Editor & wife,
20th, 1879
Next Thursday, New Year's day, will be the 20th
anniversary of the wedding of the editor of the Review
and his better half. We have hired a room down town in
which to store the surplus china ware! ~Postville
Review, December 27, 1879 |
Mr. and Mrs. Row,
25th, 1880
By some means it became known on Friday of last week to a
few of the energetic lady workers of Postville that last
Saturday was the 25th anniversary of the marriage of
county Superintendant ROW and lady. They at once decided
not to let the occasion pass without some recognition of
the high esteem in which these worth people are held by
the citizens of Postville with whom they have resided and
diligently labored for the past three years. Accordingly
they canvassed the town quietly (for it was to be a
surprise) and appointed the place of meeting at the
Congregational Church at 7:30 on Saturday evening. In the
mean time a few fitting presents, as tokens of esteem,
had been ordered on Friday from Cedar Rapids, and on
account of a wreck on the railroad the Saturday train had
been delayed from 1 to 10 o'clock, P.M. This was a
serious and grievous break in the arrangement and was the
only unpleasant thing connected with the affair, as it
prolonged the exercises beyond a reasonable limit. By 8
o'clock the church was well filled with the "beauty
and the chivalry" of Postville, and a committee
consisting of Mrs. PRATT and Mrs. Hall ROBERTS was
dispatched to bring in the chief characters who strange
to say were in blissful ignorance of the impending doom!
The committee informed Mr. and Mrs. ROW that a sociable
was in progress at the church and that a few of their
particular friends desired their attendance. The Prof.
was up to his eyes in "examination" papers, and
was on the point of refusing, but his gallantry forbade
and he and Mrs. ROW and the children accompanied the
ladies to the church. Even then and for some time
afterwards they had no idea of the nature of the
gathering. In due time a collation was served and toasts
were in order, which were called out and responded to as
follows: "Our wives and sweethearts, God bless them.
[remainder of toast is too faint to read] Mr. ROW
responded [illegible] and appropriate remarks, cordially
thanking the people for their generosity and more than
all for the friendship and regard that prompted this
public expression of approval of their labors here, and
assured them that during their further stay in our midst
they would continue to be actuated by the same motives.
Thus ended another of those social events for which
Postville is becoming famous. The participants will long
remember it with pleasing reflections. ~Postville
Review, April 10, 1880 |
Mr. and Mrs. John
H. Wilson, 15th, 1880
ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. Clipped from the Dubuque
Herald: The crystal wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John H.
WILSON was celebrated at their home in Postville last
Thursday and was a grand affair and participated in by 80
persons. [a lengthly description of the party followed]
~Postville Review May 15, 1880 |
Mr. and Mrs. H.O.
Dayton, 15th, 1881
The fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. H.O.
DAYTON, last Saturday is said to have been the grandest
affair of the kind ever held in this county.
~Postville Review, September 3, 1881 |
Mr. and Mrs. J.E.
Bollman, 20th, 1883
The 19th inst. being the 20th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
J.E. BOLLMAN's wedding day, about 40 relative and friends
gathered at their residence, near Frankville, to help
them celebrate the event. ~Postville Review,
December 1, 1883 |
Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Row, 50th, 1885
Last Monday was the 50th anniversary of the marriage of
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ROW of Postville. Their old neighbors
and friends on Henderson prairie got up a surprise party
and came in force and took them by storm. ~Postville
Review June 20, 1885 |
Mr. and Mrs. John
L. Jemison, 5th, 1886
One of those occasions that are far to infrequent in this
selfish world of ours, was the "wooden wedding"
down at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John L. JEMISON, last
Saturday evening. A goodly number from town met a large
company of the more immediate neighbors of the bride and
groom of five years standing, and whiled away the evening
hours in social converse. Nothing happened to mar the
pleasure of the evening, except that Will WARNER was
disposed to be a little noisy. [extracted from a lengthly
article] ~Postville Review, November 6, 1886 -
contributed by S. Ferrall |
Mr. and Mrs. J.H.
Sanders, 40th, 1888
Last night was the 40th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J.H.
SANDERS' marriage. We hope their golden wedding will find
them enjoying the same degree of health and happiness as
now. ~Postville Review, April 14, 1888 |
Mr. and Mrs. B.W.
Rathbun, 20th, 1888
Thanks to the many friends who surprised us on the
evening of Nov. 10th, the 20th anniversary of our
marriage. Mr. and Mrs. B.W. RATHBUN ~Postville Review
November 24, 1888 |
Mr. and Mrs. John
Abel, 50th, 1889
Mr. and Mrs. John ABEL have had their golden wedding
anniversary. ~Postville Review, October
12, 1889 |
Mr. and Mrs. Warren
A. Owen, 25th, 1890
SILVER WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. OWEN of Franklin
twp. celebrated last night, Oct 1st, the 25th anniversary
of their wedded life. They were married in Wisconsin and
came to Iowa 11 years ago where they have since resided.
