The subdivision of Cass county that is known by the above appellation, is technically spoken of as township 76 north of range 36 west of the fifth principal meridian. It is bounded on the north, by Pymosa, on the east by Franklin, on the south by Bear Grove, and on the west by Washington, and is in the second tier from the north, and the third from the east line of the county.
The surface is generally a beautiful succession of rolling hillocks and undulating prairie, dotted here and there with fine groves of natural and cultivated timber. It is principally watered by the Nishnabotna river, Turkey and Troublesome creeks, and their numerous affluents and tributaries. The "Botna," as it is called, a small part of which only is in this township, enters in the northeast corner of section 6, crosses that a part of 7, in devious winding, and makes its exit into Washington township near the half section line on the west of section 7. Near this place, just before it Atlantic, it receives the waters of Buck creek, from the north. Turkey creek makes its entrance on the northeast quarter of section 13, through which it passes, crosses sections 14, 22, 27, 28, 33, 32 and 31, passing out of the township into Bear Grove on the southwest quarter of the last named section. Troublesome creek, and it is well named, enters the township from the north on the east half of section 1, and making a loop, passes back into Pymosa on the west half. It comes into Atlantic again on the north line of the northeast quarter of Section 3, and crosses that section, 4, and part of 5, and once more turns to the north, on its way to join the parent stream. Numerous small streams meander throughout the township like silver threads, and all these help to drain the land, and provide a liberal supply of running water on nearly every section.
The township is traversed by the main line of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad, which crosses sections 12, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The Atlantic Southern, a branch of the above road, starts from the city of Atlantic and running south, crosses parts of section 5,6 and 7, leaving the township at the southwest corner of the latter.
Atlantic township has an excellent supply of timber. The main groves follow the course of the streams. Turkey Grove, one of the largest in the county, covers a greater part of sections 13, 14, 23 and 24, and contains a large amount of several varieties of hard wood. A fine grove is also at the site of old Grove City, on section 11, and another south and west of Atlantic, on sections 6, 7, 8, 17 and 18, and others are scattered all over the surface of the township. The soil is rich and fertile, consisting both of the black loam of the alluvial and the warm mulatto soil of the bluff deposits, both of which are noted for their quick productive qualities. Small grain does excellently well in this locality, but the great cereal is corn. Fruit trees flourish and de well, also, and produce abundantly, as do all the varieties of small fruit and vegetables.
Atlantic township is fast settling up with a remarkably intelligent class of people, who are thorough agriculturists, as the high state of cultivation to which their land is already brought, betrays. The improvements are, as a general thing, fine, and the observer is surprised to find such handsome, commodious dwellings, such comfortable outbuilding, or so finely decorated places in a country whose years are so few. To the individual seeking a home in this great State, the county of Cass, and Atlantic township must present advantages above the common.
Transcribed by Deb Lightcap-Wagner, April, 2014 from: "History of Cass County, Together with Sketches of Its Towns, Villages and Townships, Educational, Civil, Military and Political History: Portraits of Prominent Persons, and Biographies of Old Settlers and Representative Citizens", published in 1884, Springfield, Ill: Continental Historical Co., pp. 831-832.