Winneshiek County IAGenWeb
Thirty-Eighth Iowa Infantry this page was last updated on Thursday, 06 February 2014 |
Note from Dave Wildman Author of Iowa's Martyr Regiment
Phillip Lathrop raised a Company of soldiers in
August 1862, probably around Winneshiek County, and was elected Captain. He took his Company to Dubuque about September of that year. A few weeks later a suggestion was made to consolidate his Company with another unassigned Company and bring them into the 38th Iowa. At that point I'm assuming he resigned. I do not know if he had service prior to this time, but I could not find him in any roster afterwards.
Below is an excerpt from my manuscript, Iowa's Martyr Regiment:
Although not wanting to burden the governor with more problems in the same letter, Brush asked, “could not Captain Currier and Lathrop’s Companies be consolidated because General Baker is not standing by his promise to provide men.” It should have been Colonel Brush’s responsibility, not Baker’s, to convince these two Captains to bring their recruits into the Regiment – an act that might have demonstrated his leadership qualities.
Phillip Lathrop resigned his commission when he learned that Colonel Brush wanted his company consolidated. Charley Allen was immediately elected to replace Lathrop as Captain – originally a 2nd Corporal in Company “E,” his promotion made him Captain of the partial Company “K.” Currier along with William Lucas and most of their recruits found a unique opportunity and became Company “B” of the 14th Iowa, continuing the challenge for Brush of how to fill the ranks of the last Company.
This information was taken from a letter found at the Iowa Historical Society, in the Governor’s Correspondence, Colonel Brush to Governor Kirkwood, Oct. 9, 1862.
Letter from Capt Charley Allen Co. K 38th Iowa Vol. to General Baker
Camp Franklin near Dubuque Nov. 13th 1862
Adjt Gen'l Baker
Dr Sir
Enclosed you will find Draft in favor of Lathrop by endorsement on the back which should have been in favor of Joseph B. Califf a member of my Co. (Co. K. 38th Iowa Vol) It was directed to Capt. Phillip Lathrop who was once elected Capt. of my Co. but did not accept of the position and has never had any thing to do with the Co excepting that he recruited for it having recd a recruiting com. He is a hundred miles from here and has been for weeks. I wish you would see that the Draft is exchanged so that it will be in favor of the one to whom it belongs. It was directed to Capt. Phillip Lathrop Dubuque and seeing it was from your office I supposed it was something appertaining to my Co. and of course opened it, as I had done with such before by his directions. Please arrange this matter as soon as convenient as the boy needs the money very much he and all the rest of the regt not yet having recd a cent of pay. You can if you wish refer to returns from this Co. to your office directly after we were mustered in
Yours Truly
Charley Allen
Capt. Co. "K" 38th Iowa Vol
From the Historical Society of Iowa i obtained several letters written by Philip Lathrop to N B Baker, Adjunct General of Iowa. Also included was a letter of recommendation by Reuben Noble who later became a very prominent lawyer and judge.
1 ComStatementJul26
Philip Lathrop was com July 26th 1862 for Winneshiek County
2 NobleRecLetterJul27
McGregor July 27th
NJ Baker
Mr Philip Lathrop of Winneshiek County wishes a recruiting commission.
Mr Lathrop is an energetic active man and has popular among the boys-is safe and reliable and I think thenis probably our man see that Co
who can second guess? men than he can. I hope you will commission him forthwith.
Yours truly
Reuben Noble
3 BakerLetterAug11
Frankville August 11th 1862
N B Baker Esq Adjunct General of Iowa
Dear Sir
I have opened a Master Roll, and commenced my enlistments and have up to this date enlisted 12 men -- and would beg leave to ask if in case we should wish to
unite with any other company now organizing in order to make a full company = whether such would be sanctioned - please write immediately concerning it and oblige?.
Yours Respectfully
Philip Lathrop
PS One more question I would beg leave to ask (that is if we are successful in making enlistments) if we can go on and enlist for our quota requirements by draft, in order
to avoid the draft, as I think we can raise our quota by enlistments by the 15th Sept if that can be done and you can extend my commission until that time you will please do so.
