Berendena Joins the Marines
First woman to make full application for the women's reserve of the U.S. marine corps thru the Waterloo marine recruiting station in the post office building is Berendena Koning, 20, Cedar Falls, shown with Staff Sgt. Robert W. Engel recruiter. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Koning, 803 State street, Cedar Falls, she was graduated from Estherville, Ia., high school in 1940 and formerly was employed here by Merchants Motor Freight company. She is a graduate of Dickinson Secretarial school. Miss Koning said she hopes to secure secretarial work in the marines.
Source: The Courier, Waterloo, IA - March 7, 1943
The first woman from Cedar Falls to enlist in the Marines, Sgt. Berendena Koning is home on 15-day leave from her duties at marine headquarters in Washington, D.C., visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Koning, 803 State street.
Source: The Courier, Waterloo, IA - October 26, 1943