Hemmelte, Hanover, Germany 2 Aug 1830. When he was twenty years old he came to America. From 1850-1851 he lived in Harlem, IN to learn English, writing and reading. He obtained citizenship in 1856. During the winters of 1858-1860 he went to Louisiana to earn money because there was no work in the north. In 1861 he settled on a farm near St. Lucas, IA. He married Mary Buchheit 22 Nov 1864. His wife, Mary was born in Dearborn Co., Teleran, IN 24 Feb 1844. She came to Festina, lAwith her parents, Philip and Maria Buchheit in 1861. For 3 years Mary was housekeeper for Father Hannish, the second pastor of St. Mary's Church in Festina. Her mother, Maria, prior to her marriage was Maria E. Metzker. She was born 1 Jul 1811. She was blind and died at the age 89 10 Feb 1901. Mary's father, Philip Buchheit was born 18 Oct 1804 and died 21 Aug 1881. Both Philip and Maria are buried in St. Mary's cemetery, Festina, near the church. Mary’s sister was Caroline Buchheit Schissel. Her brother, Nickolas, was born in 1842 and died in 1910. Wessel and Mary Kuennen were the parents of 6 children: Anna, Henry, Joseph, Nickolas, John and Julia. My great-grandmother Anna Maria Freise (Henrichfreise) Boeding (30 Jan 1830 - 20 Apr 1884) was born in Westerwiehe, Westphalia, Germany and is buried in Neuenkirchen, Wesphalia, Germany. Conrad Boeding (2 Mar 1824 - 27 Nov 1893) and Anna Maria were married in 1852. Conrad Boeding came to America in the year 1878 with Rev. F.X. Boeding and Anna Boeding Wurzer. The naturalization paper of great-grandfather Conrad Boeding dated 29 Aug 1888 are in files at the County Courthouse in West Union, IA. He died at the age of 69 at St. Lucas, IA. His other children came at a later date. They are Edward, Herman, Arnold, Lizzie, Mary and Betty. Daughter Elizabeth (Settchen) and Mrs. Conrad Boeding died in Germany. Henry Kuennen and Mary Boeding were married 11 Jun 1895. They are the parents of 15 children: Wencelaus, Mary, Anna, Mary, Frank, Nick, Julia, Edward, Agnes, Arnold, Elizabeth, Cecelia, Frances, Herman and Mechtildis. My mother (Elizabeth) is the 11th child. She was born 20 Jan 1910. She married my Dad, Ignatius Hageman 19 Jun 1928. Ignatius' parents were Fred and Catherine (Wenthold) Hageman. To this marriage were born 9 children: Urban, Bernice, Leon, Dorothy, Mary (myself), LaVerne, Alfred, Theresa, and Alma. My parents, who were farmers all their lives lived between Calmar and Fort Atkinson in Winneshiek Co. in Washington Twp. My Dad passed away 1 Jun 1990 and my mother resides in her home in Calmar, IA. Reckward, Virgil and Esther (Holm)(Esther and Virgil Reckward) Virgil Reckward was born at Castalia, IA the son of Herman "Harvey” (1896) and Mabel (1899) Reckward. Herman and Mabel were married 21 Aug 1917 at Castalia. They had 3 children: Wilbur, Charlotte and Virgil. Wilbur married Mardella Rankie. Both are deceased. Charlotte married Louis Bigler (deceased). She lives at Flowler, CO. Virgil married Esther Holm who was born at Elkader, IA 6 Dec 1925 to Olavus and Sandora (Shervin) Holm. Olavus was from Elgin and was born 3 Jan 1897. Sandora of Decorah, was born 27 May 1899. Olavus and Sandora were married in Decorah. They had 7 children: Violet McMullen (deceased); Olettia Melka, Cedar Falls; Frances Lindsay, Lansing; Helen Christianson, St. Peter, MN; Merlyn, Decorah; and Ralph (deceased). Virgil and Esther were married 28 Aug 1943 at Elkader. They have 5 children, 13 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Jim married Judy Klepper 6 Dec 1969. Jim is a mechanic and has his own shop. He lives on Old Stage Road near Decorah. Jim and Judy have 4 boys: Chad, Brad, Dennis and Darrin. Chad works at Gemini in Freeport. Brad is a chef at Applebees in Cedar Rapids, IA. Dennis is a 1st year student at NICC in Calmar. Darin is a freshman at Decorah High School. Patty married Jerry Monroe 8 Oct 1966. Jerry farms the former Herman Reckward farm and Patty works at the Soil Conservation Service in Decorah 3 days a week and for Family Council in Postville 2 days a week. They have 3 girls: Julie, Amy and Summer. Julie is a student at Omaha University studying to be a speech therapist. Amy is a student at Hawkeye Tech in Waterloo studying to be an interior decorator. Summer is a senior at South Winn. Jerry lives at Highlandville, IA. He works at Deco and also does carpenter work such as clocks and remodeling. He has 2 children and 1 grandchild. Richie works at Deco. Jeanie works at Deco and has 1 daughter, Jessica. Susy is married to Dale Lenth, a semi truck driver. They live in Castalia. Susy works at Camcar in Decorah. She is boss over 17 people in her department. Susy and Dale have 2 children and 1 grandchild. April married Ty Hamilton and they have a daughter, Hope. April attends NIIC in Calmar studying to be an accountant. Joe is a senior at Postville High School. Ginnv is married to Mike Aldredge. They live near Decorah. Mike works at K&S grocery store and Ginny works at Collins Radio in Freeport. They have 2 girls,. Nichole is in first grade at Decorah and Danille at home is 2. Virgil and Esther are members of Castalia United Methodist Church. Virgil is president of the Board and Esther is secretary and treasurer of UMW Club. They are farmers and milk cows. They usually have a large garden and share it with the kids and neighbors. They thoroughly enjoy their family. Redmond, Mildred Irene (Ruen)(Mildred Irene Ruen Redmond) I have been told that I was sent to school at about the age of four in order to learn to speak English because I could speak only Norwegian. My first memory of school was sitting with Dagny Moen on a large book. She would bring me a pork roast sandwich on white bread which really tasted good. Howard and I would walk to school much of the time: it was about a mile with the first half mostly uphill. We would bring our lunch. The Lee School house where we went still stands and the building looks like it did then from the outside. About in Sep 1925 I was sitting in the next to the last seat in the back of the school room and the boy sitting R-6 See the associated scan to compare with the published information. |
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