Boys in Ireland Hear from Home; And They Like It
Sioux City boys in Northern Ireland hear from home regularly, and they like it. From the time the national guard marched away in answer to the threat of the Axis, the home town newspaper has followed them, wherever they went.
The following letter received from Ireland shows how the boys feel:
Northern Ireland,
Friday 14, 1942
Dear Sir;
Am writing this letter to give thanks to you for sending our hoe town paper to us over so many miles. It has followed us wherever we have moved and the company as a body wishes to thank you all for your kindness. In this way the paper acts as a letter from home. It gives me great pleasure in sending you one of our own papers, and hoping you enjoy it as well as we do the one and only Sioux City Journal-Tribune.
I remain yours with gratitude.
Mail Orderly
Staff Sgt. Wm. Dziurawiec
AP034 U.S. Army
Source: The Sioux City Journal, August 26, 1942