of the
Correctionville High School
invite you to the
Twenty-second Annual
Commencement Exercises
at the Opera House
Friday, May the twenty-ninth
Nineteen hundred fourteen
8 o'clock p.m.
Baccalaureate Services
at the
Methodist Episcopal Church
at 8 o'clock
Sunday, May the twenty-fourth
Herman T. Barker, President
H. B. Schneckloth, Vice President
Mabel Belle Dunton, Secretary
Lloyd D. Peck, Treasurer
"With the ropes of the past,
we will ring the bells of
the future"
Class Flower -- White Rose
Class Colors -- Old Gold and Blue
Instrumental Solo - Opal Charlotte
"Fantasia in D Minor"
by Mozart
"The Woman of Yesterday and
Today" - Elsa Mae Camarigg
"Americanisms" - Edna
Grace Barber
"Our Class Motto" -
Herman T. Barker
"Oratory and the World's
Progress" - William O'Neill
"Fly With Your Own
Wings" - Iva Marie Mumford
Vocal Solo - Mabel Belle Dunton
"Oh Fair, Oh Sweet and
Holy" by Otto Cantor
"Our Flag" - Stanley
"Napoleon" - Lloyd D.
"The Ideal School" -
Mabel Belle Dunton
"The Panama Canal" -
Samson T. Sandven
"Lights that Never Fail"
- Ethel Myrle Southwell
Violin Solo - Frances Neff Wetmore
"Minuet" by Beethoven
"Deutchland" - Harry
Barney Schneckloth
"The Four Leaf Clover" -
Opal Charlotte Fairchild
"Business" - Justin A.
"You Should Worry" -
Roger G. Morris
"Ships That Pass at
Night" - Birdie Blanche Murnan
Vocal Solo - Lloyd D. Peck
"Ah, Let Me Dream" by
"Weaving in the Shadows"
- Ruby Mae Penn
"The Giant Crucible" -
Lynn Ervin Castle
"Life's Symphony" -
Frances Neff Wetmore
Chorus by Class - "The Red
Scarf" by Veazie
Presentation of Diplomas - Dr. W.
F. McQuitty
Class Roll
Stanley Bashaw
Justin A. Bappe
Edna Grace Barber
Herman T. Barker
Elsa Mae Camarigg
Lynn Erven Castle
William O'Neill
Roger G. Morris
Iva Marie Mumford
Birdie Blanche Murnan
Mabel Belle Dunton
Opal Charlotte Fairchild
Ruby Mae Penn
Lloyd D. Peck
Samson T. Sandven
Frances Neff Wetmore
Harry Barney Schneckloth
Ethel Myrle Southwell
High School Faculty
Martha Meacham, Superintendent
G. A. McKinley, Principal
Grace R. Van Ness
Lillian M. Voss
Jean Whittemore
Board of Education
Dr. W. F. McQuitty
D. B. Shontz
Ernest Schneckloth
J. Thos. Mumford
O. C. Foster
Woodbury County Coordinator

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31 January, 2022