or not. Take for instance, late one night long after Johnny and Lenora had gone to bed, they were awakened by noises downstairs. Some of their young friends had stopped by. Not finding Johnny and Lenora up, they simply helped themselves and fixed their own “after midnight" snack. Of course, Johnny and Lenora could join them if they wanted. And, of course, they did. Or take the time when they heard strange noises upstairs. Upon checking it out, there were Peter and Orlando walking on the corn that had been taken up there and spread out to dry in preparation for seed corn. After two years, Johnny and Lenora moved from the relatively level lands of the Stoskopf farm just off Looking Glass Prairie down the road to their own farm! 80 acres lying up and down the hills of the valley of the Canoe Creek. And there they made home. The house needed to be made livable. And it was. A new roof was needed for the barn. A new “out-house" had to be built. That "three-holer” cost another $50.00. The first car gave way to a Model T Ford. Mr. Billy Goat immediately decided to sleep on top of that. Watch out. WATCH OUT! LENORA! But it was too late. For out of nowhere he came, Mr. Billy Goat. And he bunted her into the tool box nearby. And there, scared stiff, not daring to wink an eye, she lay perfectly still until Mr. Billy Goat decided she was done in and moved on to other interests. Children were born, seven of them, to Johnny and Lenora. Ervin A. (b. 31 Jan 1917) married Lucille Irene Johnson on 20 Oct 1938. Lucille died 12 Jun 1957. Ervin then married Dorothy Bray on 20 Apr 1958. Lucella Irene (b. 26 Mar 1919) married Virgil Bender on 2 Jun 1937. They have two daughters: Elaine Yarwood and Carol Blegen. Doris Elvera (b. 2 Sep 1921) married Walter Bender on 21 Nov 1939. They have a daughter, Beverly Heffern and a foster son, Dean (Ask) Bender. Robert Dean married Grace Sivesind. They had two sons: Donald (died at age of 6) and Lauren (Ask) Peterson. Charles Hubert married Rose Rosendahl on 19 Oct 1950. They have 3 children: Diane (Peterson) Munkel, Larry and Craig. John LeRoy married Lorraine Anderson on 25 Aug 1956. They have 5 children: Lori (Peterson) Musil, Brent, Bradley, Bruce and Brian. Helen Vernelle married O. Paul Hougen on 8 Aug 1954. They had 8 children: David, Paul Jay Jerome, Jonathan, Faith Andraessen, Luther, Joy Olson and Gloria Ormord. Evenings after busy summer days were used to sit on the back steps listening to the crickets, the frogs and the running of the water from the cave. Winter evenings would find the family gathered around the kitchen table eating apples Johnny peeled. Johnny was known for thoroughly loving God’s creation. Going through the hills and valleys was not a chore. If a cow or calf was missing, the search into the woods continued until late if necessary until the animal had been found. His patience and care for horses was to be admired. In addition to farming, Johnny became the custodian of Hauge Lutheran Church. This would mean digging the graves when someone died, ringing the bell, tolling it after each service, hauling the drinking water, stoking the furnace. In the winter he would be up at 4 o’clock am, hitch the horses to the sleigh, and go to the church to make it warm for the worshipers who came later. He mowed the lawn and cemetery, which meant the kids pulled the weeds around the tombstones. Lenora became president of the Ladies Aid. This meant serving lunch at auctions, hauling all the needed supplies to and from. This meant organizing church suppers — no easy tasks. AND, there were dues to pay, 10 cents for each meeting. And, they kept track. If you didn’t have 10 cents, it was enough to keep one from attending. Lenora had a Victory Garden during World War II canning 700 quarts of fruit and vegetables. She baked 14 loaves of bread twice each week for the family (having to keep their own “starter"). When John ’Jr." got married, Johnny and Lenora moved to “town" (Decorah). Here Johnny mowed lawns and Lenora baked pies for the Green Parrot Restaurant. Lenora became a cook at the Aase Haugen Homes. First, she cooked at the Home in the country. And then she worked at the Home in Decorah. On Passion Sunday, 4 Apr 1993, a Processional Cross was dedicated at Hauge Lutheran Church in their memory, a gift from their family. Peterson, Julius and Helena (Williams)(Susan Jacobsen) ![]() Original Power Plant. Property of Mel Faldet. Decorah Lower Dam. Julius Peterson was born in Gran, Hadeland, Norway. In the church records in Noway he is listed as being born 6 Jul 1872 (his tombstone says 3 Jul 1876). He was named Julius Jensen Horgeneiet. His parents were the unmarried couple, Kari Pedersdtr Horgeneiet and Jens Olsen Horgeneiet. (People in Noway did not have inherited surnames. Their surname changed every time they moved from one farm to another. “Horgeneiet” simply means both Kari and Jens lived and worked on the Horgen farm when Julius was born.) Kari Pedersdtr (b. 23 May 1849) was the oldest of the 7 children of Peder and Gunhild Hansdtr (Raastad) Horgeneiet. Peder Olson Horgeneiet was born 20 Feb 1830 in Gran. He was the son of Ole Paulson. On 8 May 1849 Peder married Gunhild Hansdtr (b. 20 Dec 1821) the daughter P-15 See the associated scan to compare with the published information. |
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