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Warren County Iowa GenWeb

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Milo High School Graduates
1887-1888 & 1898-1959

The first framed schoolhouse for Milo was built in 1882 with the first high school class graduating in 1887.  A new brick school was built in 1895 and new grade school and high school were built in 1923.  In 1959 area schools were consolidated into the Southeast Warren School District, after which time students went to high school in Liberty Center, junior high and elementary school in Milo, and also elementary school in Lacona.
(source: Milo Centennial 1880-1890; including Belmont & Otter Townships, by the Centennial Committee, 1979)

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Carrie Hall
Edna Shaw
Nellie Shaw
Sallie Shaw

May Scott
Mattie Smith

Isabelle Adamson
Audrey Dunn
Fred Flesher
Carrie Price
Floy Smith
Ella VanGilder
Ruth VanSyoc
Ina Westerfield
Maude White

Rolla Amsberry
Warren Beard
Louie Bingley
Forest Brown
Geraldine Condit
Ivie Griffin
Sallie Haworth
Lulu Irwin
Bertha Moore
James McCelland
Frank McGraw
Laura McNeer
Ancil Nutting
Mollie Peebler
Arthur Shaw
Clifford Smith
Gertrude Smith
Ray Smith
Kate Tussing
Belle Twing
Fred VanGilder
Harley VanSyoc
Fred Wells
Addie Wellons

Florence Batten
Lem Batten
Roscoe McGraw
Milt Smith
Grace Talbot
Linnie Wick

Ray Amsberry
Lela Flesher
Nell Flesher
Pearl Griffin
D. R. Nutting
Sula Hain
Sadie Hall
Leona Higbee
Mabel Hobbs
Ina Hook
Floyd McClenahan
Grace McNeil
Bessie Manley
Earl Moore
Ina Poling
Frank Price
Junia Runyan
Kate Talbott
Earnest Trueblook
Verde Vick

Ernest Bloom
May Harned
Eli Moorhouse
May Smalley
Eva Tussing

Wanna Brown
Don Daugherty
Charlie Haldeman
Oscar Pritchett
Foster Smith
Mayme Sutton
Bertha Wells

Mamie Bailey
Daisy Manley
Myrtle Nutting
Zella Oldaker
George Schrader
Chester Shaffer
Emeline Smith
Iva VanSyoc

Myrtle Flesher
Grace Schrader
Jennie Smith
Helen Thornton

John Bailey
Ina Bloom
Eva Griffin
Bertha Hook
Ethel Price
Florence Stanger
Lulu Stanger
Roy Town

Jennie Brown
Bessie Downing
Hazel Hook
Mabel Kimzey
Grace McClelland
John Nutting
Fred Wright

Rex Dunn
Josephine Fellows
Lena Hollingsworth
Stella McNeer
Roxie Smith
Hazel Stanger
Eva Starr
Arvetta Winning

Bessie Bailey
Leo Daugherty
Fay Fawcett
Charlie Hobbs
Dorothy Sutton
Lida Tennant

Mollie Amsberry
Grace Basinger
Charlene Cole
Ronald Gordon
Ethel Irwin
Lochie Kimzey
Mary Males
Maude Ross
Ethel Whitlow

Floy Crabb
Max Dunn
Lora Durham
Olive Frank
Clara Guy
Mary Nutting
Minnie Steele

Van Niles
Clara Stapleford
Eula Summers
Clarence Vernon
Ariel Wright

Inez Boothe
Carl Cleveland
Noble Hines
Will Males
Freda Millican
Evelyn Sparks
Lorey VanSyoc
Frances Wadle

Bessie Clary
Arthur Dutton

Dorothy Guy
Frances Kimzey
Eura Wolcott

Margaret Bissett
Blythe Clayton
Evea Hicks
Floyd Manley
Bryan Mitchell
Lloyd Mosher
Carl Polson
Charles Starr