All the children, eight in number, were present except
Miss Emma, who is teaching in Dakota ~Postville Review,
October 4, 1890 |
Mr. and Mrs. David
W. Douglass, 25th, 1892 January
11,1867-January 11, 1892

Twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of D.W.
Douglass and Adeline C. Ewing, Monday January 11, 1892.
Yourself and family are cordially invited to be present
and participate in the festivities at our residence 1 1/2
miles south of Waukon. ~Original invitation -
contributed by Russell Topel
Dr. and Mrs.
Becker, 5th, 1893
Dr. and Mrs. BECKER gave a tea party in honor of their
fifth marriage anniversary, on Thursday evening, which
was largely attended and a splendid time is reported.
~Postville Review, January 28, 1893 |
Mr. and Mrs. W.G.
Parker, 50th, 1898
After Fifty Years. On New Year's evening a happy family
gathering was at the home of James Parker, the occasion
being a celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the
marriage of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Parker. Owing to the
limited accommodations, but few invitations were extended
to persons outside the immediate family. At the hour
appointed, the venerable couple once more joined hands
and repeated the pledge which made them one half a
century ago. This time they were surrounded by children
and grandchildren of their own who heartily assented to
Pastor Barton's invocation that the rich blessings of
heaven might rest on these who had traveled together so
long. After the ceremony, in which Florence and Minnie
(grandchildren) Parker were bridesmaids, a collation was
spread and this disposed of, the balance of the evening
was spent in genuine family reunion style, songs,
recitations and conversation well mixed with
recollections of interesting events in the days when the
bride and groom were young. Several tokens of loving
remembrance were left with Mr. and M. Parker as reminders
that they have entered on the "golden age." May
they live yet many years and be a blessing to each other
and the community in which they have made their home so
long. ~ Postville Graphic, January 6, 1898, P 3
- transcribed by LA |
Mr. and Mrs. John
Crosby, 5th, 1898
The party at John Crosby's happened on the event of his
5th marriage anniversary and the company left a very fine
rocking chair as appropriate to the occasion.
~Postville Review, February 25,1898 |
Mr. & Mrs. J.F.
Newell, 50th, 1898
A PIONEER STORY. - Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Newell, of
Waukon, celebrated their golden wedding March 7th. That
date was also Mr. N.s 81st birthday. Mr. Newell
came to Iowa in 1851, and while looking about visited
Frankville, and declined a munificent offer from Frank
Teabout of ten acres of ground if he would locate and
build a blacksmith shop. After looking around a bit he
went back to New York and in 1853 he brought out his
family. Scott Shattuck met him at Dubuque, and persuaded
him to go to Waukon. He did so and that family became the
first family of Allamakee's capital city. The
Standard, from which we glean these incidents, adds
this story of that first pioneer year:
In June 1853, the first District Court was held in
Wawkon." It was necessary to have a
court-house and money was raised and a 10x14 feet log
cabin that stood near Mrs. Coopers residence
southeast of town and owned by a Mr. Pitcher was bought
and moved onto the lot now occupied by Bellows &
Eggleston's tin shop. A small lean-to" was
added for the grand jury room. The night before the
opening of court was dark and rainy; about 12
oclock there was a loud knocking at the door of the
Newell cabin for admittance and shelter, among the party
being Gen. Vandever and Messrs. Burt and Samuels, of
Dubuque, and Saml Murdock and Ruben Noble, of
Garnavillo. They were informed they could come in if they
would on the floor; they had brought with sleep{?} them a
bed tick and going through the rain to a nearby straw
stack filled it with wet straw, took it to the house and
as many as could find straw to lie on did so and enjoyed
the comfort of a shelter in that 16xl8 feet house, which,
beside the Newell family, accommodated eight regular
boarders, seven of whom, including D. W. Adams, and L. T.
Woodcook, slept up stairs. Hersey Pratt having the honor
of being in on the ground floor with the
aforesaid distinguished guests. And yet that pioneer
cabin was never too small nor too full to accommodate
others. ~Decorah Republican Mar. 17, 1898 P 7 C
3 ~contributed by Joy Moore |
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Ferris, 50th, 1902
Oscar and Zilpha Ferris of Waukon passed their
golden wedding day on the 23d ult. Their church (Baptist)
and Masonic friends united in surprising them with a
celebration. In 1865-6 Mr. Ferris operated the Bluffton
mill. ~Decorah Republican Oct. 9, 1902, Page 3 Col 2 -
transcribed by Joy Moore |
Mr. and Mrs. James
Orr, 50th, 1905
On December 31, 1905, Mr. and Mrs. James Orr of this city
will round out fifty years of married life, most of which
has been spent in Post township. The anniversary day
falling on Sunday they have decided to celebrate their
golden wedding on the day previous, Saturday Dec 30th, at
which time all the children and grandchildren will come
together under the old parental roof to make marry. [the
next 2 lines are too dark to read] .. of all their
faculties. All but one of their seven children are
married, and death has never invaded their family
circle. The coming celebration is looked forward to
with no little pleasure and may nothing transpire to mar
the pleasant anticipations of our old and honored
friends. ~Postville Review, December 22, 1905 -
transcribed by S.Ferrall
Mr. and Mrs. James Orr of Postville will celebrate their
golden wedding on Saturday this week. ~Decorah
Republican, Dec. 28, 1905 P3 C2 - transcribed by Joy
Moore |
Mr. and Mrs. Milton
J. Perington, 50th 1906 
As the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and
Mrs. M.J. Perington of Oakland Valley which occurred
Friday February 16, 1906, was not made the occasion of a
gathering of friends, as is frequently done, a mention of
the anniversary in our columns becomes even more
desirable, that the event may not pass unnoticed. Milton
John Perington was born in the state of Ohio on April 7,
1830* and Olive Carolyn Pardee was born in Pennsylvania
on February 16, 1838. They were married at Rossville,
Iowa, on Mrs. Perington's eighteenth birthday, February
16, 1856. The have made Iowa their home permanently since
1871. Six of the nine children born to them still survive
- Mrs. Edwin Sands, Belmond; Mrs. Geo. Stewart, Iowa
Falls; Mrs. S.N. Cleveland, Alden; Mrs. O.C. McClintock,
Rossville; W.W. Perington, Oakland Valley and Mrs.
