This website was launched befittingly on the 71st Anniv. of the United States involvement in WWII, 12/7/2012. Seventy-one years ago, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, brought the U.S. into World War II. In his address asking Congress for a declaration of war, President Franklin D. Roosevelt called Dec. 7, 1941, a date that "will live in infamy." ***ALERT***The Service Men and Women **pages are updated with additional information often, as more old news items, photos and/or bios and obituaries are found. These history items are essential in completing the stories of these individuals who served during WWII from Iowa.THANKS again to Researchers, Pat Holt Juon and Terry Hirsch! And Huge Thanks to Connie Swearingen for her Woodbury & NWIowa submissions. |
December 2019
ServiceMEN Names Added | Posted in DEC | Updated Men Pages |
Black Hawk | 1 | |
Floyd County | 666 | 1 |
Plymouth | 2 | |
Monthly Totals: | 666 | 4 |
Also Added This Month
- During the month of DEC, the number of additional ServiceWomen pages will be posted here: [ 20 ]
- Also Updated Women Pages: [14]
- Iowa WWII Volunteer Pages: [3]
November 2019
ServiceMEN ADDED this month PER COUNTY:
ServiceMEN Names Added = | Posted in November | Updated MEN Pages in Nov. |
Adair | 1 | |
Benton | 1 | |
Black Hawk | ||
Buena Vista | 1 | |
Cedar | ||
Cerro Gordo | 1 | |
Cherokee | 17 | 4 |
Clayton | 1 | |
Crawford | 193 | 4 |
DesMoines | ||
Dickinson | 1 | 3 |
Dubuque | 1 | |
Floyd | 176 | |
Greene | ||
Grundy | 3 | 2 |
Hamilton | 20 | 2 |
Harrison | 4 | |
Iowa | 2 | 1 |
Johnson | ||
Jones | ||
Keokuk | 6 | |
Lee | ||
Linn | ||
Louisa | 1 | |
Lyon | 1 | |
Mahaska | 1 | |
Marshall | 2 | |
Monona | 1 | |
Monroe | 1 | |
Muscatine | 1 | |
O'Brien | 1 | 1 |
Page | ||
Plymouth | 4 | |
Polk | 7 | 2 |
Pottawattamie | 4 | |
Ringgold | 1 | |
Sac | 1 | |
Sioux | 1 | 10 |
Story | ||
Tama | ||
Taylor | 1 | |
Wapello | 1 | |
Washington | 4 | |
Webster | 1 | |
Winnebago | 4 | |
Woodbury | 2 | |
Worth | 1 | |
Wright | ||
Monthly Totals: | 451 | 47 |
Also Added This Month
- During the month of Nov 2019, the number of additional ServiceWomen pages will be posted here: [34]
- Also Updated Women Pages: [9]
- Iowa WWII Volunteer Pages: [4]
- Service Man BIO shared by his daughter, Cindi -- Cpl. Kenneth O. Sweet tribute page, Marshall County. Be sure and read his story about serving on Guam. "Thanks to Cindi for sharing."
Sweet, Kenneth O. **The Author of this news story that was never published was also from Iowa--story was written by Staff Sergeant John F. Reilly, New Hampton, Iowa, Marine Corps Combat Correspondent, with tactical advice by Second Lieutenant (now First Lt.) Richard R. Goheen, Princeton, New Jersey.**
October 2019
ServiceMEN ADDED this month PER COUNTY:
ServiceMEN Names Added = | Posted in Oct: | Updated MEN Pages in Oct. |
Benton | 1 | |
Black Hawk | 6 | 14 |
Buena Vista | 1 | |
Cedar | 1 | |
Cerro Gordo | 2 | |
DesMoines | 2 | 1 |
Dubuque | 1 | 1 |
Greene | 1 | 1 |
Hamilton | 4 | 1 |
Harrison | 1 | |
Johnson | 1 | |
Jones | 1 | |
Lee | 1 | 1 |
Linn | 1 | |
Monona | 1 | |
Muscatine | 1 | |
Page | 2 | |
Plymouth | 3 | |
Polk | 3 | |
Pottawattamie | 1 | 3 |
Sac | 1 | |
Sioux | 1 | 3 |
Story | 1 | |
Tama | 1 | |
Webster | 3 | |
Worth | 1 | |
Wright | 1 | |
TOTALS = | 30 | 39 |
Also Added This Month
- During the month of Oct 2019, the number of additional ServiceWomen pages will be posted here: [54]
- Also Updated Women Pages: [12]
- Iowa WWII Volunteer Pages: [2]
- Also ** 6 Women Driving Waterloo Busses --Black Hawk Co. (Thanks to Terry Hirsch for spotting this gem about WOMEN serving.)
