Re: Woodbury County Parkers
Posted By: Michelle Coventry (email) In Response To: Woodbury County Parkers (Arlene Wilson)
Date: 2/22/2025 at 21:00:39
Yes. Lelia was married to Reuben. They had a son named Archie V. Chase. He became a deaf mute sometime in early childhood. He went to Iowa School for the Deaf. I never got a chance to meet him either. His name is Archie V. No middle name, just the V. Also, his first name was actually just Archie. I have seen some people doing the family tree and putting his name as Archibald, which it was not. Archie was my grandfather. My mother's father.
Leia and Reuben also had a daughter Jennie Chase. Never met her either. She was not a deaf mute.
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