Knud Rasmussen Family
Poplar, Iowa

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A gr-gr-granddaughter of Knud Rasmussen (1834-1919) and Kjirsten (Kersten) Rasmussen (1834-1914) of Poplar, Iowa contributed these glass negative photos of the family. The elderly gentleman shown in the first four photos is Knud Rasmussen. Family bios in the 1985 Poplar history book, written by grandsons Alfred and Elmer Christensen, helped the contributor with identification.
According to the 1985 Poplar history (pg. 140-141), Knud was born in Pedersborg, Sjaelland, Denmark on June 27, 1834, where he was a farmer. Knud and Kersten's children were Lars, Valdemar, Hans, Sophie and Mary/Marie (Mrs. Peder Christensen). Lars emigrated to the U.S. in 1883, and about 1890 returned to Denmark to bring his parents and younger siblings to the U.S. Knud and Kersten's home was one-quarter mile north of Poplar at the base of the hill. Knud farmed and did blacksmithing and repairs. Kersten Rasmussen died April 20, 1914, and Knud died January 16, 1919. Both are buried in Poplar Cemetery.
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Knud Rasmussen standing in front of his small house. A similar photo is found in the 1985 Poplar history book on page 140.

Knud Rasmussen standing with his cow in front of his house. Grandson Alfred O. Christensen, mentions the small house and cow in his autobiography in the 1985 Poplar history (page 33).

Knud Rasmussen hand plowing.

Knud Rasmussen standing with 2 small children in front of his house. This photo is also found in the 1985 Poplar history book on page 140 with the following identification: "Grandpa Knud Rasmussen with Eva and Leonard Christensen."

The contributor speculates that since Kersten died in 1914, before Alfred and Myrtle were born, perhaps Alfred and Myrtle were photographed with their grandmother Kersten's photo as a momento. However, she does not have definitive identification.

The contributor speculates that these four girls may be Florence, Mabel, and Eva with an older cousin or friend.

Based on photos in the 1985 Poplar history book, the building in the background of this photo is the Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church of Poplar. According to the history book, Rose and Lily Johnson, along with the pastor, started a Sunday School and were among those serving as teachers. During the summer a six-week Dane School was held, where students learned hymns and verses in Danish. The contributor does not have any definitive identification, but presumably some of Knud and Kersten's grandchildren are among the children pictured. Per the 1985 history book, "The only material part that remains [of the church] is the cement slab and step into the church."

Martinus Christensen, Sr. standing outside the window of the large home he grew up in at Poplar. Martinus was the first-born son of Peter (Jens) and Marie (Rasmussen) Christensen. Marie's full name (prior to marriage) was Karolina Cecelia Amanda Marie Rasmussen, but her gravestone in Kimballton is inscribed "Mary" Christensen. Surviving children born to Peter (Jens) and Marie (Rasmussen) Christensen were: 1) Martinus (1895-1977); 2) Elmer (1902-1973); 3) Florence (1904-1968); 4) Mabel (1906-??); 5) Eva (1908-??); 6) Leonard (1911-??); 7) Alfred (1915-??); 8) Myrtle (1918-??). A full view of the Christensen home is found on page 205 of the 1985 Poplar history book.
NOTE: The 1985 Poplar history book includes family biographies for Knud & Kersten Rasmussen (pg. 141-142), Valdemar Rasmussen (pg. 142), Alfred O. Christensen (pg. 33), Elmer Christensen (pg. 42), and Martinus Christensen (pg. 45-46). The 1985 Poplar History, Index to Family Biograhies has procedures for requesting a lookup.
Contributed by Jean Green, September, 2020.