4 BakerLetterAug23
Frankville August 23 1862
N B Baker Esq Adjunct General of Iowa
Dear Sir
I have succeeded in enlisting up to this date fifty three men and I think I can fill up the company in the coming week--in case that I should be elected as captain
for this company would it be so that I could obtain leave of absence of about 40 days in order that I might settle up my business because?
as I have devoted so much time in getting up the company that my business is in such a condition that it will take me that length of time to get in readiness
furthermore, is it necessary for me to report in person until these men are ordered forward--you will please to state where we are to raundevou and give us
as long a time as you possibly can before ordering us forward as many are farmers and wish to secure their grain before starting Please forward the passes. Oblige
?? respectively
Philip Lathrop
5 BakerLetterAug28
Winneshiek Co.
Frankville Iowa Aug 28 1862
N. B Baker, Adjunct General State of Iowa
Dear Sir
I do ?? report to you that I have raised a full company of (101)(one hundred and one men) and now await further orders from you.
I shall make you a full report as soon as I obtain muster rolls. & get mymen together. Please send me blank muster rolls, ?? sufficient for the company. & substance blanks soon as convenient.
?? yours
Very respectfully
P Lathrop
?? S Brtnk
apparently a new company
6 BakerLetterSep11
Frankville Iowa Sept 11th 1862
N B Baker Adjunct General
Dear Sir
yours of the 5th inst is at hand containing blank Roster & substance rolls . I enclose a roll of the names of my company & the officers elected on the 6th Inst.
Will report all on this roster from you. At the time ordered.
Yours obt Servant
P. Lathrop
S Brink
PS There has been three companies raised in this (Winneshiek) county. One from Decorah commanded by Capt. Cleghorn one by Dr Kiskup at Fort Atkinson,
of which I learn Dr Kiskup is elected captain & one by myself in Frankville. No others that I have learned of up to the present. ?? is all
Your obt Servt
P. Lathrop
S ? Brink
7 BakerLetterSep19
Frankville Sept 19/62
N P Baker
Adjunct General
?? Sir, I leave this place with my company for Dubuque on Thursday? next? = as I find that it will impossible to longer keep them together in consequence of their
enlisting in other company Mr Day??? of the 1st Iowa Calvery enlisted 6 of my company Names as follows
Geo Pennington
Alonzo Owen
Francis A Dora
Frank E Bunce
Miron Dean
Herman H?wood
7a BakerLetterSep19
Gev?? Kray?? (McKay, Albert M?) has enlisted in the 6th Iowa Calvery??
?eighland? Shenn?? in the ?? Inf
James E Bunt Inf the 3 Iowa Inf
Yours Truly
P Lathrop
What happened to most of the names mentioned above in scan 6a and 6aa are given below. One explanation for Frank E Bunce, who apparently had enlisted a year earlier,
might be that Philip got him mixed up with a brother William H Bunce who did enlist in Iowa's 38th Regiment and died April 4th, 1864.
However, that does not explain why Philip had Frank E Bunce listed as joining Iowa's 1st Calvery.
Mr Day?? might be George E Dayton who seems to be a gung-ho soldier and recruited the others into the 1st Calvery
Dayton, George E. Age 21. Residence Volga City,
nativity New York. Enlisted June 13, 1861, as Fourth Sergeant. Mustered Aug. 17, 1861. Promoted Third Sergeant May 21, 1862.
Discharged for promotion as First Lieutenant of Company C, Sixth Cavalry, Sept. 16, 1862.
Pennington, George (Veteran.) Age 22. Residence Decorah, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 31, 1862. Mustered Aug. 31, 1862.
Promoted Eighth Corporal July 1, 1863; Seventh Corporal July 6, 1863; Sixth Corporal July 18, 1863; Fifth Corporal Sept. 4, 1863; Fourth Corporal Sept. 16, 1863;
Third Corporal Dec. 22, 1863; Second Corporal Jan. 4, 1864. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Jan. 5, 1864. Promoted Fifth Sergeant Sept. 22, 1864;
Fourth Sergeant Feb. 21, 1865; Third Sergeant May 16, 1865; Second Sergeant July 6, 1865. Mustered out Feb. 16, 1866, Austin, Texas.
