Plymouth County

Cadet Harold A. Young Jr.



West Point Cadet Was Former Remsen Boy

Cadet Harold A. Young, Jr., 23 years old, was killed Tuesday in an airplane crash near West Point Military Academy. Cadet Young was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Young, who now lived in Long Beach, Cal., and who lived in Remsen for 18 months during 1931-1932.

At the time of their residence in Remsen, Mr. Young, Sr., was employed as a salesman in the Schaais Hardware store. The crash victim was but 13 years old when the family moved to Sioux City where they resided for several years.

Cadet Young was a member of the class to be graduated from the military academy in June. He enlisted with the regular army three years ago and a year ago completed a period of flight training in California. His brother, Lieut. Blaine Young, is on active duty with the Coast Artillery in the Pacific.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, March 16, 1943

***Further Research:

Harold Aldrich Young, Jr. was born Nov. 26, 1919 to Harold Aldrich (Sr.) and Ina Isabelle Adams. He died Mar. 9, 1943 and is buried in Calvary Cemetery, Los Angles, CA.
