Worth County IAGenWeb

Fertile High School ~ Fertile, Iowa
(Fertile Graduation Classes for 1948 and 1961-1962 are available at Iowachools.com.
Fertile school consolidated with Forest City in 1962.)
The book, Fertile School History, Fertile, Iowa, by Betty Waddington, 2009 [bettyw@wctatel.net] includes short biographies of students, 1906-1988, and can be purchased by contacting the author.
Here are random lists of Fertile High School graduates listed in the Forest City Summit and Mason City Globe Gazette for the years of:
1914, 1928-1929, 1945-1948, 1950-1951, 1953-1954, 1956-1957, 1959-1960
1914 – 8th grade graduates (source – Mason City Globe Gazette, June 4, 1914, p.3)
Clara Brumwold
Ida Dumholdt
Ruth Elthon
Dorris Fankell
Geth Foster
Vera Humphrey
Francis Lang
Vendla Olson
Amanda Tweed
Gail White |
1928 (source – Mason City Globe Gazette, May 7, 1928, p.16)
Mildred Field
Francis Hill
June Houland
Myrtle Luthro
Genevieve Neshiem
Fern Oredsen
Norman Oswald
Bessie Purcell
Ruth Richardson
Ruth Sanderson
Helen Seglem
Cora Senerson
William Zahel |
1929 (source – Mason City Globe Gazette, Apr. 23, 1929, p.16)
Olga Benson
Vesta Carr
Caroline Hall
Robert Hickok
Agnes Hjelmeland
Nellie Humphrey
Clinton McNelly
Melvin Myhre
Lawrence Ouverson
Ruth Presholt |
1945 (source – Mason City Globe Gazette, May 8, 1945, p.6)
Beverley Bell
Gene Brosdahl
Donald VanHorn Bosch
Roger Felland
Glen Hanson
Arvid Holton
Geraldine Humphrey
Frances Kisner
Ardie Lovick
Harold Nyhus
Cecil Oleson
Phylis Orcutt
Wesley Pederson
Larry Swanson
Carl Thompson |
1946 (source – Mason City Globe Gazette, Apr. 27, 1946, p.4)
Ardelle Brosdahl
Dick Combs
Dorothy Elthon
Dean Haugen
Norma Holton
Earl Humphrey
Romane Humphrey
Robert Kitner
Phyllis Lindquist
Marlyn Nissen
Norma Lou Oswald
Anna Mary Sanderson
Geraldine Stokke |
1947 (source – Mason City Globe Gazette, Apr. 29,, 1947, p.6)
James Cameron
Marilou Fankell
Patricia Gelnes
Dorothy Halvorson
Norma Hanson
June Kitner
Truman Knudtson
Alice Lovick
Loetta Orcutt
Curtis Ouverson
Robert Ouverson
Marilyn Pederson
Audrey Seglam
Franklin Sheimo
Arlis Thovson
Harry Tjelta |
1948 (source – Mason City Globe Gazette, May 13, 1948, p.24)
Dennis Brosdal
David Elthon
Ivene Elthon
Betty Holtan
Rita Hovey
Frances Jenkins
Dorothy Juhl
George Kisner
Archie Lovick
Norma Oakland
Roger Ritter
Ruth Rothwell
James Sanderson
Rarrel Steuerwald
Thelma Tjelta
Dale Varberg |
1950 (source - Forest City Summit, Apr. 13, 1950, p.14)
LaVonne Daniels
Allen Elthon
Glen Fjeld
Lehman Floy
Darrel Howland
Nancy Juhl
Robert Kennedy
Dale Lindquist
Beverly Low
Donna Low
Kenneth Midtgaard
Amelia Oakland
Donna Parker
Donald Severson
Richard Steinfeldt
Doris Tibbits
Dick Varberg |
1951 (source – Mason City Globe Gazette, Apr. 7, 1951, p.10)
Spence Abrams
Arlyn Brosdal
Bonnie Bjelland
Janice Burtness
Mary Lou Elthon
Donald Howland
Dolores Jordan
Earl Miller
Norman Nyhus
Iva Dell Oakland
LaVonne Pederson
Larry Purcell
Elsie Mae Suby
DeEtta Thovson
Dennis Thovson
Mary Tweeten
William Upchurch
LaVern Vaage |
1953 (source – Forest City Summit, May 21, 1953, p.12)
Faye Amundson
Marlene Bjelland
Patricia Burke
Helen Coltvet
Marjorie Coltvet
Sylvia Elthon
Berna Fjeld
Jerry Haugen
Marilyn Hepperly
Wayne Humphrey
Marilyn Johnson
Maynard Midtgaard
Jack Ouverson
Wendell Stokke
Paul Thovson
Larry Tuttle |
1954 (source – Forest City Summit, May 13, 1954, p.12)
Vera LaVonne Abrams
David Arden Brue
Robert Tweed Elthon
Clara Ann Lou Haugen
Elaine Jacqueline Haugen
Norma Jean Jenkins
Ryan Jenkins
Delbert Duane Juhl
Melvin LaVern Kennedy
Elaine Ann Kraakevik
Larry Wayne Lovick
Marlin Eugene Miller
Marcelline Marie Oakland
William Allen Oswald
Dale Gene Ouverson
Herbert Gene Pederson
Sever Myron Peterson
James LewAlyn Seglem
Eloise Maxine Steinfeldt
Donald James Suby
Marlene Mae Tibbits
Marlys Madeline Tibbits |
1956 [some of the graduates] (source – Forest City Summit, Sept. 20, 1956, p.14)
Mary Brue
Gary Frahm
Jackie Humphrey
David Hunter
Larry Luker
Marion Midtgaard
Nancy Nelson
Verlynn Ouverson
James Rodberg
Betty Tuttle
Deanna Wolfe |
1957 (source – Mason City Globe Gazette, May 22, 1957, p.27)
Ronald Daniels
Marilyn Hall
Henry Halverson
Arthur Haugen
Steven Haugen
Jack Miller
Jean Miller
Ellamae Oswald
Jerry Ouverson
Allen Suby |
1959 (source – Forest City Summit, May 14, 1959, p.11)
see the CLASS PHOTO - click twice to enlarge
Larry Burtness
Sandra Felland
Gary Hall
Judith Haugen
Gerald Hill
Loren Hoffman
Diana Hunter
Gwendolyn Johnson
Lyle Knudson
Neal Luker
Gary Ouverson
Nelda Ouverson
Paul Ouverson
Leslie Torkelson
Beverly Tweed
Donna Vaage |
1960 (source - Mason City Globe, Apr. 27, 1960, p.24)
Arlyn Allen Abrams
Lance Eugene Burtness
Dale Norman Clapper
Russell Gene Faulken
David Gaskill
Delores Jean Halvorson
Jerry Lewis Hepperly
Sharon Kay Hoffman
Edward Francis Kirschbaum
Ronald Ray Lee
Clare Lane Lindquist
Gloria Jean Lovick
Robert Alan Luther
Mary Ann Nye
Thomas Eugene Ouverson
Ray Alan Petersburg
Janet Elaine Thovson
Judith Ann Valley
Harold Paul Wolfe |