Sept 2019
ServiceMEN Names Added | Posted in Sept: 84 | Sept Men Updates: 52 |
Also Added This Month
- During the month of Sep 2019, the number of additional ServiceWomen pages will be posted here: [82]
- Also Updated Women Pages: [23]
- Added Waterloo IA newspaper article explanation WAVEs patriotic young women who have enlisted in the Waves through the Waterloo Recruiting Station -- [List of names of the women per NE Iowa counties.] Thanks to volunteer, Terry Hirsch, for sharing her typed transcription. The WAVES graphic included with the news item is exceptional.
August 2019
ServiceMEN Names Added | Posted in Aug: 401 | Aug Men Updates: 56 |
Also Added This Month
- During the month of August 2019, the number of additional ServiceWomen pages will be posted here: [3]
**More WWII County News Across Iowa page - Most recent news articles posted: 27 Men Leave for Army Duty, Gazette (Cedar Rapids, IA) 16 Apr 1944
** 93 Iowans on Army - Navy Casualty List, Quad City Times (Davenport IA) 14 May 1945
July 2019
ServiceMEN Names Added | Posted in July: 1297 | July Men Updates: 82 |
Also Added This Month
- During the month of July 2019, the number of additional ServiceWomen pages will be posted here: [37]
- Also Updated Women Pages: [16]
June 2019
ServiceMEN Names Added = | Posted in June: 725 | June Men Updates: 61 |
Also Added This Month
- During the month of June 2019, the number of additional ServiceWomen pages will be posted here: [86]
- Also Updated Women Pages: [11]
- Iowa WWII Volunteer Pages: [1]

May 2019
ServiceMEN Names Added = | Posted in May: 276 | May Men Updates: 66 |
Also Added This Month
- During the month of May 2019, the number of additional ServiceWomen pages will be posted here: [25]
- Also Updated Women Pages: [14]
- Iowa WWII Volunteer Pages: [1]
April 2019
ServiceMEN Names Added = | Posted in Apr:+2600 | April Men Updates: 61 |
Also Added This Month
- During the month of April 2019, the number of additional ServiceWomen pages will be posted here: [145]
- Also Updated Women Pages: [12]
March 2019
ServiceMEN Names Added = | Posted in Mar:+2800 | March Men Updates: 62 |
Also Added This Month
- During the month of Mar 2019, the number of additional ServiceWomen pages will be posted here: [52]
- Also Updated Women Pages: [4]
- Added this month - Newspaper transcription data bases for the counties of Plymouth and Woodbury. Connie Swearingen has been diligently transcribing & submitting Sioux City Journal War News columns for Woodbury County. Plymouth County news issue transcriptions are typed and will soon be uploaded by Linda Ziemann. The local news kept readers informed about ServiceMen and Women during the War Years.
County Newspaper Columns -- PlymouthWoodbury
February 2019
ServiceMEN stories | Posted in Feb : 359 | Feb. Men Updates: 27 |
Also Added This Month
- During the month of Feb 2019, the number of additional ServiceWomen pages will be posted here: [11]
- Also Updated Women Pages: [2]
January 2019
ServiceMEN stories | Posted in Jan: 382 | Jan. Men Updates:210 |
Also Added This Month
- During the month of Jan 2019, the number of additional ServiceWomen pages will be posted here: [15]
- Also Updated Women Pages: [6]
* * *
**Special Recognition to three very dedicated WWII research volunteers! #1. Pat Holt Juon has shared her Iowa WWII Servicemen research. Every county has submissions from Pat."Pat, what a great service you are doing by sharing all this Iowa research." As the days go forward, more & more of Pat's contributions will be on these pages! Pat has been researching & sharing all year long!
#2. Terry Hirsch is also sharing and contributing Iowa in WWII research....At present most of the ServiceWomen contributions are coming from Terry. Terry is doing a fabulous job. You will see notations on this What's New page over the last year (see below) of Terry's other contributions, besides the high numbers of ServiceWomen submitted by Terry each month.
**Also from August through October 2017, Terry Hirsch, researched, transcribed & submitted 165 WWII news articles about Iowans, written by Iowa native, Frank Miles, war correspondent. Miles wrote about & interviewed WWII servicemen and women from Iowa as he lived along side them in the war theater. Check this out: Iowa Daily Press War Correspondent, Frank Miles -- Read his news coverage mentioning those serving from IOWA.
AND #3 Contributor is Iowa in WWII's Assistant Coordinator, Connie Swearingen. Connie submits all kinds of detail (mainly from NW Iowa). Great Work!
This site's progress & content could not be accomplished without these 3 ladies and SO MANY other contributors!!!
IAGenWeb 2019