McMurry, Kerkhoven, Minnesota. There are sixteen
grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Mr. Perington
has an honorable record for service in the Civil war. He
was mustered into service August 13, 1871 as a member of
Company G, 29th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry,
promoted to the post of corporal and mustered out at
Shreveport, La., June 25, 1865. The photographs are
recent. ~The Alden Times, Alden, Iowa, Friday,
February 23, 1906; Notes: Oakland Valley is near Popejoy,
Franklin co. IA; Mr. Perington's obit gives his year of
birth as *1828 rather than 1830
Mr. and Mrs. George
Pixler, 25th, 1909
Mr. and Mrs. George Pixler will celebrate their silver
wedding anniversary on Saturday evening, Jan. 30th at
their home in Grand Meadow township, Clayton county.
~Postville Review, January 22, 1909 |
Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Hirth,
50th, 1910 
Bernard & Caroline Hirth
In order that the day of which the 50th
anniversary of their marriage might seem like the day
they were married in the wilds of Iowa in the early
sixties, Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Hirth raised a tent in the
yard of their home, 5128 Washington avenue south, in
which an old settlers' luncheon was served to nearly 75
guests of the day. Old in age but young in heart and
spirit, the old couple, 72 and 68 years, respectively,
celebrated their golden anniversary with almost as much
joy as on their wedding day, on March 12, 1860, in
Lansing, Ia. They have resided in Minneapolis for 21
Those present at the celebration who are members of the
family were:
Mr. and Mrs.
Bernhard Hirth
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hirth
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hirth
Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Hirth |
Mr. and Mrs. H.B.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dayton Adams
Miss Mary T. Hirth
Miss Clara E. Hirth |
Mis Helen H. Hirth
Mr. Roy E. Hirth
Miss Irene Hirth |
Others who participated in
the observance of the day were:
Mr. and Mrs. George
A. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. P.W. Wirth
Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weiermuller
Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Riser
Mrs. R. Metz
Mrs. F. Lorenz
Mrs. C.A. Donahue
Mrs. R. Mooney
Mrs. S. Anderson
Mrs. George Eckhardt
Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. George Libby
Mr. and Mrs. M.S. Mathews
Mr. and Mrs. J. Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Hartfell
Mr. and Mrs. S.M. Neely |
Mr. and Mrs. J.H.
Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Whitford
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Koehler
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Sandry
Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Savage
Mrs. Fred Schelk
Mrs. R. Sievers
Mrs. A. Wilson
Mrs. F.G. McFarland
Miss Clara Berdel
Miss Clara Sahly
Miss Elsie E. Hartfell
Miss Sadie E. Libby
Miss Carolyn Rankin
Miss Georgia F. Lucas |
Miss T. Echhardt
Miss Edith Schach
Miss Bertha Zehrendt
Miss Caroline Brown
Miss Phyllis Wirth
Miss Gladys Stevers
Miss Lulu B. Clough
Mr. Samuel Sahly
Mr. H.W. Wiecking
Mr. Charles Brunck
Mr. W.H. Sabley
Mr. Otto J. Zebrendt
Mr. Herman Echart
Mr. E.K. Jones
Mr. Clarence Richards
Mr. Frank Richards |
Guests from out of the
city were:
Mr. and Mrs. A.T.
Sandry, Church, Iowa
Miss Bertha Sandry, Church, Iowa
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Decker, Church, Iowa
Mrs. Henry Martin, Waukon, Iowa
Mr. Wayne Martin, Waukon, Iowa
Mrs. Ernest F. Klein, Chicago, Ill
Miss Martha Sandry, Chicago, Ill
Mr. Theodore B. Sandry, Chicago, Ill |
Mr. and Mrs. J.P.
Sandry, Dubuque, Iowa
Mr. Clarence Sandry, Dubuque, Iowa
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kumpf, New Albin, Iowa
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hirth, Lansing, Iowa
Mr. and Mrs. William Wendel, Lansing, Iowa
Mrs. Anna Gray, Haywards, California
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brouse, St. Paul, Minn. |
~Minneapolis Morning
Tribune, May 24, 1910, pg 8 (included the photo)
~transcribed by S. Ferrall
Note: Bernard died 5/1/1925 and Caroline died 1/14/1919.
