the climate, as it effects the health of the people. There is a happy medium in all things, and in the instance of climate that medium may be safely estimated as altogether the most salubrious and beneficial. In the list of states in our Union, Iowa stands fourth in the table showing mortality in proportion to population. If it were possible to ascertain the standing of Audubon county among the counties of the state in this relation, the showing would be highly complimentary, at the least equal to the best. Being located upon the verge of the Missouri Slope, it is exempt from the malaria breeding fogs and mists of the lower tracts and is forever blessed with a pure, clear atmosphere, invigorating and strengthening at all seasons of the years.
People who have come here from eastern Iowa and other states have readily recognized this feature, and many, with hearts overflowing with gratitude, have acknowledged its beneficence. The mean temperature of Iowa is 45 to 50 degrees, being about the same as Colorado. The altitude of this county is such that the temperature is very little effected by what may be termed local influences, so that it is quite uniform, and altogether salubrious. It is not excelled by any country in the world, and in inviting home seekers to share the material prosperity guaranteed by never failing, abundant and rich products, we can also assure the choicest of heaven's blessings--good health. Colorado and California possess splendid resorts for luxury and elegance, but neither can offer such inducements to those who from choice or necessity combine business with pleasure as western Iowa, where the atmosphere is clear and pure and where honest endeavor finds sure and rich reward.
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Transcribed February, 2025 by Cheryl Siebrass from History of Audubon and Audubon County, Iowa, The Eden of the West., 1887, pp. 11.