Cerro Gordo County

Gene R. Christensen



Harry Byron Russell, radio technician 2/c, is now at Oceanside, Cal., attending a radio communication school following a 9-day furlough spent here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Russell, 436 34th S.W. He was recently graduated from radio technician school at Treasure Island, Cal.

Radio Operator Gene R. Christensen, from Reno, Nev., and his wife, Cpl. Mary J. Christensen of the WACs weather observer at Salina, Kans., had their furloughs together at the home of Mary’s parents, the Russells. They have each been in the service 2 years.

S/Sgt. Paul Madsen, another son-in-law of the Russells, of Camp Gordon Johnston, Fla., is home on furlough at the present time. He is stationed with a harbor craft-company at Camp Gordon. He is visiting his wife and new daughter, Kathleen Ann, at the Russell home.

Source: Mason City Globe-Gazette, October 30, 1944