business town of its size in the great state of Iowa. During the past four years there have been built seven new brick buildings, and there are now four large brick buildings in course of construction. Most of these new bricks have taken the places of smaller frame buildings. IN the past year all of the sidewalks in Central Block have been removed and replaced by twelve-foot cement or brick walks, as has also a large portion of Odd Fellows Block, on both sides of the street. All lines of business are well represented by broad-minded and public spirited men, while the professions of law, medicine, pedagogy and the ministry have their able exponents in men of fine talent. Heretofore the town had really been too busy to make needed improvements in its streets and business houses, but a new era is dawning for Griswold, and these essential improvements have been steadily advancing since the completion, about three years ago, of the handsome new brick business and office block of R.J. KEWIN, as well as others completed and those now in way of construction.
The town has a fine graded school, twelve grades, seven instructors, and is classed as among the best in the state. The churches here represented are five in number, as follows: Methodist Episcopal, Presbyterian, Christian, Central and Catholic, all of which are well attended. Most all the leading fraternal and beneficiary orders are well represented, and the social status of its citizens compares favorably with that of the best of law and order respecting communities to be found anywhere.
Exposition Souvenir Album, published by Democrat Publishing Company, Atlantic, Iowa, 1904. Transcribed by Brenda Magee, March, 2010.
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