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Orvie Stenerson (1891-1899)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 1/31/2025 at 15:23:32

From Jewell Record September 15, 1899 (page 1)

A Fatal Accident.

One of the saddest accidents in the history of this community occurred at the home of O. J. Larson Saturday, Sept. 9th at about 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon.

Little Orvie Stenerson, who lives with his grandfather near the home of Mr. Larson, left home a short time after breakfast to have a play with his friend of about the same age, Mr. Larson's little boy. It seems that they selected a room up stairs at the home of Mr. Larson in which to have their customary romp and as it happed a loaded target rifle was standing in a corner of the room, which naturally attracted their eye and no doubt they began to play with the gun and accidentally discharged it, the ball taking effect in the head of little Orvie about three inches above and one inch back of the left ear, lodging in the forepart of the head between the eyes. Dr. Lewis was at once sent for but arrived too late as death ensued in less than an hours time.

Little Orvie has made his home with his grandparents since the death of his mother, which occurred when he was but 14 months old, and was cared for and loved by them as one of their own children, and his tragic death proves a serious blow to the old folks and other members of the family. Especially is his death a great shock to the father, O. J. Steverson, who doubly cherished the boy as he was all that he has left of a once happy home, but God in his infinite wisdom has chosen to take him away and all that human words or deeds can do now will avail nothing. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved ones, and it is to be hoped that what now seems and unbearable sorrow will end in a blessing to them.

Owing to such a sudden death the provisions of the law were carried out, the coroner notified and a formal inquest held.

The funeral took place Wednesday, Rev. Eastvold conducting the service. The remains were followed to Evergreen cemetery by a large concourse of relatives and friends and there tenderly laid to rest.

A Card of Thanks

In order that we may reach one and all we take this method to express our heartfelt thanks to the many sympathizing friends and neighbors who have shown so many acts of kindness and rendered assistance during these days of overwhelming sorrow. And especially do we thank Orvie's schoolmates and teacher, Miss Grantham, for their last respects to little Orvie. May God bless you all.


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