Black Hawk County

Dorothy Anne Mixdorf



From Waterloo, Ia., Tuesday came these cousins to take examinations for entrance in to the WAVES. They are Dorothy (left), 25, and Adaline Mixdorf, 26. Dorothy has been working as a waitress and Adaline has been clerking.

Source: The DesMoines Tribune, March 16, 1943 (photo included)

Cousins Await Call to Waves

Miss Adaline A. Mixdorf, 26, and Miss Dorothy A. Mixdorf, 25, both of 233 Miller street, Wednesday were awaiting calls to active duty in to the Waves, into which they have been sworn after enlisting thru Waterloo navy recruiting station. The girls are cousins, Adaline the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mixdorf, 233 Miller street, and Dorothy of Herman Mixdorf, 126 Sycamore street. Both girls working Electric Park ballroom. Adaline also works in a dress shop and Dorothy in a tavern.

Source: The Courier, Waterloo, IA - March 17, 1943

Dorothy Anne Mixdorf, hospital apprentice second class, daughter of Herman Mixdorf, 128 Sycamore street, has recently completed a four-week course at Hunter college, Bronx, N.Y., and has been assigned to the U.S. naval hospital at Great Lakes, Ill. Miss Mixdorf has a brother, Pfc. Harry E. Mixdorf, in the armed service. She is graduated from East High school and was employed as a waitress before being inducted into the WAVES.

Source: The Courier, Waterloo, IA - June 3, 1943 (photo included)

Dorothy Mixdorf, daughter of Herman Mixdorf, 128 Sycamore street, who has been stationed at Great Lakes, Ill. after finishing her basic Waves training at Hunter college, New York, was home on a five-day leave Saturday.

Source: The Courier, Waterloo, IA - June 20, 1943

Hospital Apprentice, first class, Dorothy A. Mixdorf is spending a leave here with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mixdorf, 233 Miller street, and will report to the U.S. naval hospital at New River, N.C. on January 11. She was married Dec. 11 at New River to Cpl. H.L. Ulrick, son of Mr and Mrs E.E. Ulrick, Dakota City, Ia., and plans to spend a portion of her leave with his parents before her return. Corporal Ulrick is stationed with the marines at New River.

Source: The Courier, Waterloo, IA - January 4, 1944