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Audubon County


History > 1887 Audubon


Floral Divider Bar
ALTHOUGH the settlement of Audubon county is faithfully recorded in the foregoing sketch as in 1857, her development may be none less truthfully dated from the advent of the railroad, in 1879, concurrent with which came thousands of home seekers, from among whom there settled a vast majority of the toilers who compose her happy and cultured populace of today. Upon the pleasant prairies they have reared homes of comfort and luxury, surrounded by herds that graze in fertile valleys, and such general improvements and conveniences to labor as never before blessed man's efforts in so short a period. Here, where but eight years ago the prairies brought forth but the wild crops sowed by the benign hand of nature, they now blossom with the rich and bounteous cereals and fruits of cultivation. Religious and educational advantages are offered freely, and are equal to those of any county in this grand state of unsurpassed general intelligence.

Evan Davis, Golden Eagle Clothing House, Audubon, Iowa pg. 9 Eden of the West


The great state of Iowa, standing among the first in the list of states, has unsurpassed natural advantages and resources that only require development to make her equal to the best. With all her acquirements, which have rightly won for her the title of the Peerless State, she stands even today upon the threshhold of her greatest prosperity. For years her fertile soil has returned unfailing crops of cereals and fruits, while her manufacturing interests have continued to prosper and increase. Temporarily the tide of interest has directed further west and south, but while those states have suffered from those drawbacks which have discouraged settlers, Iowa has been making the record that will attract the attention of the ever moving tide of humanity, and secure the era of prosperity prophesied.

Audubon county, in the list of one hundred counties in the state, in her natural resources, the fertility of the soil and general possibilities, stands higher even than the


A. F. Armostrong's Block, Citizens Bank, Audubon, Iowa pg. 10 Eden of the West


position secured by her alphabetical order. Year after year it has produced bountiful crops, so that when other counties of the state have suffered from drouth or other causes, they have always found relief in the abundance with which Audubon county has been blessed. The soil holds moisture to a remarkable degree and even in the dryest seasons the crops attain a mammoth growth. Fruit and ornamental trees have a wonderful adaptation to the climate and are easily cultivated so that in many parts of the county the improvement in that direction is far advanced. There are few counties in this peerless state that can extend the inducements to settlers that Audubon county offers. With all her improvements, with all the educational and religious advantages, in convenient location to Iowa's metropolis, there are yet lands to be secured at bargains that cannot fail to be sufficient inducement to secure a large addition to our best population

Charles Stuart & Son's Elevator, Audubon, Iowa pg. 10 Eden of the West


This brief general sketch will suffice, we trust, to convince the reader that it is well worth the time we request him to devote to the perusal of following paragraphs, which consider the special features and advantages, its religious, educational and social conditions. In the


limited space allotted, we can but touch upon the subjects under the several headings, and will endeavor to give in succinct form accurate and authentic information.

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Transcribed February, 2025 by Cheryl Siebrass from History of Audubon and Audubon County, Iowa, The Eden of the West., 1887, pp. 9-11.

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