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John McKinney Foster (1839-1909)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 2/22/2025 at 21:13:50

From Jewell Record October 21, 1909 (page 1)

Pioneer Passes Away.

At two-thirty o'clock Monday afternoon, October 18, J. M. Foster, Sr. a pioneer resident of this vicinity, quietly passed away at his home in Jewell. For four years past he has been in very poor health and during the last three years has been able to leave his bed but very infrequently. Mr. Foster died at the advanced age of nearly seventy-nine years, leaving his wife, a daughter and six sons, and a brother and sister, besides countless friends, to mourn his loss. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at one-thirty o'clock from the Christian church, conducted by Rev. Keople, of St. Anthony, Iowa, Mr. Foster's former pastor at the M. P. church in Jewell several years ago. Interment was made in Evergreen cemetery.

Of the children from out of town, B. H. Foster of St. Paul, George and wife of Winterset, W. H. Foster of St. Paul, and Charley Foster and wife, of Winterset, are here for the funeral services. Two grandsons, Melvin and Ross Foster, and their families, of Fort Dodge, are here from out of town to attend the last services.

J. M. Foster was one of the pioneers of the vicinity, having located here in 1863, fully twenty years before the town of Jewell was established and when the present site of Jewell was but rough prairie. Countless friends and neighbors join the Record in extending sympathy to the bereaved family in their loss.


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