Cole-Lynd Wedding
Posted By: Raven Thomas (email)
Date: 2/21/2012 at 21:11:31
On Wednesday evening, May 4 [1921] at 6 o'clock at the home of Alva S. Lynd, Blairsburg's popular postmaster and editor of the Leader was joined in wedlock to Mrs. Winnifred M. Cole, of Manchester, N.H., in the presence of the immediate families of the bride and groom. The ceremony was read by Adna Moore, pastor of the Congregational church.
The bride was attired in a charming costume of blue silk and carried a beautiful arm bouquet of roses and carnations.
The groom wore a suit of congressional gray, and plighted his faith by placing the wedding ring upon the bride's finger. The room was tastily [sic] decorated with red roses and white carnations.
After the imposing ceremony the company sat down to a sumptuous repast, served by the Misses Odessa Lynd and Ruth Cole.
The bride is a trained nurse of many years experience and lived in her native state of New Hampshire until less than two years ago and has since then been located at Howell, Michigan. Her only child, Miss Ruth Cole will make her home with the family.
The many friends of Mr. Lynd here extend their heartiest congratulations and welcome Mrs. Lynd to a place in their midst, with best wishes for a happy and prosperous future.
From a scrapbook containing news clippings from the Blairsburg area.
Hamilton Documents maintained by Lynn McCleary.
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