Woodbury County

Natalie B. Byther



Ten Sioux City Women Learn About Army in Waac Centers
Many Hope to See Service Abroad After Training

Studying war maps, military customs and courtesies, protection against air and chemical attacks and other phases of basic training, 10 Sioux City women are learning about army life in Waac training centers.

Auxiliary Natalie B. Byther, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown, 4206 Country Club Boulevard, is a former junior league member here. Her husband, Private Stanley Byther, is taking his basic training course in radio and gunnery at Scott Field, Illinois. Her brother, Lieut. Jonathan W. Brown, is an army air corps pilot stationed at Las Vegas, Nevada.

March was named “Waacruiting month” by Gov. Bourke B. Hickenlooper. The drive will be climaxed here on March 19 and 20, when the Waac recruiting team will visit the city to enlist new members.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, March 9, 1943