Mary Clark
Ivan Dutton
John Fellows
Lola Hicks
Venus Hollingsworth
Faye Shoemaker
Ivie Smith
Rashal Stanger
Vadis Walker

Frances Fetters
Florence Hunt
Gail Mikesell
Edna Quiggle
Nell Wright

Margaret Clayton
Fern Irwin
Phyllis Jacobs
Edward McNeer
Waudena Males
Marjorie Metcalf                             
Lucy Vinson

Flossie Allsup                    
Carl Courtney                   
Hazel Dollison   
Maude Graham               
Loretta Heller                   
Ray Hollingsworth                           
Vera Oldaker                    

Joe Fellows
Irene Hale
 Eugene Johnson
Gale Niles
Frank Sandy
Marvin VanSyoc


Marie Crabb
Helen Daugherty
 Lyle Durham
Vera Ferguson
Gladys Heller
Pauline Hollingsworth
Ralph Moorehouse
Wilma Nolte
Louise Oldaker
 Ruth Stanger
Gail Town
Bessie Trotter

James Amsberry
Marie Bales
Sarah Beeler
Leona Cambron
Perry Cox
Addle Mae Cunningham
Gerald Davey
Opal Fellows
 Myrtle Gardner
Henry Godlove
Margaret Greenwell
Dorothy Harris
 Fern Jacobs
Faye Roe
Arvetta Sandy
 Henry Scott
Gladys Town
Frank Trotter
Bertine Van Syoc
 Mildred Whitlow

Ruth Cambron
Hazel Estes-Carey
Gerald Ferguson
Geraldine Ferguson
Maxine Jolly
Lowell Quiggle
 Irene Wells

Lorraine Amsberry
 Marvin Amsberry
Frances Botkin
 Gerald Cleveland
Florence Derrough
 Doris Feight
Bertha Heller
Earl Hook
Louis Howe
Oma Hukill
 Frances Manley
Helen Manley
Mary Moorehouse
 George Nolte
Evelyn Nutting
Mildred Oldaker
Edra Puderbaugh
Bernice Wright

Kenneth Amsberry
 Keith Botkin
Lela Clary
 Harold Courtney
Clifford Devore
Sallie Gardner
 Ethel Heller
Lena Moon
Murel Morgan
Fern Risinger
Bernice Ruble
Stanley Van Syoc
Howard Wikle

Thelma Bloom
Grace Cambron
Charles Davis
 Myrtle Davis
Merle Dollison
Doris Feight
Reuben Fellows
Ethel Gardner
Nelson Godlove
Beulah Hicks
Helen Jordan
Mildred Metcalf
Charles Niles
Dale Niles
Gerald Norris
 Herbert Nutting
 Mayme Roe
Gladys Runyan
Grace Schroeder
 Melba Shaw
Lester Trotter
Edison VanZee
Lulu Vinson
Laverne Wandling
George Wells
Russell Wells
Duane Wikle
Mary Williams
Perl Wolcott

Charles Botkin
Lucille Clark
Leo M. Cleveland
Verlyn A. Craft
Leland E. Crawford
Harley Davidson
Earl S. Fellows
Hazel Jacobs
Verle D. Jacobs
Floyd Morgan
Merle Motherhead
Martin Oldaker
 Don Runyan
Sarah Aileen Sandy
 Burrell A. Smith
Catherine Smith
Bryan Van Syoc

Ella Becker
Gaylord M. Clark
Freda Courtney
Henry Culbertson
Gilbert Fridley
Jacob W. Garbison
Dorris Graham
Joseph Heller
Maxine Hukill
Gladys Niles
Erma Norris
Mable Nutting
 Frances Oldaker
Arlene Royce
 Marie Ruble
Lon S. Runyan
Merva E. Smith

