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Brief Biographies of the Simpson College Graduates of 1901

Source: “A Short History of the Graduating Class,” Indianola Herald, Indianola, Iowa, Thursday, June 20, 1901, p.2-3

Charles A. Carlson
Mr. Carlson was born in Pilot Mound, Iowa, Aug 18, 1867. He received his primary education in the country school and spent two years in Cornell. After preaching three years he decided to enter Simpson, which he did in 1895. He expects to take seminary work for S. T. B. [Bachelor of Sacred Theology]

J. Earnest Carman
Mr. Carman, the member of class 1901, who breaks the age record of graduation, was born Aug. 13th, 1882, and will complete the college course at the age of 18. He began his school career at a district school near St. Charles, Iowa, and at the age of 14 he entered Freshmen at Simpson and graduates with the outgoing class, with six extra hours to his credit. After two years of work, probably teaching, Mr. Carman is planning to take university work. Few men get through college at 18, and we trust that Mr. Carman will pursue his post graduate work to as successful a conclusion as he has his collegiate.

Ralph W. Core
Mr. Core was born June 25, 1880. He began his career in the country school and later spent two years in the Knoxville High School from which he graduated. He at once entered as freshman in Simpson College, and completes his work at an early age. Mr. Core has chosen teaching as his profession and has especially prepared himself for that work.

William N. Craven
Mr. Craven was born Dec. 24, 1877. He first attended country school three miles east of Indianola, afterwards attending Ackworth Academy for four years. He later spent part of a year in the Indianola High School, and completed his preparatory work in Simpson Academy, entering the freshman class in 1897. He expects to take university work in the study of medicine.

George W. Dean
Mr. Dean was born on a farm near Griswold, Iowa, Jan. 24, 1876. He began his education in a country school, and later graduated from Griswold High School. During the spring of 1895 Mr. Dean spent six months at the Denison Normal. In the fall of 1896 he entered Simpson, but was called home in the winter. He returned in 1897 and has since pursued without interruption his college course. He is looking to university work in civil engineering.

John Y. Honnold
Mr. Honnold was born in Indianola, Feb. 6, 1880. He received his primary education in the Indianola public schools but entered the Academy before graduation. He missed one year, 1898-1899, re-entered and will complete his work with the class of 1901. He expects to pursue a new course.

Rex. B. Kennedy
Mr. Kennedy was born Jan 25, 1877. He began his primary education at the age of 5, in the Villisca public schools. After completing the eleventh grade he went to Tarkio [Missouri] for two years, but later entered Simpson in the fall of 1897 for one term. In the fall of 1898 he re-entered and has pursued his course without interruption. Mr. Kennedy will enter Chicago University, fall of 1901, for his post-graduate work.

Mattie Morris
Miss Morris was born in September 1874. Her primary education was secured in a country school. She entered Simpson as a preparatory student, but owing to ill health has been compelled to miss considerable; however, she completes her work this year and expects to take a course in medicine.

Ella J. Noel
Miss Noel was born in Redfield, Ia., Nov. 24, 1878. She received her primary education in the public school of Redfield, graduating at 15, and entered Simpson in 1895, but stayed out, teaching during part of 1897-1898. She again returned and will complete her work with the class of 1901. Miss Noel is looking toward postgraduate work in literature.

Fred G. Potter
Mr. Fred G. Potter was born in Peoria, Ill., April 7, 1869. He secured his primary education in a country school and in a graded school in Carson, Iowa where he had moved at 13 years of age. He entered Simpson in 1890 and completed the preparatory course. He entered again in 1897 for a continuous term of four years. Mr. Potter expects to take up work in the Christian ministry and probably in mission work. He will probably take seminary training.

Andrew Graham Reid
Mr. Reid was born near St. Charles, Ia., May 24, 1878. He first attended country school; later the St. Charles public school. He moved to Indianola and graduated with the high school class of 1897, entering Simpson the same year. Mr. Reid has not definitely decided his line of work, but is looking to post-graduate work in a university.

Charles Clark Smith
Mr. Smith was born August 11th, 1875. He attended country school till 18 years of age, entering Simpson Academy in 1894. He has pursued his work continuously with the exception of the spring term of 1900. Mr. Smith expects to enter Boston University in the fall of 1901 for degrees in S. T. B. [Bachelor of Sacred Theology] & Ph. D.

Eva Stahl
Miss Stahl was born February 14, 1875. She received her primary education in the country school. Miss Stahl has done six years’ consecutive work in Simpson Academy and College, and will enter next year upon her chosen work of teaching. She has been elected to a position in the Indianola High School.

John W. Todd
Mr. Todd was born in Winterset, Ia., Jan. 22, 1879; at an early age he began work in the public school of Indianola and later moved to Boston, where he attended public school for three years. He entered Simpson in 1893 and has been pursuing his preparatory and college work since that date. Mr. Todd will take up the profession of teaching.

Guy J. Winslow
Mr. Winslow was born in February 1874. He first attended country school and later entered graded school, finishing the junior year. He entered Simpson as a middle preparatory in 1896 and has worked consecutively with the exception of two terms which he missed while campaigning in the Spanish-American War. Mr. Winslow expects to enter at once upon his calling to the ministry.

Lloyd H. Wright
Mr. Wright was born in West Virginia in October 1865. He attended public school till 15 years of age and then entered the West Milford High School. He later attended the Virginia State Normal for two years. He attended the National Normal University at Lebanon, Ohio for a period of three years. He has since been principal of Bridgeford and Grafton Schools, West Virginia. He taught one year at Alabama, and later began as teacher in the Western Normal at Shenandoah, Ia. He entered Simpson in 1899 teaching and pursuing college studies. He will graduate with the outgoing class.