They are buried in Lakewood cemetery, Minneapolis, MN
Mr.and Mrs. Peter
Jones, 67th, 1914
Were Married Sixty-Seven Years Ago. November 28, Mr.and
Mrs. Peter JONES, of this place observed the
sixty-seventh anniversary of their marriage, which took
place in Ireland. They came to the United States in 1849,
locating in New York. Later they moved to the vicinity of
St. Louis where they remained for a couple of years. In
1851 they settled onto a farm in Allamakee county. In
1872 they bought a home in Great Oak township and a
number of years ago moved to Emmetsburg. Mr. JONES is
eighty-nine years of age and Mrs. JONES is a year or two
younger. Their many friends sincerely hope they will have
the happiness to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary
of their union. ~Emmetsburg Democrat, 2 Dec 1914 |
Mr. and Mrs. John
Leithold, 50th, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. John LEITHOLD, former local residents, will
celebrate their golden wedding anniversary in Woodland,
Calif., June 5, after which Miss Chrystal LEITHOLD will
retun to Postville to continue the piano store. ~Iowa
Volksblatt May 28, 1915 |
Mr. and Mrs. A.M.
May, 50th, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. A.M. MAY of Waukon celebrated their Golden
Wedding anniversary Monday. ~Postville Review,
July 30, 1915 - contributed by S. Ferrall and below, from
the Waukon Standard July 29, 1915 - contributed
by Jeannie Hegeman:
The 50th Wedding
Anniversary of Old And Honored Waukon Citizens Is
Appropriately Observed At Their Home On Monday
The fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. May was quietly observed at their home
Monday by the presence of the B. D. Helming and
R.J. Alexander families, the home coming of Mr.
and Mrs. R.B. May and son Robert of Des Moines,
and Frank H. May of Chicago. A quiet picnic
dinner was enjoyed. Congratulating telegrams were
received from Los Angeles, Cal., Washington,
D.C., and Harwichport, Mass., and a cablegram
from Christiana, Norway, besides letters from
other places. Later came two surprises: John J.
Stillman Post, G. A. R., and veterans marched
with the colors to the home and coming to a halt
in rank presented beautiful bouquetes of flowers,
one especially noticeable in "red, white and
blue." A congratulatory address was made for
the Post by Dr. Strock and fittingly responded to
by Mr. and Mrs. May. On behalf of the W. R. C,
Mrs. F. H. Robbins and Mrs. D. R. Walker
presented large bouquetes. About 5 o'clock the
Women's Literary Club came, took possession with
congratulations, flowers, and a social time,
concluding with ice cream and cake. Like the G.
A. R., they retired with kind wishes for returns
of other happy anniversaries. Miss Jessie Lewis,
for many years one of our successful teachers,
came with a beautiful poem most appropriate for
the occasion. Mrs. H. A. Howe remembered the
event with a beautiful "golden"
anniversary cake with "1865 - 1915"
thereon. Other friends came with flowers and
congratulations during the evening. Alonzo Martin
May was born in Scio, New York, March 20, 1838,
and is in the ninth generation from Thomas May,
born at Mayfield, England, in 1590, who with two
brothers came to America. In this family was
Dorothy May, wife of William Bradford who became
governor of Plymouth Colony. She died on
ship-board on the passage to America. When five
years old "A.M." came with the family
of his father, P.F. May, to Will County, Ill. and
after three years to Wisconsin, where for twenty
years his home was in Green Lake and Rock
counties. He attended the common schools from '51
to '56 worked on the farm summers, prepared for
college at Ripton, where he became acquainted
with his future wife, also a student, and
graduated from Beloit College, Wisconsin, with
the class of 1864. The evening of the Sunday the
telegram came that Fort Sumter had been fired on
by the rebels, he, with a large number of other
students offered their service to the government
under the call for three months men, and later
again enlisted in the 40th Wis., Inf., known as
the "student regiment". At one time he,
his father in another regiment, and a brother,
Isaac, in a Minnesota regiment, met for the last
time in Memphis, Tenn. The oldest boy left at
home to look after the family was eight years
old, Frank E. May, now of Storm Lake, Iowa. After
being mustered out in the fall of 1864
"A.M." went to New York City and
completed a three year's course in Union
Theological Seminary. July 26, 1865, at Beloit,
Wis., he was united in marriage to Miss Augusta
Mary Hayward, second daughter of Hon. Paul Davis
Hayward, of Revolutionary descent. He was named
for his ancester "Paul Davis", whose
honorable discharge from the American Army as
"Sergeant of the 5th Massachusetts Regiment
after five years and nine months service"
was signed by "G. Washington, General &
Commander in Chief of the forces of the United
States of America," June 8, 1793, and
countersigned by "J. Trumbull, Jr.
Sec'y". He was awarded a badge of merit for
his long service.
