Polk County

Doris Williams





Mr. and Mrs. Casey Van Maanen entertained Saturday evening in honor of Doris Williams, who recently joined the WAVES.  Doris expects to leave March 7th for the United States Naval Training School at Hunters College, New York.  A social evening was enjoyed by Mrs. Cyrus Clark, Mrs. Jennie Clark and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Vos and children, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Blood and Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Vos and children.  Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hart and children regretted that they were unable to attend.  At the close of the evening, a delicious lunch was served by the hostess.

Source:  Altoona Herald, February 24, 1944

Des Moines in the Services

Dessie Brady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brady, Route 5, left Tuesday for Hunter college, New York City, for her training in the WAVES.

Alna Suddeth and Doris Williams, both of Des Moines, left for Hunter college also.

Source: Des Moines Tribune, March 10, 1944

Des Moines in the Services

Doris Williams, mail specialist, third class, in the WAVES, formerly of Des Moines, has been assigned to active service in Washington, D.C., after completing training in New York. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Williams, Duncombe, Ia.

Source: Des Moines Tribune, August 24, 1944