Owen, Alonzo. (Veteran) Age 24 .Residence Bloomfield, nativity Michigan. Enlisted Aug. 31, 1862. Mustered Aug. 31, 1862.
Promoted Farrier Oct. 1, 1863. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Jan. 1, 1864. Mustered out Feb. 15, 1866, Austin, Texas.
Dora, Francis A. (Veteran.) Age 26. Residence Postville, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 31, 1862. Mustered Aug. 31, 1862.
Re-enlisted and re-mustered Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered out Feb. 15, 1866, Austin, Texas.
Frank E Bunce??????? Enlisted in Company I, Iowa 9th Infantry Regiment on 18 Sep 1861. Mustered out on 15 Feb 1862 at St Louis, MO.
Dean, Miron. (Veteran.) Age 22. Residence Castalia, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 31, 1862. Mustered Aug. 31, 1862.
Re-enlisted and re-mustered Jan. 5, 1864.
Promoted Seventh Corporal Sept. 22, 1864; Sixth Corporal May 15, 1865. Wounded. Promoted Fourth Corporal July 6, 1865; Third Corporal Nov. 1, 1865.
Mustered out Feb. 15, 1866, Austin, Texas. See Company K, Thirty-eighth Infantry.
Company K, Thirty-eighth Infantry. :
Dean, Myron. Residence Frankville. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Deserted before muster.
Herman H?wood ??
cKay, Albert M. Age 21. Residence Decorah, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Oct. 25, 1862. Mustered Oct. 25, 1862.
Promoted Eighth Corporal May 17, 1865; Seventh Corporal June 14, 1865; Sixth Corporal July 1, 1865; Fourth Corporal Aug. 1, 1865.
Mustered out Oct. 17, 1865, Sioux City, Iowa.
H?? Sherriden? (I cannot find him anywhere)
Bunt, James E. Enlisted in Company G, Iowa 12th Infantry Regiment on 05 Nov 1861.Mustered out on 05 Nov 1861.Rejected Nov. 5, 1861, by Mustering Officer.
There were two other names in the letters above, Reuben Noble and S Brink.
S Brink I believe was Simon Brink, a young man who did enlist Iowa's
Reuben Noble Bio
From History of Iowa the Earliest Times to the Beginning of
the Twentieth Century - By Benjamin F. Gue 1903
REUBEN NOBLE was born on the 14th of April, 1821, in
Adams County, Mississippi, where his father was a planter.
The father was opposed to human slavery and in 1833
removed to Illinois to rear his family in a free State. When
the son was eighteen years of age he began to study law and
was admitted to the bar at twenty-one. In 1843 he came to
Iowa, making his home at Garnavillo, in Clayton County. In
1854 he was elected as a free soil Whig to the Legislature
and upon the organization of the House was chosen Speaker,
serving in the regular and extra sessions of 1854-5-6. At the
first Republican State Convention of 1856 Reuben Noble was
placed at the head of the ticket for presidential elector. Four
years later he was a delegate to the National Convention
which nominated Abraham Lincoln for President. Up to the
time of the attempt of the Republicans to remove President
Johnson by impeachment, Mr. Noble had been a prominent
leader of that party. But appoving of the policy of the
President he left the Republicans and from that time became
a Democrat. In 1866 he was nominated by the Democrats
for Representative in Congress, but was defeated by William
B. Allison. In 1870 he was the Democratic candidate for
Judge of the Supreme Court but was defeated by Jdge Day.
In 1874 he was elected judge of the District Court and in
1878 was reelected. In 1879 he was again the Democratic
candidate for Supreme Judge, but was again defeated. In
1886 he was one of the organizers of the Pioneer Lawmakers'
Association and was its first president, never missing a
session during the remainder of his life. Judge Noble was the
leader of the bar of northeastern Iowa from 1850 to the time
of his death which occurred August 8, 1896.
All of the information on this page was contributed by Keith Lathrop, Thank you Keith for your contribution
Please, contact the county coordinator to submit additions or corrections.
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