Miss Hayward was born in Green Bay, Wis., June 5,
1842. Her family was represented in the civil war
by her father and a brother Richard L. in
Wisconsin regiments, and by her brother, Captain
George W., who graduated from the Naval Academy
at Annapolis in 1861. He died at Alexandria,
Egypt, January, 1886, while on duty. During '65 -
'67, Mr. and Mrs. May resided in New York while
he was completing his course of study supporting
himself and family by teaching in private schools
and musical work in churches on Sundays. In 1867
he located in Waukon, Iowa, as rector of St.
Paul's P. E. Church and continued as such for
five years. He has been a leader of choirs for
nearly sixty years, and for more than forty years
has been conductor of the M. E. church choir of
Waukon which ranks among the best in northeastern
Iowa. In March, 1868, he purchased for his
brother-in-law, R. L. Hayward, the Waukon
Standard, a three months old newspaper. Ill
health compelled Mr. Hayward to retire at the end
of the year. He went south and died in Texas in
1882; Mr. May continued as principal proprietor
and editor for thirty-three years. For nine years
E. M Hancock, who had learned the business in the
office, was associated with him as partner,
taking principal charge of the paper while Mr.
May was acting as official short-hand reporter
for the courts of the 10th Judicial District,
resigning after thirteen years service. During
the last four years of this time, Mrs. May had
editorial charge of the paper and it was
efficiently and well done. She has always been
active in church, temperance and the missionary
work of the M. E. church. She was a charter
member of the Waukon Woman's Literary Club,
recognized as the second oldest woman's literary
club in the state, and still in active work. On
account of physical and nervous break-down Mr.
May sold the Standard to his son Robert
Bruce, who successfully conducted it for over
eight years. From 1868 to 1901, while under A. M.
May's control the Standard advocated
prohibition and woman suffrage. So far as known
he was the first user of a type writer in regular
editorial work in Iowa, beginning in the early
part of 1875, the next earliest being that in the
Des Moines Register office, about 1882,
according to its former publisher, James S.
Clarkson. Mr. May has been connected with the
Masonic and I.O.O.F. fraternities for nearly
fifty years, was a charter member of John J.
Stillman Post, G. A. R., and has been its
adjutant for over thirty years. Eight children
have been born to Mr. and Mrs. May; Frank H., for
years holding a good position with the Western
Newspaper Union of Chicago; Anna L., who married
Rev. G. N. Kenniston and died in 1890; Jessie E.,
now and for years past private secretary in the
manager's office of the U. S. Steel corporation
in New York City; Robert Bruce, now with the Iowa
Homestead Co. in Des Moines; Winifred, now Mrs.
B. D. Helming of Waukon; Paul D., clerk in the
Adjutant General's office in Washington, D.C. He
also served one year as purser of the U.S. ship
Tacoma in the Spanish-American war, three years
in the signal service in the Phillipines, also as
government clerk in Panama; Langford,
constructing engineer, Los Angeles, Cal.; and
Marian, wife of Dr. Elmar Onsum of Christiana,
Norway, head physician in a large hospital, and
general writer for leading daily papers of that
city and representative of the Associated Press. |
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. May
(by Miss Jessie Lewis)
A half century has passed away
And brought the Golden Wedding Day;
A half a century of joy and mirth;
Grief came, too, as it must on earth.
To both was sent the gift of song
To lighten and brighten the day along,
Not only for you but others as well,
How much no words of mine can tell,
For, generous as the gift to you,
So gave you to others the long years thru___
Gave with no tho't the gift to spend___
Gave freely to church or children or friend.
Your gift of song is by no means small,
So, freely you gave to your paper wide,
To club and to many a friend beside;
For facts and figures, quotations true___
Each one has been in turn to you.
The Standard, though gone from the house of May
Will be known as your paper for many a day.
You've stood for temperance true and strong,
For every good___ to right all wrong,
But the best of your long long years of joys
Has been the gift of your girls and boys.
Not one is left in the loving home
But in the wide, wide world they roam___
And each one there has made a place___
Each one is ahead in the world's great race,
One in the east and one in the west,
And scattered between, are all the rest.
O'er the ocean wide went the youngest one
To live in "the land of the midnight
And one __ ah! __ she went too quickly away
In the early morn of her womanhood's day___
The eldest daughter of the parent's heart ___
She took of their very life a part;
And those who are left, though far away,
In thought and spirit are home today.
And they think of the life of fifty years,
Though sprinkled full of parting tears,
That kept them, loved them, sent them out
Full well equipped for the world about,
And you look forth with love and pride
At the children walking by your side;
Grandchildren too, with gifts of thine,
Each to parents and grandparents fine.
May the last long years of a well spent life
Be loving and free from all care and strife.
