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Detmer-Klaver Wedding


Posted By: Raven Thomas (email)
Date: 2/22/2012 at 22:41:07

Wedding Solemnized Aug 30 [1933], Is Being Announced Today. (Paper date Thursday, Sept. 14, 1933)

The Detmer-Klaver wedding, which was solemnized at 1 o'clock the afternoon of Aug. 30 at the Little Brown church at Nashua, is being announced today. This announcement comes as a pleasant surprise to the many friends of the couple in Hamilton county, especially in the Blairsburg and Kamrar communities.

Rev. Kent Officiates.
The bride, Miss Velma Detner, is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Detmer, of Blairsburg, and the bridegroom, Mr. Fred Klaver, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Klaver, of Kamrar.

The bridegroom's father is supervisor from the third district of the county.

Rev. William Kent, pastor of the Little Brown church, officiated, using the single ring service.

To Live at Blairsburg.
They young couple have spent their entire lives in the Blairsburg and Kamrar communities. The bride attended the Blairsburg school and was graduated with the class of 1932. Since then she has been employed as operator by the Bell Telephone company in their office at Blairsburg. Mr. Klaver is employed as a highway patrolman in Hamilton county.

Mr. and Mrs. Klaver will make their home in Blairsburg, occupying the home to be vacated by E.F. McComb after Oct. 1.

From a scrapbook containing news clippings from the Blairsburg area.


Hamilton Documents maintained by Lynn McCleary.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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