IAGenWeb Project

Audubon County

Iowa State Gazetteer.
and Business Directory
Volume XVI

R. L. Polk & Co.


Floral Divider Bar



AUDUBON. Population, 1,928. The county seat of Audubon county is a station on the C., R. I. & P. and the C. & N. W. Rys, (depots 1/2 mile apart), 17 1/2 miles s. of Manning, 27 n. of Atlantic, 86 n. e. of Council Bluffs, and 108 w. of Des Moines. This is the trade center of a rich agricultural district, and has Catholic, Christian, Danish Lutheran, Evangelical, Methodist and Presbyterian churches, good schools, electric light plant, water works, fire department, an opera house, 2 banks and 2 weekly newspapers, the Advocate and Republican. Telephone connection. Exp., Am. and U. S. Tel., W. U. Harper W. Wilson, postmaster.

Albertsen, Hans, grocer.
Arlington Hotel, L B Colwell propr.
Audubon Advocate (weekly), R C Spencer & Co, publishers.
Audubon Canning Co, R J Loveland mngr.
Audubon Commercial Assn, Arthur Farquhar pres, Frank McFadden sec.
Audubon County Telephone Co, L E Simpson mngr.
Audubon Electric Light Co, E J Freeman propr.
Audubon Hardware Co (James Lang, John Kerwin, C L Christensen).
Audubon Music Co (J J Ruhs, J W Landrum).
Audubon Oil Co (Jacob Hansen, Jens P Peterson). Audubon Produce Co, Frank Hudspeth mangr.
Audubon Republican (weekly), H J Hoogenakker publr.
Audubon Water Works (municipal), B L Darnell supt.
Bagley Charles, lawyer.
Baker Isaac P, well borer.
Baker J H, general store.
Beason Albert E, garage.
Best J R, tailor.
Bilharz E & Son (Emil and Edward F), general store.
Booton Hotel, C D Booton propr.
Boyer, James C, general store.
Brady George, feed barn.
Brooks Albert L, physician.
Brown C F, broom mnfr.
Buck H H, livery.
Buthwig Fred A, clothing.
Carper R N, auctioneer.
Central Iowa Poultry & Egg Co, C H Wilde mngr.
Childs Rathford F, physician.
Christensen Andrew J, feed barn.
City Steam Laundry, C H Stocking propr.
Columbian Library, Lynn Chandler librarian.
Colwell Louis B, propr. Arlington Hotel.
Coon & McFadden (Oliver P Coon, Frank H McFadden), clothing.
Cosson George, (Cosson & Ross), Attorney General for the State of Iowa..
Cosson & Ross (George Cosson, Joesph H Ross), lawyers.
Cowles Wm H, jeweler.
Creese Wm, county sheriff.
Culver & Co (Anson S Culver, Jacob Kuhn), flour mill.
Currier Adam, harness.
Deen David M, marble works.
Dennis Charles, carpenter.
Dennis John S, ice.
Dennis John S jr, restaurant.
Donaldson John K, dentist.
Downey Nicholas, grocer.
Drake Ambrose F, insurance.
Eddy Thomas B, carpenter.
Elliott Wm C, lawyer.
Farmers Home The, Mrs A Jorgenson propr.
Farmers' State Bank (capital $50,000), E Bilharz pres, H M Bilharz cashr.
Farquhar Arthur, insurance.
Finch & Graham (Edward L Finch, John A Graham), real estate and insurance.
First National Bank (capital $75,000), E S Van Gorder pres, Frank S Watts cashr.
Foley M T, horse dealer.
Frazier Joseph F, dry goods.
Frazier J Frank, photographer.
Frick E & Co (Edward and Dalsy Frick), drugs.
Fulton John M H, physician.
Gem Theatre, Paul Hoover propr.
Graham James M, lawyer.
Green Bay Lumber Co, Frank H Adams, mngr.
Green Wm R, lawyer.
Griffith J E, drugs.
Griggs John M, lawyer.
Hansen H C & Co (H C Hansen, Fred Vermilyea), dry goods.
Harmon Arthur, coroner and furniture.
Harper Christopher C, photographer.
Henricksen, Christian, general store.
Hermansen & Stone (Jens Hermansen, Samuel Stone), planing mill.
Hoogenakker H J, publr The Audubon Republican.
Hoover Carl, propr The Gem Theatre.
Hoover George W, furn and undertaking.
Jennings Jenny, news dealer.
Jensen Jens K, paints.
Jensen & Weaver (Bertel Jensen, George W Weaver), clothing.
Johnson Charles, grain.
Johnson J S, jeweler.
Johnson L C, drayage.
[End page 192]

