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Posted By: Annette Lucas (email)
Date: 5/27/2021 at 15:03:06

SOURCE: History of Buchanan County Iowa And Its People, Vol. II, The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1914

A. H. Grover, who passed away on the 12th of May, 1906, had been long and actively identified with agricultural pursuits in Buchanan county, and at the time of his demise owned more than eight hundred acres of valuable land. His birth occurred in Jackson county, Iowa, on the 15th of December, 1844, his parents being Harvey and Lucinda (Griffen) Grover, the former a native of Chautauqua county, New York, and the latter of Ohio. Harvey Grover, an agriculturist by occupation, took up his abode among the first settlers of Jackson county, Iowa, and there purchased a tract of land which he cultivated during the remainder of his life, passing away in 1847. His wife, who survived him for more than a half century, was called to her final rest in 1903.

A. H. Grover was reared and educated in the county of his nativity. In 1861 he enlisted for service in the Union army as a member of Company I, Thirty-first Iowa Infantry, remaining with that command until honorably discharged on the 22d of May, 1864, and participating in several battles. He fought under General Grant and made a splendid military record, never faltering in the performance of any task assigned him and at all times proving a brave and loyal soldier. For one year following the cessation of hostilities he devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits in Jackson county, Iowa, and in 1867 removed to Jones county, this state, where he continued to reside until 1870. In that year he came to Buchanan county and purchased a tract of land in Homer township, which he improved. As the years passed and his financial resources increased, owing to his untiring industry and capable management, he augmented his holdings by additional purchase until at the time of his death he owned more than eight hundred acres of rich and productive land. He passed away on the 12th of May, 1906, at the end of thirty-six years' residence in this county, and the community mourned the loss of one of its most prosperous agriculturists and highly esteemed citizens.

On the 4th of March, 1864, Mr. Grover was united in marriage to Miss Olive E. Buell, a daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Bouck) Buell, both of whom were natives of Canada. The father, a farmer by occupation, took up his abode in Jackson county, Iowa, in 1862, but at the end of two years returned to his native country, where he passed away in 1879. His wife was called to her final rest in the year 1889. To Mr. and Mrs. Grover were born eleven children, as follows : Harvey Y., who is a resident of Rowley, Iowa ; Agetta, who died in December, 1869 ; William A., who follows farming in Homer township ; Nellie, who gave her hand in marriage to Stewart Sloans, an agriculturist of Cono township ; Byron E., a resident of West Branch, Iowa; Guy I., who is engaged in farming in Homer township ; John A., living at Rowley, Iowa ; Ethel, who is the wife of W. H. Junkins, of Hartland, Minnesota ; Mary, the wife of Edgar Crane, who follows farming in Homer township ; Laura, who is the wife of Harvey Sprague, an agriculturist of Hazleton township ; and Mabel, who passed away on the 1st of February, 1892. Leora B. Grover, daughter of Harvey Y. Grover, and a little maiden of seven years, has been in the home of Mrs. Olive E. Grover since babyhood. John A. Grover, who lives with his widowed mother in Rowley, has operated the home farm since his father's demise and is widely recognized as an enterprising and successful agriculturist of the community.

In his political views, Mr. Grover was a stanch Republican, and for one term ably served as county supervisor of Buchanan county, while for a number of years he also acted as a trustee. He was a valued member of Francis Post of the Grand Army of the Republic at Walker, and also a worthy exemplar of the Masonic fraternity, while his religious faith was that of the Methodist church. His life record is an example of what may be attained when industry and energy lead the way, and the high esteem and confidence that was conceded him on every hand was but justly bestowed upon him.


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