May this beautiful sun of the "Golden
Shine clearly on to the Heavenly way,
Where you shall hear at set of sun,
For talents used, the glad "Well done!" |
Mr. and Mrs. John
Hand, 25th, 1915
Occasion 25th Anniversary of the Marriage of Mr and Mrs
John HAND. Thursday evening, January 7, Mr and Mrs John
HAND, who live near Ayrshire were happily surprised by
their many friends, the occasion being the twenty-fifth
anniversary of their marriage, which took place in
Allamakee county. Mr and Mrs HAND received an invitation
after supper to visit one of the neighbors. They were
about to leave when a large number dropped in to see
them. There were about forty-five couples in attendance
during the evening. A few hours were spent at cards and
in dancing Irish reels, jigs and hornpipes. HAMILTON
Bros. Orchestra furnished the music. At eleven o'clock
supper was served by the ladies who bought an abundance
of choice eatables. The wedding cake was decorated with
large artificial strawberries and twenty-five lighted
candles of various shades and colors were tastily
arranged on the table in front of Mr and Mrs HAND. On
behalf of the donors, John J HAND presented the bride and
groom with two large rocking chairs. Mrs HAND responed
with a few well chosen words, saying that she could not
find the language to express the kindness and generosity
of their neighbors. At the close John J HAND rendered a
few choice songs, after which the large gathering
dispersed, all wishing Mr and Mrs HAND health and
happiness. It is needless to say that the many in
attendance enjoyed the occasion. ~Emmetsburg Democrat,
Wednesday, Jan 13, 1915 |
Mr. and Mrs. George
Wild, 50th, 1916
Perhaps one of the prettiest events of the season took
place September 4th [1916] at the home of Gus Wild in
French Creek township, when Mr. and Mrs. George Wild
celebrated their golden wedding amid the glad hearts of
their children and friends numbering about two hundred in
all. The happy couple opened the doors of their hearts to
their children at about one oclock Monday,
September 4th, and after the ceremony was performed being
assisted by two little grandchildren, who acted as flower
girls, the old couple repaired from the old house to the
new one which has been built to take its place. The bride
was gowned in a lavender dress with gold trimmings. The
groom had the usual color and wore a very becoming smile
to harmonize with the surroundings. After they had
repaired to the house the pastor gave an address which
was nicely suited to the occasion. The home was bedecked
with golden rod and golden glow besides many other
trimmings which go to make up the happiness of such
occasions. The brides table was adorned with a
large wedding cake, which was decorated in gold and
white. In one word the scene was a beautiful thing to
After the ceremony a delightful dinner was served to all,
after which pictures were taken. Beardmores
orchestra furnished the music and it goes without saying
that a most delightful time was indulged in. Dancing also
formed a part of the program. Mr. and Mrs. George Wild
were married September 4, 1866, at the home of Mrs.
Wilds uncle, Godfrey Stark, by Reverend Blank.
Altho trials and hardships greeted the beginning of the
married life, they wrestled with them diligently, and, as
is the reward of those who persevere, came out
victorious. Heaven blessed them with fourteen children,
two of them dying in infancy and two later, being Mrs.
Lew Hirth and John Wild, both leaving families, which
leaves ten of them to bless their old age. There are 42
grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. The happy couple
were recipients of many beautiful gifts, including a gold
eagle from each of their children making $50 in all.
Those who attended from away were Mrs. C. J. Bjorklund
and two of Hume, N. Dak., Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Fulks and
two children of Spokane, Wash., Mrs. J. W. Snow and two
children of Beach, N. Dak., Geo. Wild of Ferryville,
Wis., Mrs. Edward Lenz and two children of Eagle Bend,
Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Art Amundson and baby of
LaCrosse, Wisconsin. ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
(no source for this article, but likely a local
newspaper)Mr. and Mrs. George Wild, parents of a
Rooseveltian family of twelve living children, celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary at the home of their son
in French Creek township, Allamakee County. Two of their
fourteen children died in infancy. There are forty-two
grandchildren and three great grandchildren, besides
their twelve living children in their family. ~Iowa
Recorder, September 20, 1916
Mr. and Mrs. E.J.
Roggensack, 50th, 1920
Tonight at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Roggensack will
be celebrated in appropriate manner the fiftieth
anniversary of the marriage of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Roggensack. In reality this event should have
taken place on March 9th, but due to the great distance
some of the children had to travel to reach here, their
work in responsible positions, etc., the present date was
fixed. Their children in attendance number eight, and
are: Herman, West Union; Henry, Postville; Edward J.,
Lansing; Mrs. Dehrkopf, Sumner; Lutie, Balfour, N.D.;
Emil, Cedar Rapids; Garfield and Charles, Albert Lea,
Minn. The father is aged 76 years and the mother 68.
Since removing from the farm they have made Lansing their
home, and have the respect of their every acquaintance - Lansing
Mirror ~Postville Herald, Friday, July 02,
1920 - contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
Mr. & Mrs.
Charles G. Bock, 50th, 1921
Waukon, Iowa, Feb. 11 - Mr. and Mrs. Charles G.
