Appearing herewith is Seaman “Bing” Schmidt, whose master thinks is the first Cedar Rapids dog to have a hand in the War Dog Fund. Bing lives with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schmidt, 2929 Meadowbrook drive SE. He was enrolled in the War Dog movement, however, by Dick Rice, Y2C, of Pearl Harbor, a nephew of the Schmidts who made his home with them while attending Franklin and Coe. Bing was his dog and when he heard of the movement to enlist dogs in a drive to procure supplies for their canine brethren at the front he laid the dollar on the line to make Bing a seaman.
Mr. Schmidt has all the dope on the War Dog Fund if others want their dogs to be seamen, too. Incidentally, for $100 a dog can become an admiral. There are several intermediate ranks.
Source: Cedar Rapids Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, January 02, 1944