Dr. H. V. McGREGOR, dentist, Atlantic, Iowa, was born in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, June 21, 1861, and graduated from the Dental Department of the Iowa State University in 1888, coming directly to Atlantic and engaging in the practice of his profession. He is the oldest dentist in point of practice in Cass county, and enjoys the unique distinction of having remained in the same office rooms from the day when he first began practice to the present time. He is personally genial and prefessionally capable and has built up a large circle of friends and an extensive practice. [No Photo]

1. Dr. G. Roscoe MILLER, dentist, Atlantic, Iowa, was born in Fontanelle, Iowa, December 27, 1880, and lived there until he was 17 years of age. He graduated from the Fontanelle High School and entered the Dental Department of the Iowa State University and remained two years and then took a two years dental course in the Northwestern University at Chicago. He was with Dr. WILLIAMS in this city for almost three years, and on the first of June of this year began business for himself in his present office in the Gillispie building on Fifth street. He is thoroughly versed in his business and generally well informed, and with his social disposition has already secured a business of which he and his friends are justly proud. [#1 in the photo below]

Dentists 1904, Atlantic, Iowa
Click image to enlarge

2. Dr. William GRIFFITH, dentist, with offices over the Atlantic National Bank, Atlantic, Iowa, was born at Pine Flats, Pennsylvania, June 8, 1865, and was graduated from the teachers department of the State Normal School of Pennsylvania and afterwards was principal of the school at Cherrytree, Pa. He entered the Pittsburg Medical College in 1899 but withdrew on account of his health and went to Nebraska where he was principal of the public schools at Palmyra for two years. He graduated from the American College of Dentistry at Chicago in 1895 and was made an alumnus of the Northwestern Dental School in 1896 and was one of the demonstrators at the Northwestern for over two years. He is also a graduate of the Chicago Post Graduate School of Dentistry. He worked his way through school depending entirely on his own exertions. He came to Atlantic in 1900 and began the practice of dentistry at once, and has been very successful in his practice and in his business ventures. He is a member of the K.P. and Woodmen lodges and was Secretary of the Eastern Illinois Dental Society for two years. He is a progressive citizen and is always willing to lend his aid and means toward Atlantic's advancement. Since the Dentist group of pictures was made Dr. GRIFFITH has passed away. His death occurred October 14, 1904, and was caused by appendicitis. He leaves many friends to mourn his untimely end.

3. Chas. B. HESS, with offices over Levi Down's store, at the corner of Fifth and Chestnut Streets, came to Atlantic in 1898, since which time he has been continuously engaged in the practice of his profession.

Dentists 1904, Atlantic, Iowa
Click image to enlarge

Almon E. BRONSON, Dentist, Lewis, Iowa, is a native of Iowa, having been born at Waterloo December 2, 1875. He attended the public schools of that city and October 1, 1900, entered the Northwestern University Dental Department at Chicago, and graduated May 5, 1904. He came to Lewis June 20, 1904, and opened out dental parlors on the principal street of that thriving town and became at identified with the business and professional interests. He has a complete outfit of the latest and best things in the dental line and possesses a splendid knowledge of the profession. He is a young man of character and is genial in his intercourse with his fellows. He is a permanent fixture in Lewis and is building up a very satisfactory business.

From: Exposition Souvenir Album, published by Democrat Publishing Company, Atlantic, Iowa, 1904. Transcribed by Brenda Magee, June, 2012.

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