Woodbury County, Iowa Genealogy
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- Sioux City Cavalry 1861-1864
- 23 Jan 2001
- We are looking for descendants of
"Troopers" for this unique unit during the
War of Rebellion. Any information will be appreciated. A Home Page through
the Museum for their honor is being planned. We must be able to verify all
information. Thank you.
- Members from the Sioux City area are marked
with square brackets [ ] and bold. The others are from the Spirit
Lake, IA Dickson Co. area.
Patrick Sullivan
4510 Prince of Peace Pl
LO #124
Sioux Falls, SD 57103
- Notes:
- These men fought under General Alfred Sully
at Battle of White Stone Hills, Dakota Territory. Some are believed to
have homesteaded in NE following the Civil War. Mr. Sullivan would
particularly like to have copies of diaries, and letters home. If you know
persons of these surnames currently living in your area, please try to
make contact and determine if there is any relationship, etc.
- [Ahearn, John b. 1845]
- Arthur, Homer D. b. 1821
- [Borsch, Frederick b.1837]
- [Brittingham, Joseph b. 1827]
- [Brown, Samuel b. 1835]
- Bruckner, Charles M. b. 1835
- Burgess, Walter b. 1841
- Cain, James b. 1838
- [Casady, Samuel H. b. 1831]
- Collins, Thomas M. b. 1837
- [Coplan, Jacob T. b.
- Crosby, Norton b. 1841
- Davenport, Joel H. b. 1837
- Doughty, Franklin,
b. 1840
- [Edwards, John T. b. 1841]
- [Edwards, William b. 1837]
- [Elliot, Alexander b. 1833]
- Ellis, Ethel C. b. 1819
- [Francis, John b. 1824]
- [Furber, Isaac C. b. 1835]
- [Gaugh, Christian T. b. 1824]
- [Godfrey, William
b. 1830]
- Guptill, Levi C. b. 1836
- Halley, William b. 1833
- [Hardin, John b. 1827]
- Henderson, Robert b. 1840
- [Hipkins, John b.1826]
- Jenkins, George b. 1828
- Jenkins, Webster b. 1841
- [Kattell, Thaddeus
A. b. 1839]
- Kieth, Frederick
H. b. 1823
- [Kevill, Thomas b. 1842]
- Kingman, Alvorado b. 1830
- [Kingsnorth, George
W. b. 1835]
- [Kingsnorth, Jesse b. 1843]
- [Kinney, John b. 1829]
- [Krudwig, William b. 1840]
- Ladu, Peter b. 1837
- [Lannsbach, Charles b.1834]
- [Lebourreau, George W. b. 1826]
- [Lee, Corwin M. b. 1834]
- [Lennet, John b.1833]
- [Little, Wolfgang b. 1830]
- [McElhaney, Thomas S. b. 1838]
- [McElhaney, William
J. b. 1836]
- [Marshall, Abram b. 1828]
- Matheson, Gunder b 1839
- Maxwell, David B. b. 1833
- Mead, Frank H. b. 1843
- [Millard, Andrew J. b.1832]
- Miller, George W. b. 1836
- [Moffatt, Richard b. 1836]
- [Morf, John H. b. 1832]
- Muck, Joseph b. 1819
- [Murray, Archibald b. 1830]
- [Myers, John b.1837]
- Nevins, John W. b. 1838
- Owen, Hiram C. b. 1831
- Paine, William b.1831
- Palmer, Jareb b. 1830
- Parkhurst, Silas B. b. 1827
- [Phipps, Luther b.
- [Pinkerton, Marvin b. 1829]
- [Porter, James F. b. 1828]
- [Pratt, Niram
W. b. 1805]
- [Pritchard, Porter W. b. 1835]
- [Rapp, Peter b. 1839]
- [Richmond, Otis b. 1840]
- Ridley, Albion b. 1843
- Ridley, Algernon H. b.1836
- Robbins, Giles W. b. 1836
- [Rogers, George W. b. 1837]
- [Rogers, Levi M.
b. 1834]
- [Rohner, Christian b. 1836]
- [Sawyers, James A. b. 1825]
- [Schlawig, John J. b. 1832]
- Schuneman, John H. b. 1830
- Shackleton, James b.
- Smith, Chauncey S. b. 1843
- Smith, Milton J. b. 1834
- [Snyder, Jacob
b. 1838]
- [Stafford, William b. 1840]
- [Stevens, Joseph W. b. 1829]
- [Stewart, William G. b. 1819]
- [Streigel, Charles b. 1836]
- [Trego, Alexander J.
b. 1836]
- [Turman, Charles W. b. 1836]
- [Ulrich, Frederick b. 1829]
- [Veraguth, Henry b. 1837]
- Wade, Samuel b. 1829
- Warner, Norton S. b. 1825
- [White, Thomas S. b. 1819]
- Wilcox, Ezra M. b. 1823
- [Williams, Henry b.1836]
- [Winter, John b. 1838]
- [Winterringer, James b. 1837]
- [Winterrenger, James
F. b. 1845]
- [Winterrenger, Moses B. b. 1823]
- [Winterrenger, William b. 1842]
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