had married a pastor in the Methodist church whose name was William Callahan. They had 2 children. Albert married Bertha Engan, daughter of Hans and Dorde (Lasseson) Engan. They had 4 sons: Oliver, Henry, Edward and Alvin. Albert and his family spent most of their lives in Winneshiek Co. When first married Albert and Peter both lived in the McGregor area, living near enough that their children were equally at home at either house. By 1916 it was decided the Pete and Albert families would change places. Oliver was old enough to help with the move by helping to herd the cattle. The weather was so cold that ice formed on the edges of ponds and one cow slipped and fell into the water and drowned. That and spending the night in a farmer’s barn left quite an impression on young Oliver. Years later he would point out just where those things took place as the family drove past. Pete drove a team and hauled personal belongings on a wagon and then went home with just the running gear. Another of Pete's jobs was to scout for places that needed help to keep the cattle on the road. Most property was privately owned and fenced so that consisted of closing gates to keep livestock out of fields. Bertha died in 1928. Albert lived with his unmarried sons until 1943. He moved in with Oliver and his family when Henry, with whom he had been living, went to work in the ship yards on the west coast. By this time Edward had married and Alvin was no longer farming on his own. He made his home there until 1965 when Oliver died. He tried several living arrangements in the next few years, one being an apartment in the former Spring Grove Hospital. An apartment consisted of a bedroom and a sitting room. A kitchen was available to the lodgers. Albert cooked for himself and a brother-in-law who also lived in the building. Though his health had been a major problem in his youth he remained robust and active the rest of is long life. While living with Oliver he could be seen cutting weeds, splitting wood and scything grass along fence rows. He even visited grandchildren's homes and did odd jobs for them, particularly cutting thistles. Before he died he developed old age diabetes and became blind and lost a leg above the knee. When his first great-great-grandchild, James Ronald Barloon, was born he “oohed" and “aahed” about the miracle and even held the baby. On 15 Aug 1970 Albert died at age 96. (This story was written by Beulah Shindelar from memories told her by her grandfather Albert Christian Peterson.) Peterson, Charles and Rose (Rosendahl)(Rose (Rosendahl) Peterson) Charles Peterson and Rose Rosendahl were married in 1950. They have 3 children: Diane; Larry; and Craig. Diane (m. Kenneth Munkel) lives in Des Moines, IA; Larry lives in Austin, TX; and Craig in Center Point, IA. Charles and Rose have one grandson, Cody. Charles and Rose both work at the Winneshiek County Memorial Hospital, Decorah. Charles was an ambulance driver and EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) for 16 years. Rose is a ward clerk. Charles also is owner of “Charlie’s Auto Sales.” Rose’s parents were Alfred and Hannah Violeta (Loven) Rosendahl. Rose’s mother is known as “Violet" to her family and friends. ![]() Back: Audrey Brickner, Rose Peterson and Virgil Rosendahl. Front: Violet Rosendahl 1994 Violet was born in 1899. Her parents were John and Mary (Skaim) Loven. Mary came to America with her mother as a young girl. They sailed from Norway to Canada and then continued by boat to Lansing, IA. John and Mary had 2 daughters and 6 sons (in addition to Violet): Anga (died as a baby), Anga Cornelus, Albert, Melvin, Henry, Carl, Julius (Jack) and Roy. The family lived on a farm between Decorah and Waukon. When John built a new house, he sent his sons to Decorah with a wagon to get lumber. He picked a day when no trains were scheduled, but unfortunately, a special train came by and spooked the horses. Jack’s leg was run over, but he missed being seriously injured. The family attended the Glenwood Lutheran Church and the children went to the Rocksvold school in Glenwood Twp. The teacher always came to school early to start a fire in the stove with wood and coal. Each day the students had to carry drinking water from the nearest farm to the school. All the students brought their lunch to school in a pail or lunch bucket. Most farm children at the time only attended school to the 5th or 6th grade because they were needed to help with the work at home. The family had a large garden, gathered various fruits (including picking gooseberries) and butchered and canned their own meat. A chicken was usually butchered for Sunday dinner. Social activities for the family consisted of going to church, Luther P-12 See the associated scan to compare with the published information. |
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