Lake Park, Ia.—Special: Cpl. William L. Peterson, 22, of Lake Park, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Peterson, was among American soldiers freed last week from the Cabanatuan prison camp on Luzon in the Philippines. He was graduated from Lake Park high school in May, 1940. In September, 1940, he joined the army at Fort Snelling, Minn., and October of that year sailed for the Philippines. He was in the 59th coast artillery on Corregidor. He has one sister, Arleene.
Source: The Sioux City Journal, February 5, 1945 (photo included)
NOTE: The middle initial for Cpl. William Peterson is different in both of these news articles.
First Sgt. Charles H. Bosard, left in the photo, Warren, Minn., a member of the Sixth rangers battalion which rescued some 500 prisoners of war and civilian internees from the Jap prison camp at Cabanatuan, Luzon, Philippine islands, visited with one of the prisoners he helped rescue, Cpl. William R. Peterson, Lake Park, Ia. An Associated Press dispatch from San Francisco Thursday reported that Cpl. Peterson had arrived in the United States.
Source: The Sioux City Journal, March 9, 1945 (photo included)

[Photo Caption] Enjoying Such American Luxuries as cigarets after three years in Cabanatuan Prison camp in the Philippines are Sgt. Paul Gernandt of Davenport, left. Sgt. William Peterson of Lake Park, and Cpl. Oliver Wetzel of Spencer, now united at Schick General hospital, Clinton. All were stationed on Corregidor with the coast artillery at the time of Pearl Harbor. Liberated last Jan. 30, they have all gained from 40 to 80 pounds since. Opinion is unanimous among them that “the United States is the only place to be” and they never realized before just how wonderful it is.
Source: The Cedar Rapids Gazette, April 8, 1945 (photo included)