Scott County

Jane Kline





Miss Jane Kline of the WAVES, a former resident of Davenport, has been promoted to the rating of yeoman, first class, at the Astoria naval station, Ore., according to information received by her sister, Mrs George Williamson of 1516 Farnam street.

The daughter of J.C. Kline of Fairbury, Neb., Miss Kline was employed as office manager for the boy scout council office in Des Moines, until her enlistment in the service in September, 1943. She received her yeoman's rating at Cedar Falls, Ia,., where she held first honors in her group, and has been stationed in the communications division at Astoria for the past 14 months.

Source: The Daily Times, Davenport, Iowa, April 2, 1945 (photo included)