Ellis M. Adamson
Ruth Adamson
Verle D. Bales
Bryon D. Bote
Margaret Botkin
 Fern Cassiday
 Ernest D. Cox
Pauline Crabb
Inez Culbertson
Gladys M. Dunn
 Thomas E. Fellows
Grace Gardner
Lowell A. Greenfield
Mildred E. Hane
Wade Jacobs
Thomas L. Long
Howard Morgan
Bernice Patch
 Donald Patch
 Virgil E. Richey
 Helene Risinger
 Sarah Romine
 Edna VanSyoc

Olive Allsup
Erma Bales
Maxine Chase
Frances Clark
 Howard Clark
Bernice Cleveland
Evelyn Demory
 LaVaughn Goode
Elva Graham
 Ruth Graham
Gladys Johnston
 Tom Judson
Howard Lester
Lila Lukin
 Olive Van Syoc
Josephine Wikle

Howard Ball
Thelma Baxter
Lela Courtney
 Fern Culbertson
Turner Doris Demory
Edwin Ford
Helen Higbee
 Orion Higbee
Edith Knouse
Dorothy Morgan
Keith Nutting
Gretchen Oldaker
 Ivan Royce
Raymond Shoemaker
Anna Tidball
Avery VanZee
Raymond VanZee
Ruth Wells
Leonard Wilbur

Luella Alton
Orlin Bales
Robert Botkin
James Bowles
Dean Cassiday
Irma Cleveland
 Marjorie Coleman
Roy Davey
Loren Derrough
Vaugh Dickerson
 Ashley Gardner
Echo Hukill
 Frances Long
Ray Morgan
Kenneth Nutting
Lorraine Oldaker
Delmar Patch
Mildred Richey
Ada Tidball
Earl Trotter
Bryce Van Syoc
Melfrances Walton
 Lucille Weeks
Mary Wells
 Keith Wilbur
LeRoy Wolcott
Marjorie Wright
Jack Young

Katherine Conner
Raymond Courtney
Clyne Culbertson
Darrell W. Donahue
Doris Drake
Oral Duncan
Keith Fielding
Willis Fry
Edna Mae Graham
Louvele Graham
 Edna Jacobs
Thelma Keeney
Olive Mae Miller
Lyle Morrow
Margaret Niles
 Clela Nutting
Rayetta Nutting
Ray Patch
Raymond Purcell
Orville Sill
Robert Tidball
Robert Town
Ethel Trotter
Marjorie Whitlow
 Ruby Wood

Arthur Anthony
Ivyl Ball
Jack Botkin
Violet Culbertson
Enid Derrough
Margaret Dollison
Thelma Duncan
 Ralph Gardner
Max Godlove
Jesse Johnson
Donald Kading
Wanda Keeney
 Eldon Nutting
William Oldaker
Pauline Peterson
Loren Thompson
Hazel VanSyoc
Thelma VanSyoc
Arthur Wadle
Olive Wright

Mardell Cassiday
Eileen Donaghue
Charles Erb
J. A. Graham, Jr.
Portia Kaufman
William Keeney
Wilbur Morrow
Raymond Niles
 Russell Thorn
Edwin Wandling
 Ruth Wood
Othella Wright
Ted Wright

Ray Allsup
Lawrence Clark Jr.
Guy Cox
Lloyd Feight
Kenneth Ferguson
Florence Hedrick
Veda Johns
Arland Kading
Franklin Knouse
Ardelle Michener
 LaNelle Morgan
 Leonard Morris
Mildred Mosher
Esther Nutting
Marie Porter
Ernest Rodgers
Dorothy Schroeder
 Esther VanSyoc
Ralph VanSyoc
 Wayne VanSyoc
Thelma Walton
Mildred Wright
Dean Young

Edith Ball
Arlene Bote
Vadis Cambron
Virginia Clark
Pearl Daughtery
Guy Erb
Tom Ervin
Kenneth Ferguson
 Melvin Hickman
 Homer Howe
Frank Keeney
Janice Manley
Pauline Poling
Thelma Poling
Dean Robertson
Margarita Robertson
 Wilma Rodgers
Maynard Smith
 Donald Thompson
Ernest Weeks
Louise Yates
Betty Young