Johnson & Buck (Frank A Johnson, George H Buck), farm implts.
Jorgerson Mrs A, propr The Farmers' Home.
Kellog George E, Real Estate Broker, Rio Grande Valley Lans in Texas My Specialty, Fire Insurance.
Klein Lawrence E, milliner.
Kopp & Lane (Alice Kopp, Edith Lane), notions.
Kraft Gus A, meats.
Lane O Luke, live stock.
Lange James & Co, hardware.
Larsen Martin, harness.
Law James, automobiles.
Long C E, agt C & N W Ry and Am Exp.
McCord John F, meats.
McDonald Rev --- (Catholic).
McGuire Mary, dressmaker.
McIntosh Rev --- (Presbyterian).
McLeran Charles S, dentist.
Maharg J H, live stock.
Mantz H J, county attorney.
Mantz & White (H J Mantz, Charles S White), lawyers.
Mathias & Hansen (Albert A Mathias, Nels Hansen), shoes.
Miller Rev (Presbyterian).
NASH JOHN A (Nash & Phelps), Abstrater [sic Abstracter] and Lawyer. (See adv.)
NASH & PHELPS (John A Nash, Louis D Phelps), Abstracts of Title (Members Abstracters' Association of Iowa), Lawyers, Loans and Collections. See adv.
Nicholson Frank O, live stock.
Northup Bros. (Wm M, George and Harry), grain.
Oelke Co. (George and Bodie Oelke), hardware.
Olsen Christian, general store.
Park Hotel, R J Gilchrist, propr.
Peterson Hotel, L O Peterson propr.
PHELPS LOUIS D (Nash & Phelps), Abstracter and Lawyer. (See adv.)
Preston George W, grocer.
Rasmussen George, veterinary surgeon.
Rasmussen & Jensen (P A Rasmussen, Bertel Jensen), shoes.
?Reinemund John jr, hardware.
Rice Frank M, livery.
Roberts Alexander H, drugs.
Roberts Wm, drayage.
Rosenbladt Fritz, physician.
Ruhs Jacob J, hardware.
Simpson L E, mngr Audubon County Telephone Co.
Smith Fred W & Co, drugs.
Smith W W, agt C, R I & P Ry and U S Exp.
Smith & Hilgerson (Albert A Smith, Frank G Hilgerson), plumbing.
Soar David E, harness.
Sorenson, Nels, feed barn.
Spencer R C & Co (Robert C Spencer, Simeon C Curtis), publrs Audubon Advocate.
Stocking Charles H, propr City Steam Laundry.
Swezey Thomas H, livery.
Taggart Eugene N, real estate.
Tramp & Tramp, brick mnfrs.
Trumain James H, propr The Park Hotel.
U.S. Express Co, W W Smith agent.
Ward & Weighton (John Ward, John Weighton), bridge contractors.
Weighton John, lumber.
Wilde Charles H, feed.
Wilson Harper W, Postmaster.
Wilson & Freeman (W G Wilson, Flora B Freeman), general store.
Wood Carrie E, dentist.

From Pages 192-193]


BRAYTON. Population, 137. An incorporated town on the Nishnabotna river, and on the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Exira township, Audubon county, 14 miles s. of Audubon, the judicial seat. Has a Baptist church and a bank. Exp., U. S. Tel., W U. George A Arnold, postmaster.

ARNOLD GEORGE A, Postmaster.
Bank of Brayton, Charles Van Gorder pres, L F Miller cashr.
Beer Wm, general store.
Beer D B, hotel.
Brayton Lumber Co.
Jensen J F, general store.
Koob Wm R, physician.
Larson Nis & Son, meats.
Miller R & Co, drugs.
Nelson Hardware Co.
Rasmussen Bros Cement Block & Tile Factory.
Rothschilds Grain Co.
Thompson Wm, r r, exp and tel agent.

[from Page 228]


EXIRA. Population, 787. An incorporated town on the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Exira township, Audubon county, 10 miles s. of Audubon, the judicial seat, and 80 w. of Des Moines. Has Catholic, Christian, Congregational, Lutheran and Methodist churches, 2 banks and a weekly newspaper, the Audubon County Journal. Ships grain, dairy products and live stock. Tel., W. U. Exp., U. S. Frank Kreamer, postmaster.

