Pups Rocked in Cradle of WAVES

CEDAR FALLS – Above are pictured WAVES pharmacist’s mates third class,
Patricia Agne and Sue Peter, holding the chubby quints born in sick bay this week
end. When the mother wandered into
U.S.S. Bartlett, quick witted seaman rushed her over to sick bay where, with the assistance of all the pharmacist’s mates, these fine specimens were born. A poll was taken and the following names resulted: Fore, Aft, Scuttlebutt, Bulkhead, and Topside. The mother is still nameless.
The report of the births read: “Babies are fine, mother is, too, and all the pharmacist’s mates hope to pull through.”
Source: Waterloo Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, January 09, 1944