John Abel
May Allsup
Nellie Allsup
Mildred Bowles
Dana Derrough
Leona Duncan
Robert Ervin
Darlene Graham
Lorraine Greubel
 Max Higbee
George Howe
John Kaufman
Raymond Keeney
Dale Moon
Helen Morris
Edith Nutting
Dean Runyan
 Ival Sams
 Ivan Sam
Betty Truman
James VanSyoc
Ray VanSyoc
James Wachter
Gladys Whitlow
Donald Wolcott
 Dale Wood
Max Wright
Charlotte Young

Agnes Abel
Helen Becker
 John Bishop
Versa Culbertson
 Harold Emmons
Alice Hickman
James R. Howe
Wayne Kubli
John W. Michener
Robert Rodgers
Junior Thompson
Dean VanderLinden
Marjorie Walton
 Helen Wells
Kathryn E. Wells
 Max Wells
Kent Wilbur

Alice Allsup
 Dale Bales
Lois Bare
 Keith Butler
Betty Jacobs
Paul Laffoon
David McDonald
Marion McKinney
Wilma Mosher
John Nutting
Ellen Porter
Dean Rodgers
Donald Schroeder
Kathryn VanderLinden
Nick Vanderpool
Duane VanSyoc
Junior Wright

Dean Bales
Geraldine Biddle
Marjorie Cambron
Robert Davey
Arlene Duncan
Lucille Hedrick
Marian Hicks
Earl Lohr
Lila McKinney
 Mary C. Nutting
James Robinson
Harold L Rodgers             
Lyle Smith          
Betty Streeter  
Dwain Town      
Marilyn VanderLinden
Louise Wilbur
Gerald Wood    
Fern Wright       
Guy Wright        

Lorraine Bales
Raymond Ball
Dee Cambron
 George Curtis
Gerald Derrough
Geraldine Endres
Norma Fellows
Thomas Garbison
Lloyd Hedrick
Maxine Hedrick
Ada Howe
 Betty Kennard
Shirley Kimzey
LaNelle Michener
Ethel Ohnemus
JoAnne Roberts
JoMary Roberts
Alice Wachter
 Truman Wood
Dwight Worrell
Gertrude Vanderpool
Willard Van Syoc

Marilyn Alexander
Robert Allsup
Ernest J. Biddle Jr.
Virginia Bowles
Leroy Cox
Betty Curtis
Robert Dykstra
Donna Lee Goode
Fred Greubel
Walter Higbee
James Kimzey
Howard Mullens
Edna Ohnemus
 Darlene Porter
Irene Robertson
Robert Runyan
Stanley Runyan
Irma Jean VanderLinden

Frieda Eaton
Irma Endres
Mervin Endres
Darlene Keeney
Eugene McDonald
Mary B. Milleson
Florence Reed
Pauline Rodgers
Dean Royce
Ival Smith
Betty Storm
Giles Walk

Marilyn Butler  
Wayne Chase   
Norma Cleveland            
Frank Darnielle 
Louise Garbison               
Betty Kading     
Mary E. Krumm
Donald Metz     
Nina Milleson   
Bernard Reeves               
Edward Rodgers              
Marilyn Runyan               
Helen Shaver    
Charles Traster
Harold Wachter               
Betty Whitlow  
Richard Wright 

LaVern Alexander
Cleo Endres
 James Erb
 Rodney Erb
Norma Feight
Chloris Miller
Marvel Morgan
Phyllis Reeves
Ruth Wadle

LeRoy Bales
Richard Bloom
Darlene Dykstra
James Fry
Hazel Higbee
Hester Higbee
Ethel Higgins
Roseanne Klein
 Joan McElroy
 Dwight Michener
 Joy Mosher
 Ruth Ohnemus
 Darl Reynolds
Evelyn Trotter
Louis Walk
Melvin Wallace
Shirley Willett