Alamito Sanitary Pasteuring Station, M L Noel, operator.
Alsup John W, harness.
Andrews Albert, insurance.
AUDUBON COUNTY JOURNAL, W. J. Lancelot Editor, Ed. W H Lancelot, Publr.
Audubon County Telephone Co, L E Simpson mngr.
[End page 571]

Audubon Township Creamery, L P Nelson, mngr.
Chase George, house mover.
Chase Joseph, house mover.
Christensen Peter M, jeweler.
Coe Jack, garage.
Cotton Edward D, general store.
Cotton Fred H, general store.
Davenport Elevator Co, Herman Barnholt mngr.
Dimick John M, live stock.
Dodge Cappie, poultry.
Exchange Bank (capital $25,000), Charles Van Gorder pres, Edwin Delahoyde cashier.
Exira Auto & Machine Works, P K Jensen mngr.
Exira Cornet Band, Charles Milliman ldr.
Exira Drug Co (Inc), E D Powell pres, Axtell Borjerson, sec.
Exira Creamery Co, Chris C Nelson mngr.
Exira Livery, Frank Tompkins mngr.
First National Bank (capital $35,000), Samuel Madsen pres, Oscar Hunt vice-pres, A W Harvey cashier.
Fowler Mrs W H, carpet weaver.
Fullerton Lumber Co, H P Hansen mngr.
Gearhart Joseph R, mason.
Green Bay Lumber Co, E E Clure mngr.
Hansen Carl V, blacksmith.
Hansen Hans P, automobiles and garage.
Hansen Nels, druggist.
Harvey A Wyman, cashier First National Bank and Insurance.
Heath Frank, dray.
Hensley Thiel & Simick [sic Dimick] (John I Hensley, Matthew Thiel, John M Dimick), live stock.
HUNT CHARLES O, Billiard and Pool Parlors.
Jacobsen Robert A, physician.
Jansen Oluf, general store.
Jansen Christian C, hog breeder.
Jensen P K, machine shop.
Jones Roy, auctioneer.
Koomes Bros (Charles and Wm), farm implts.
Kreamer Frank, postmaster.
Kroeger Henry, meats.
Lair James P, notary and justice.
LANCELOT W H, Publr Audubon County Journal.
LANCELOT W J, Editor Audubon County Journal.
Leffingwell George, mason.
Lohner J B, real estate.
McNeely & Cochran (Henry W McNeely, Vernon G Cochran), restaurant.
Milliman Charles, carpenter.
Milliman George, drayman.
Nancarrow Richard G, r r, tel and exp agt.
Nelsen John, hardware, furn and undertaking.
Newlon John C, physician.
Oldaker Leroy J, dentist.
Park Hotel The, Mrs L M Wright propr.
Patty Bros (Wm and Charles), well borers.
Patty Theodore, insurance.
Persing K M, coal.
Peterman John W, violin mnfr.
Petersen H P, general store.
Philipsen Juhl, coal and feed.
Rasmussen Anthony M, lawyer.
RENDLEMAN BROTHERS (John H and J B), Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.
Rendleman James M, physician.
RENDLEMAN JOHN H (Rendleman Bros), Real Estate and Mayor.
Rethmier Albert E, general store.
Riley John, physician.
Rothschild E, McCausland Co, Herman Barnholdt mngr.
Simpson L E (Audubon), mngr Audubon Telephone Co.
Varney W E, hardware and furniture.
Voss E B, contractor.
West Hamlin Creamery, Fred Gerluff mngr.
Wilson Eugene C, carpenter.
Workman D, shoes.
Wright Mrs L M, propr The Park Hotel.

[from Pages 571-572]


FISCUS. A discontinued postoffice in Douglas township, Audubon county, 9 miles w. of Audubon, the judicial seat, banking and shipping point, whence mail is supplied by rural delivery.

Bladt F, General Store.

[from Page 582]


GRAY. Population 148. An incorporated town on the Nishnabotna river and the C. & N. W. Ry., in Lincoln township, Audubon county, 10 miles n. w. of Audubon, the judicial seat and 96 from Des Moines. Has Methodist Episcopal and United Brethren churches and a bank. Tel. W. U. Exp. Am. E E Andas, postmaster.

American Express Co, T J Spilker agt.
Andas E E, postmaster.
Beers L A, physician.
C & N W Ry, T J Spilker agent.
Comer & Ross, live stock.
Coppersmith, George, general store.
Farmers' Savings Bank, (cap $10,000), L Grotelbuschen pres, E C Rice cashr.
Forsbech & Groteluschen, live stock.
Green Bay Lumber Co.
Greenwalt, Groteluschen & Co., hdw.
Markley John, carpenter.
Rogers E, restaurant.
Rogers F J, veterinary surgeon.
Shingledecker & Co, general store.
Spilker T J, r r, exp and tel agt.
Swart B A & Co, restaurant.
Western Union Tel Co.

[from Page 695]


HAMLIN. Population 80. In Hamlin township, Audubon county, on the C. R. I. & P. Ry., 4 miles from Audubon, the judicial seat and banking point. Exp., U. S. R. H. Garnett, postmaster.