Bock of New Albin celebrated their golden wedding. Mr.
and Mrs. Bock were united in marriage at DeSoto, Wis.,
1871, moving from Lansing to New Albin which has been
their home continuously since that time. In the
observance of the occasion all their children and their
nearest of kin, excepting John J. Bock of Dubuque who was
deprived of the privilege on account of illness, were
present. A large number of gold coins were left this
worthy couple. Mr. and Mrs. Bock are enjoying good
health, and bid fair to enjoy many more celebrations of
their wedding anniversary. ~Dubuque Times-Journal,
Sunday, February 13, 1921 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
Mr. & Mrs. John
Thoma, 50th, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. John Thoma of this city will
observe their golden wedding anniversary February 15,
having as their guests only the immmediate family. Mr.
and Mrs. John Thoma were married on the old home farm
near Postville. ~Dubuque Times-Journal, Sunday, February
13, 1921~Dubuque Times-Journal, Sunday, February
13, 1921 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
3 Couples Wedded
Ten Years Monday, 1921
Monday marked the tenth anniversary of the marriage of at
least three Postville couples -- Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Kohlmann, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Steele and Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Hecker -- and to commemorate the event
the couple first named entertained the others at their
home that evening, with Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Horgan as
guests of honor. We congratulate all concerned and hope
they will all be here to answer "present" when
Father Time calls the roll on their Golden Wedding day.
~Postville Herald, April 28, 1921 |
Mr. and Mrs. James
V. Allen, 50th, 1922
An old Postville resident sends this:
Chicago, Jan. 10, 1922
Editor Herald:
I wish to announce the fiftieth anniversary of a couple
of old Postville residents, Mr. and Mrs. James V. Allen
(nee Addie Hoppes) married Dec. 24, 1871, by Rev. G. L.
Garrison, M.E. minister. They celebrated their Golden
Wedding in Chicago. Two sons, Royal N. Allen of Chicago
and John C. Allen of chicago, two married daughters and
six grandchildren were present, and about 150 guests. Mr.
Allen is a veteran, Past Commander of Kenyon Post, an old
time Mason and Odd Fellow. Mrs. Allen is an active member
in church and fraternal orders. We wish them many happy
returns of the day. ,
Signed, C. Bullis.
~~Postville Herald, January 26, 1922 -
contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
Mr. and Mrs. James
Collins, Sr., 68th, 1922
Waukegan [sic], Iowa. Jan. 17 - Mr. and Mrs. James
Collins, Sr., of this city, are celebrating their 68th
wedding anniversary. Collins is 84 years old and Mr.
Collins is 91. They were born in Ireland, - came to
Allamakee county in 1867 and settled on a farm miles
north of here. Bought at $6 an acre. Ten of their 14
children are living, eight of whom were with their
parents today. ~Newark Advocate (Newark,
Ohio) Jan. 17, 1922 - contributed by Cindy Bray
Jan. 17, 1922 - Mr. and Mrs. James Collins, of this city,
are celebrating their sixty-eighth wedding anniversary
today. Mrs. Collins is 84 years old and Mr. Collins in
91. They were born in Ireland and came to Allamakee
county in 1867. Ten of their fourteen children are
living, eight of whom are with their parents today.
~clipping, likely from one of the Waukon newspapers -
from S. Ferrall |
Mr. and Mrs. August
Meyer, 50th, 1922 
Click to enlarge the photo in a new window
Friday, June 23rd, was the golden wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. August Meyer of New Albin, who fifty
years ago, in Elstors, Germany, were united in holy
wedlock. The event was duly celebrated by their plighting
anew their troth, at St. Peters church at 3 p.m.,
in the presence of a large congregation of relatives and
friends, Rev. Stoerker and Kegel officiating. Afterwards
a reception was tendered to 125 guests at Jordans
Hall. Six children blessed their union, two, George and
William dying in Germany. Those remaining are: Mrs.
Charles Gruber, Lansing, Iowa; Mrs. A. C. Bellows, New
Albin; August H. Meyer, French Creek; Edward Meyer, of
New Albin. They have thirteen grandchildren. ~The
Allamakee Journal, July 19, 1922 (included the photo);
contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Mr. and Mrs. John
Krambeer, 55th, 1922
Mr. and Mrs. John Krambeer celebrated their 55th wedding
anniversary at Luana last Wednesday. ~Postville
Herald, November 23, 1922 |
Mr. and Mrs. J.L.
Ehrie, 40th, 1923
Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Ehrie were given a happy surprise at
their home on East Main street Tuesday, when a large
number of relatives and friends assembled to assist them
in celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. Edibles
for a bounteous dinner and supper were brought and served
by the guests, and a purse of money was presented to Mr.
and Mrs. Ehrie as a token of esteem. Mrs. Ehrie appeared
in her wedding gown, which she had carefully preserved,
and looked as charming as when she took her marriage vows
forty years ago. ~The Democrat, (Waukon) May 30,
1923 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Schott, 50th, ca1925
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schott were married fifty years
yesterday, the knot being tied by the late Rev. Kern, of
the Congregational church at Church, and have been
residents of this city ever since. The event was
celebrated at their cozy home, near the Park, by a 6:30
oclock dinner, at which their sons, Dr. Otto and
Theo., both of Chicago, and their better-halves, as well
as other relatives and a few intimate friends, attended.
