Lois Herrick Is Married to Robert Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Herrick announce the marriage of their daughter, Lois Elizabeth, to Lieut. Robert E. Lowe, of the United States army air forces, which took place Jan. 7, at Hondo Post Chapel, Hondo, Tex.
Chaplain George Schardt performed the ceremony. Organ music was played by Mrs. Schardt. Attending the couple were Miss Phyllis Morrison of St. Petersburg, Fla., and Lieut. Vernon Lyle of Hondo.
Lieutenant Lowe received his commission and wings Jan. 7, and is now an instructor of navigation at Hondo field. The couple are living at 646 E. Woodlawn in San Antonio, Tex.
Source: Des Moines Tribune, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1943
Lt. Robert Lowe Killed in Germany
First Lt. Robert Lowe, 23, navigator of a C-47 transport, was killed in action April 13, 1945 over Germany, the war department has informed his wife, Lois, San Antonio, Tex., formerly of Des Moines. Lieutenant Lowe was employed by Tri-State Theatre Corp. here before entering the service in February, 1942. He was assistant manager of the Des Moines theater.
He was sent overseas last August and was with the 9th air force in France. He had been awarded the Air Medal and a presidential unit citation ribbon. Memorial services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at Truro, Ia. Surviving, besides his widow, are his mother, Mrs. Lois Lowe, Truro, Ia., and four brothers, Richard, Jerry and Kenneth, all in the Navy, and Billy, at home.
Source: Des Moines Tribune, May 1, 1945, page 9 (photo included)

WAR-TIME BROADCASTER, Published every six weeks, May 31, 1945.

Family detail provided by David Lowe, Lt. Robert Lowe's nephew:
Born: July 21, 1921 Died: April 13, 1945 in Germany -1938 graduate of Truro High School - Enlisted in February, 1942 Service Number: O-670145 Army Air Corps 80th Troop Carrier Squadron 436th Carrier group Buried at American War Cemetery in Margraten, Netherlands. -David Lowe
Robert Earl Lowe was born July 26, 1921 to William Perry and Lois Viola Neiat Lowe. He died Apr. 13, 1945 and is buried in Netherlands American Cemetery, Margraten, Netherlands.
Lt. Lowe served in World War II with the U.S. Army Air Corps 80th Squadron, 436th Troop Carrier Group and was KIA in Germany and was awarded the Purple Heart.
Source: ancestry.com