Blue Grass Separator Creamery Co.
Brayton Cement & Stone Works, cement blocks and brick.
Elk Horn Lumber Co.
GARNETT R H, Postmaster.
Haahr Mrs. Marie, boarding.
Hauge A H, r r, exp and tel agt.
Johnson Hans J & Co, general store.
Lauritsen Otto, grain buyer.
Mortensen Nels jr, hardware and agrl implts.
Nelson Hilmar, harnessmkr.
Nelson Peter, live stock and coal.
Riesgard Peter, general store.

[from Page 638]


KIMBALLTON. Population 271. On the A. N. & S. Ry., in Sharon township, Audubon county, 13 miles s. w. of Audubon, the seat of justice Has a Danish Evangelical Lutheran church and 2 banks. Exp., U.S. K. J. Peterson, postmaster.

Ahrenkilde Bros, livery and feed barn.
Bennedsen Nels, mason and plasterer.
Commercial Hotel.
Crystal Springs Tile & Brick Works.
Danish Separator Creamery Co.
[End page 704]

Esbeck M N, garage.
Faaborg & Terkelsen, genl store.
Green Bay Lumber Co.
Gregorsen's W Drug Co.
Jensen C O, live stock.
Hansen Christian, painter.
Hansen Hans P, carpenter.
Hartel O, restaurant.
Kimballton Band, R T Larsen ldr.
Kimballton Danish Savings Bank (cap $20,000), S C Petersen pres. Peter Lykke cashier.
Kimballton Hardware & Implement Co.
Kimballton Lumber Co.
Kimballton Orchestra, H C Madsen ldr.
Kimballton Water Works.
Kirk Hotel.
Landmands National Bank (Capital $25,000), Hans Madsen pres, Alma Madsen cashier.
Larsen & Jorgensen, general store.
Larsen & Nelsen, hardware and agrl implts.
Lykke Sigurd, meats.
Madsen & Sorensen, jeweler.
Moller P A, harness.
Muller & Peterson, grocers.
Nelson & Nelson, pumps and windmills.
Nielsen & Anderson, furniture.
Peter James, physician.
PETERSEN K J, Real Estate and Postmaster.
Rasmussen C, tinner.
Rosenkilde P, tailor.
Sorensen Soren, insurance.
U. S. Express Co.
Winther A, live stock.

[from Pages 704-705]


LARLAND. A discontinued postoffice in Audubon county, 9 miles e. of Audubon, the judicial seat, banking and shipping point, whence mail is supplied by rural delivery.

[from Page 720]


POPLAR. In Sharon township, Audubon county, 10 miles s. w. of Audubon, the judicial seat, and 5 from Kimballton, the nearest banking and shipping point. Has rural delivery from Audubon.

[from Page 914]


ROSS. Population 100. On Blue Grass creek and on the C. & N. W. Ry., in Leroy township, Audubon county, 4 1/2 miles n. of Audubon, the county seat and nearest banking point. Has Evangelical and Methodist Episcopal churches. Exp., Am. Tel., W. U. John J. Quinby, postmaster.

Ehlert M F, general store.
Leake W S, grain and coal.
Nakeyes John, agrl implts.
Olsen N, live stock dealer.
QUINBY J J, Grocer and Postmaster.
Rutherford & Seivers, coal.
Sherman I, railroad, exp and tel agt.
Trans-Mississippi Grain Co.
Weighton John, lumber.
[from Page 942]


VIOLA CENTER. A discontinued post office in Audubon county, 12 miles n. e. of Audubon, the county seat. Has rural delivery from Ross.

[from Page 1086]


Index to Advertisements.
A List of Prominent and Successful Men of Iowa.

15Nash & Phelps192
21Audubon County Journal2084


from pg. 78-79

AudubonAudubonOtto WitthauerL. A. McGinnisHoward E. KittellL. C. ChristofersenW. M. CreesElla M. Stearns H. J. Mantz

Chairmen of Boards of County Supervisors.

from pg. 82

AudubonS. McGaffinExira


from pg. 105


Audubon (ch).

ch = county seat


from pg. 85-94

AudubonFarmers' State BankH. M. Bilharz50,000
AudubonFirst National BankF. S. Watts75,000
BraytonBank of BraytonL. F. Miller 
ExiraExchange BankEdwin Delahoyde25,000
ExiraFirst National BankA. W. Harvey35,000
GrayFarmers' Savings BankE. C. Rice10,000
KimballtonKimballton Danish Sav. BankPeter Lykke20,000
KimballtonLandmands National BankA. Madsen25,000

Transcribed and contributed by Cheryl Siebrass, February, 2024 from Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1912-1913 Volume XVI, Des Moines: R. L. Polk & Co., 1912. Original images may be viewed offsite at: Babel.Hathitrust.org