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Carl Leslie Strable (1980) Alternate


Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 3/8/2025 at 17:06:16

The Record-Herald & Indianola Tribune
Indianola, Iowa
February 11, 1980
Page 15, Colum 4

Carl Leslie Strable, son of Frank and Sarah Strable, was born Dec. 4, 1907, on a farm near St. Charles. He died Saturday, Jan. 12, 1980, at the age of 72 years and 39 days in Iowa Methodist Medical Center in Des Moines.

He was married to Louisa Mae Barber Feb. 15, 1931 in Winterset and to this union were born two sons and four daughters. A resident of Warren County all of his life, he farmed during his early years, then was a self-employed contractor.

The family moved to Prole in 1947 and has resided there since that time. He was a baptized and confirmed member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Martensdale.

He served on various committees and councils of the church and devoted many hours to general maintenance of the church and property.

He was preceded in death by his parents; two daughters, Donna Mae and Shirley Lou; four brothers and two sisters, Earnest, Guy, Vernon, Alice Cumings, Raymond and Edna Mae; and one grandson, Brian Newhouse.

Surviving are Mae, his wife for 49 years, and sons and daughters, Phyllis Joan Newhouse of Marion, Jack Leslie of Martensdale, Frank Edgar of Wick, and Sara Sue Groh of Des Moines; two sisters, Mrs. Evalina Roth of St. Charles and Mrs. Bertha Stroud of Martensdale; seven grandchildren, one great-grandchild, numerous relatives and friends.

Funeral services, conducted by Pastor James Zuehls, were held Tuesday, Jan. 15, 1980, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Martensdale. Interment was in Blair Chapel Cemetery, St. Charles.


Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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