Madelyn Clark
Marilyn Dollison
Robert Howe
Ruth Laffoon
Martha Millison
George Putz
Harvey Reed Jr.
Irene Reynolds
 Virginia Ripperger
 Eugene Trotter
Keith Uttley
Evelyn Wachter

William R. Adamson
Josephine Biddle
 Robert D. Bloom
Margaret Endres
 Marjorie Greubel
 Agnes Heinen
Beverly Higbee
Carol Klein
Irma Ohnemus
Joy Vander Linden
 Mary Wadle
Gordon J. Wilkinson
James K. Wright

Ethel Adamson
Fern Allsup
John Derrough
William Dickerson
Robert Dollison
Fern Garbison
Fern Gibson
Colleen Graham
 Madonna Heinen
Opal Higgins
Frances Kading
Irma McElroy
Edward McKinney
Margie Morgan
Jeanne Mosher
Dorthea Porter
Phyllis Ripperger
Shirley Streeter
Janice Trotter
Mary A. Wachter

Robert Alexander
Mary Ellen Brown
Evelyn Coffman
Thelma M. Courtney
 Shirley DeHoet
James Headrick
James Herold
Patsy Howe
Howard Milleson
Vera Ohnemus
 Frances Trotter
Rita Vander Linden

Gerald Adamson
Edna Mae Coffman
John Endres
Charles Howe
Marlene Jacobs
Raymond Kendall
Marvin Metz
Jay Mosher
Donna M. Putz
Jack Ramsey
James Reeves
Carol Trotter
Karol Wilbur
Marilyn Youmans

Carolyn Arnold
Betty Atherton
Lorna Brown
Raymond Coffman
Dwight Downey
Donna Gibson
Shirley Gillespie
Frieda Greufe
 Carl Hamilton
Joe Heinen
Jacob Higgins
Gene Howe
Mona Hunter
Shirley Kennard
 Jackie Kuhn
Joe Kuhn
Frances Milleson
Merrill Reel
Edwin Ripperger
Karma Robinson
Karma VanderLinden
Norma Weaver

Guy R. Courtney
Marilyn DeHoet
Janice Delay
Robert Endres
Herbert Metz
Janet Patch
Shirley Reel
 Martha Reeves
Corwin Reins
Harold Ripperger
 Evelyn Thorn
 Karen VanSyoc
 John Wadle
Max Youmans

Carol Barnes
Henry Bechtel
 Delores Heinen
Donna Hervey
Barbara Higbee
 Mary J. Stahl
Ronald Stearns
 Nancy VanSyoc
Shirley Wallace
Kermit Wilbur

Harry Agan
Dixie Benedict
Dwight Brown
Larry Dollison
Carolyn Fellows
Karma Graham
 Ruth Greufe
Kenneth King
 Delma Jean Patch
John Rennenger
Dorothy Rhodes
 Janet Stearns
Leonard Wadle Jr.

Friend Bechtel
Nina Brown
 Alice Clark
Dennis Ferguson
Richard Goode
Bernice Greufe
 Patricia Heinen
Shirley Howe
 Verla Jacobs
 Ronald Kennedy
Eldon McElroy
Marilyn Ohnemus
Ella Jean Putz
Beverly Ripperger
Norma Robinson
Betty Shoemaker
Larry Thomas
Jewell VanSyoc
James Wadle
Bob Willoughby

Maxine Adamson
 Howard Agan
Irene Bechtel
 Larry Benedict
Karol Boston
Merlin D. Boston
Connie Burson
Eldon Coffman
James Crabb
Allen Davey
Clinton Fraley
Joanne Heller
 Theresa Hembry
Robert Manley
Max Mekus
Patricia Nutting
 Richard Oldaker
Ruth Rennenger
Edward A. Robinson
Kay Ann Robinson
Jesse Spencer
Janice VanSyoc
Leonard VanSyoc