South Winneshiek School IAGenWeb
1959 Special School Bond Election
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Friday, 26 March 2021
Special School Bond Election
$440,000 School Building Bonds
FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1959 12 Noon to 7 P. M.
District No. 1—Spillville City Hall District No. 2—Calmar Public School District No. 3—Ossian City Hall
South Winneshiek Community School District
South Winneshiek Community Building
On May 5, 1958, the voters went to the polls and decided to form a new school district, the South Winneshiek Com- munity School District. A new board of directors was elected on May 29th, and the school district is now operating as of July 1, 1958. During the organization and planning stage of this new district, it was stated that existing schoolhouse facilities would be used in so far as they were adaptable to the edu cational program, and that some remodeling of present facilities would be necessary. At that time, it was also stated, that some new construction would be necessary. Therefore, after extensive studies and consultations with architects, education experts from the State Department of Public Instruction, finance consultants, the State Fire Marshal’s Office and others, your Board is submitting a building proposal for your consideration. We believe it an
economically sound program, adequately meeting the District’s requirements at a minimum cost to the taxpayers. By any comparison we have one of the best reorganized school districts in the State, and one that is far more economical than any school district around us. Now in order to keep this district and operate an approved school we must comply with school standards as established by the State of Iowa. This building program will adequately provide for schoolhouse facilities and will make possible an educational program that will meet state standards. We strongly recommend that you support the Board’s building program. Study this pamphlet and give this matter serious consideration. The Board can proceed further only with your approval, and strongly urges you to cast a “Yes” ballot on July 3, 1959.
Lloyd H. Strand_________________President I. B. Bjonerud__________________Secretary Adrian Smith___________________Treasurer J. C. Iverson______________Superintendent
Very truly yours, Lawrence Buchheit ______________Director Rudolph Remmen ________________Director Robert Balik _____________________Director Don Meyer _______________________Director
Remodeling of and construction of an addition to the present school building are required to meet the needs. With voter approval the Board plans to construct the following additional rooms and facilities:
Science Laboratory and Storage Music Room Typewriting Classroom Gymnasium and AuditoriumThe present school building would be remodeled to provide:
Vocational Agriculture Rooms Special Education Classroom Girls’ and boys’ locker rooms, showers, toilets, storage, and physical education office
The present school building would be remodeled to provide:
Larger Study Hall Library School Lunch Kitchen Homemaking Classroom School Lunch Dining Area Bookkeeping Room
7 Interchangeable Classrooms Kindergarten Room 2 Elementary Classrooms High School Principal’s Office Business Machines Room Teachers’ Workroom
A new boiler required for the addition will be installed in the present boiler room.
R. Balik, R. Remmen, I. Bjonerud (Sectretary), L. Bucheit, D. Meyer, L. Strand (President), A. Smith (Treasurer) (not pictured)

Source: Bond proposal and 1960 yearbook- Submitted by Linus Cremer
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