All dressed up with plenty of places to go but these Iowans, first from the Hawkeye state to be graduated as officers in the newly formed Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps, don’t know where until they receive their assignments, after two more weeks of specialized training at Fort Des Moines.
These WAACS—from left in the photo:
Miss Mary S. Bell, Cedar Rapids, former dean of women at Coe college;
Miss Marion C. Lichty, Waterloo;
Mrs. Clara G. F. Han, Des Moines;
Miss Dorothy Tomhave, Estherville—
Were among the first 436 to be graduated as third officers, equivalent to the rank of second lieutenant, at the Army post Saturday.
Their basic training over, the WAACS will be assigned to active duty to relieve soldiers for the fighting fronts, after completing two weeks of specialized training.
Actually two other native Iowans, Helen Lloyd-Jones, Mason City, and Helen E. Hanson, Des Moines, also were graduated, but they were inducted from corps areas outside the seventh, in which Iowa is located.
Source: Mason City Globe-Gazette, August 31, 1942 (photo included)