School photos
Norma (Bender) Jennings
28 June 2013
(Photos contributed
by the Washington County Historial Society)
Coordinator's note:
I attended Eureka School in Marion twp from
1943-1945 (?) 4th to 7th grade. This schoolhouse burned down
while I attended there. An old abandoned residence was cleaned and
painted to use for a
few weeks until the end of the school year and a new school was
built that summer. My father sawed the legs off of an old dining room
chair that we had for me to use as a desk and we had to do our homework
and use our laps as desks at school. (We closed the school three
days early that year when a bug fell down from the ceiling into the
teacher's lap. If I remember it correctly, it looked more like a
lady bug to me, but the teacher panicked and thought it was a bedbug.)
After the school closed, the new building was converted to a
It had a nice concrete basement and we roller skated down
there during recess time. During that period I fell while rollerskating
and cracked my left wrist.
Several of the families in this 1929-1930 photo were
still living in the neighborhood when we lived there and were good
friends of my family. My husband and I once again lived in that
neighborhood from 1953-1955.

More about the Eureka settlement:
(Town histories at: )
Eureka was laid out
in April 1857, by Jacob Z Bowman. It was located on the northwest
quarter of section 18, township 74, range 7. It never aspired to
become a town of great dimensions but was a trading point of some
importance in the early years.
The Methodist Episcopal Church of Eureka was
organized in September of 1849, and a frame building erected in 1858.
The Baptists had an organization at Eureka, which effected in 1856. A
frame building was erected at that place by that denomination in 1870.
(Note by nfj. - The Abraham Snider family from Preston County, West
Virginia, (still Virginia at that time) moved to Marion Twp around
1857 shortly before or after his youngest son Abraham, Jr. was born.
His son Joseph Snider, b. 1841was sixteen years old. A few years
later, Joseph Snider built a nice residence across the road from the
Eureka Church. Joseph Snider was my great grandfather.nfj)
In 1880, it was written that Eureka has postal
facilities and is surrounded by a beautiful and fertile section of
country. In the early days there was a post office located on Crooked
Creek, near the east part of the Township, called Marcellus. this
office however has long since been discontinued.