Concern for the organization of a Lutheran Congregation and the building of the first church in Joice began with the founding of the town in the fall of 1899 when the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company built their railroad through this area. There were several area Lutheran churches at the time, including Bristol, Concordia, Beaver Creek, and Winnebago, all holding services in the Norwegian language. People living in Joice attended services at these churches when they could, but there was a definite need felt for a new church in Joice.
In January, 1910, a group of 15 women and their daughters organized a society which they called the Priscilla Circle. Its purpose was to "aid the first Lutheran church in Joice", Meetings were held every two weeks in the homes of members. Dues were 10 cents for the older women, 5 cents for the children. Money was also earned by bazaars, so that by the end of the year $208.10 had been earned for the new church.
April 11, 1915 the Bethany Lutheran Congregation (as it is now called) was formed. It was then called Bethania Forenede Norsk Lutheran Congregation of. Joice, Iowa. Plans were made to build a church building. The Rev. Johannes Granskou, then also serving Winnebago and Beaver Creek, became Bethany's first pastor. Soon construction of a church building was underway, and the corner stone was laid on July 10, 1915.
The first Sunday school was organized in 1916 with 30 children being Instructed in the Norwegian language and six in English. The first church Janitors were J.H. Bang and Bjorgo Aasland who donated their time.
On April 10, 1917, the congregation met to seek membership in the new Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Bethania was granted membership on June 12, 1917.
During these early years the Congregation was dependent on quite a number of pastors who came in to help out this new congregation. The Rev. Johannes Granskou has already mentioned. Pastors O. R. Sletten, M. C. Holseth, and Oddmund Amdalsrud were also involved in the pastoral ministry at Bethania. In 1922 the Bethany parsonage was built, and the Rev. and Mrs. L. E. Kleppe and five daughters moved in on October 12.
Since the organization of the Bethany Lutheran Congregation in 1915, several plans for the organization of a new parish with neighboring congregations had been discussed. On March 27, 1920, the Beaver Creek, Concordia, and Bethany congregations formed the Joice Lutheran Parish. The Rev. M. Amdalsrud became the pastor of this of this first joint parish until the arrival of the Rev. Kleppe in 1921.
With the death of the Rev. Kleppe in 1933, the Rev. R. Q. Hjelmeland assumed the temporary role of pastor until a permanent pastor could be called. The Rev. O. F. Scheie of Lily, S. Dak., came by call in November of 1933 and served seventeen and a half years.
The Rev. Loren L. Spaulding began his ministry at Joice in January of 1952, It was decided to have worship services every Sunday at Bethany; a second service was conducted later for the country churches alternating between Concordia and Beaver Creek. With the resignation of the Rev. Spaulding in 1954, Bethany congregation,voted to separate from the parish and form a parish themselves. Later that year Concordia congregation voted to disband, many joined Bethany Congregation.
The Rev. David Luttio, then a student pastor, was engaged to carry out lite duties of pastor. The ordination aid installation of the Rev. Luttio were held at Bethany in May of 1955, and he served as pastor of Bethany until 1958 when the Rev. A.S. Waters was called. It was during the pastorate of A. S. Waters that plans were made to remodel and add on to the original church structure. Dedication of the new church building was held March 19, 1961. The construction included a remodeled sanctuary and Sunday school rooms as well as a new parish hall; the cost was $100,000.
In August of 1962 Pastor Waters resigned, and in December of that year the Rev. John Kronlokken arrived to serve as pastor. During the pastorate of Pastor Kronlokken most of the construction cost for the new church structure was repaid. Pastor Kronlokken resigned in June of 1967. In October the Rev. James C. Quitno was called to be pastor of Bethany. He was still serving in 1969.
In 1969 the baptized mem bership of Bethany Lutheran Congregation was 321; confirmed membership, 246; In 1968 only eight years after the congregation had indebted themselves $100,000 for construction of the church building, this congregation paid off the debt which still remained. Bethany has an active Luther League, brotherhood, and A LCW. The president of the congregation was Harold Hagen. Other council members were: Robert Elwood, Melvin Furness, Richard Hanna. Orin Kittleson, Hans Lien, Cecil Rusley, Everett Trustem, and LeRoy Ulsted. Palmer Medlang was the treasurer; Gladys Emmons was director of music; and Myrtle Bang was Janitor.
Source: Lake Mills Graphic, June 18, 1969 Section H.
Recent History:
Pastor Quitno served until 1974. In 1973 Bethany Lutheran and Sion Lutheran Church of rural Lake Mills joined in a co-ministry. Rev. Floyd Olson served from 1974 until 1978. David Beckstrom from 1979 to 1980. Vince Fricke from 1991 to 1992. Don Benson from 1992 to 1995. Randy Nielson served in 1995 and Gary Johnson served in 1996 - ?. In 1998, Bethany had 218 babtized members. The church officers were David Arneson, president; board members: Noreen Groe, Ron Ortenstone, Monica Bergo, Jeanine Borey, Larry Ritzert, Barry Anonson, Mavis Evenson and Randy Jorth. Today Bethany belongs to the One in Christ Parish. The One in Christ parish consists of 5 area Lutheran churches who share staff and resources. The pastors for the 5 churches are Randy Baldwin and Bill Peters.
Some of the Pastors who served Bethany:
Johannes Granskou
1915-1916 |
Oddmund Amdalsrud
1919-1921 |
Ludvig Kleppe
1921-1933 |
Lodver F. Sheie
1933-1951 |
A. Shefveland
1951 |
Loren L. Spaulding
1952-1954 |
David Lutio
1954-1958 |
A. S. Waters
1958-1962 |
John Kronlokken
1962-1967 |
James C. Quitno
1967-1974 |
John Albrecht
1981-1991 |
Gary Johnson
1996-? |
Transcribed by Gordon Felland, 11/20/2008