Their only daughter, Mrs. Floyd Culp of Portland, Oregon,
was unable to be present. The rooms were appropriately
decorated in gold and white and a bountiful three-course
dinner served, with wedding cakes galore and something to
wash it down, or we greatly miss our guess. Mr. and Mrs.
Schott are both in the enjoyment of good health and bid
fair to live to enjoy many more wedding anniversaries.
~this notice is undated & source unknown -contributed
by Janet Koozer, transcribed by Diana Henry Diedrich.
Note: they had been married 25 yrs. as of the 1900 U.S.
census, so their 50th anniv. would have been ca1925 |
Mr. and Mrs. H.J.
Fisher, 42nd, 1927
Honoring the 42nd wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Fisher, their daughter, Mrs. C. R. Richardson
entertained with a beautifully appointed dinner party at
her home on Saturday evening. Marigold and broom were
used as the floral decoration and covers were laid for
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rossa, Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Richardson, Miss Aline Pyle, Harold and Robert
Richardson and the host and hostess. A second social
affair commemorated the same happy event when Mr. and
Mrs. Fisher were honored on Sunday at a dinner party
given by friends from their former home in Nebraska. In
Long Beach, California, twelve were present for this,
including Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. The wedding, the
anniversary of which brought a shower of congratulations
to the honorees, occurred in Waukon, Iowa, 42 years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher moved from Iowa to Nebraska, where
they lived for some years before coming to Oxnard,
California. ~Oxnard Daily Courier (Oxnard,
California), 02/24/1927- contributed by G. Payne |
Mr. and Mrs.
Dominick Keffeler, 60th, 1929
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Keffeler, well known local
pioneers, celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary
with their family in their home, 1189 Bluff street
yesterday. In the morning at 8 oclock they renewed
their marriage vows at St. Marys church before
their son, Rev. Father Nicholas U. Keffeler, pastor of
the Catholic church at Vinton. Relatives and many friends
witnessed the service. At 11 oclock a breakfast was
served at the Keffeler home to fifty relatives at tables
decorated in the colors of orchid and green and with
bowls of summer flowers. Early this morning the
celebrants and relatives motored to Vinton to attend mass
at the Catholic church in that town. This afternoon Rev.
Keffeler is entertaining friends at a picnic at Vinton as
a compliment to his parents. Mr. Keffeler was born in
Grand Duchy, Luxembourg November 25, 1848. His wife, the
former Miss Margaret Rottler, was born in this city April
14, 1854. They were married at the Catholic church at
Lansing, Ia., June 22, 1869, and resided on a farm in
that locality for forty years. Twenty years ago they
moved to this city, where they have since made their
home. They have four sons, Rev. Nicholas U. Keffeler,
Vinton; Jacob W., Stoneville, S. D.; Dominick J.,
Dyersville; Anton G., Kansas City; six daughters, Mrs. W.
S. Streff, Cedar Rapids, Neb.; Mesdames E. H. Hansen and
O. I. Waters, Kansas City; Mesdames Josephine Widmeier,
R. H. Taylor, F. L. Stallsmith, all of this city; twenty
grandchildren and five great grandchildren. All their
children and their families were at the celebration
yesterday. Despite their advanced ages the celebrants are
enjoying excellent health and are planning on visiting
their children in Cedar Rapids and Kansas City this
summer. They will motor to their destination. ~Allamakee
Journal & Lansing Mirror, June 26, 1929;
reprinted from the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald,
June 23d.- contributed by Ann Krumme |
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Danaher, 20th, 1929
Because of their twentieth wedding anniversary, which
came a week ago Sunday, and which was duly celebrated by
relatives at their home that day, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Danaher were given a second surprise by over forty
friends Tuesday evening of last week. They brought a fine
basket supper with them and the evening was pleasantly
spent at cards and visiting. As a memento of the occasion
Mr. and Mrs. Danaher were presented with a sandwich set.
~Allamakee Journal & Lansing Mirror, June
26, 1929, Waukon Chit-Chat column - contributed by Ann
Krumme |
Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Engen, 25th, 1929
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Engen, daughter Mildred and friend
Miss Sandon of Thief River Falls, Minn., motored here
Friday for a visit with relatives. Mrs. Engen is a sister
of Ludvig Larson of this city. Sunday was Mr. and Mrs.
Engens silver wedding anniversary and it was
appropriately celebrated, a large party of relatives and
friends gathering at the home of her sister, Mrs. Albert
Johnson, in Jefferson township, where a pleasant
afternoon and evening was spent.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson and the twins, Gladys and
Gordon, of Jamestown, N. D., and Julius Larson and
daughter Irene of Pettibone, N. D., arrived by car last
Thursday for a visit with Allamakee relatives and friends
and to be present at the silver wedding anniversary of
their sister, Mrs. Albert Engen and husband, mentioned
else where in this paper. Mr. Albert Larson was at one
time proprietor of The Model restaurant in this city in
partnership with his brother-in-law, Charles Nelson, now
also residing at Jamestown.
~~Allamakee Journal & Lansing Mirror, June
26, 1929, Waukon Chit-Chat column - contributed by Ann
Krumme |