Indianola High School Attendance Record
Sept 6, 1915 - Jan 14, 1916
Riggs Class Record, Six Weeks Period, Bessie Matsen, teacher, I.H.S. Building [Indianola High School]
Special thanks to the Warren County Historical Society for sharing this book.
A list of these students are listed below the book images.
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List of Students in Numberical Order from the Images Above: |
1. Arthur Adamson 2. Estella Adamson 3. Mabel Adamson 4. Alvin Ady 5. Mary Amos 6. Florence Balmer 7. Helen Balmer 8. Alice Barnes 9. Wesley Barnes 10. Ruth Barnett 11. Lola Barr 12. Edith Bates 13. Ethel Bates 14. Albert Baxendale 15. Rex Bassett 16. Willard Beery 17. Elmer Bellman 18. Versa Beltz 19. Violet Bishop 20. Selma Boggs 21. Allie Bolden 22. Minnie Booth 23. Waldo Boss 24. William Bown 25. Clell Boyd 26. Ferris Braucht 27. Gerald Braucht 28. Reva Breckenridge 29. Elizabeth Brell 30. Sarah Brell 31. Boyd Brewer 32. Frank Brewer 33. Lois Brewer 34. Earl Briggs 35. Viola Briggs 36. Zelma Broadus 37. Ruth Brott 38. Louise Brown 39. Eugenia Bruce 40. Vertle Bruce 41. Ruth Bryant 42. Caroline Burns 43. Erma Burns 44. Jean Burns 45. Ethel Burris 46. Lora Burris 47. Hollis Butterfield 48. Lysle Campbell 49. Roscoe Cartwright 50. Laurence Chumbley 51. Jeff Church 52. Orlin Cline 53. Dorothy Coffin 54. Elosia Coffin 55. Mamie Conant 56. Irene Connoran 57. Grace Coulter 58. Edith Crammer 59. Wayne Crammer 60. Emma Crawford 61. Mary Crawford 62. Thomas Crawford 63. Ruth Crow 64. Lewis Cue 65. Catherine Culter 66. Vergne Culter 67. Harold Cunningham 68. Leslie Currier 69. Helen Cuthbertson 70. Floyd Daft 71. Harry Darnell 72. Charley Davis 73. Daisy Davis 74. Grace Davis 75. Lois Demorest 76. Fern Demony 77. Keith Dilts 78. Mabel Ditto 79. Arless Downey 80. Elsie Downey 81. Leslie Dyer 82. Hubert Eckels 83. Mattie Edgerton 84. Bert Evans 85. Lucile Evans 86. Erl Farley 87. Rosa Farlow 88. Ruby Farlow 89. Margaret Feldmose 90. Frank Ferguson 91. Lulu Ferguson 92. Mabel Flesher 93. Wilma Flesher 94. Marjorie Flint 95. Cora Fox 96. Frank Ford |
97. Walton Frank 98. Agnes Freeman 99. Edna Frush 100. Russell Gamble 101. Evert Gardner 102. Roena Gates 103. Florence Giebrich 104. Coy Gilbert 105. Ralph Gilliland 106. Fred Gillis 107. Ava Glasgow 108. Paulson Glasgow 109. Seward Graves 110. Merritt Gregory 111. Lela Hadley 112. Vera Hadley 113. Albert Halden 114. Dewey Halden 115. Francis Hamilton 116. Frances Hanby 117. Merrill Harned 118. Rachel Harned 119. Frank Hatcher 120. Gracia Hatcher 121. Cecil Haworth 122. Asa Heaivilin 123. Cecil Hefley 124. Celia Hefley 125. Irwin Hershey 126. Martha Hershey 127. Dean Hewitt 128. Ethel Hewitt 129. Clarence Hickman (Senior) 130. Clarence Hickman (Freshman) 131. Elmer Hickman 132. Gladys Hickman 133. Doris Himstreet 134. Cash Hodson 135. Henry Hoit 136. (BLANK PAGES #136-150) 151. Mildred Igo 152. Reuben Igo 153. Wilbur Igo 154. Edward Jewett 155. Grace Johns 156. Mildred Johnson 157. Muriel Johnson 158. Helen Jones 159. Ruth Jones 160. Mildred Jones 161. Wayne Jones 162. Helen Joy 163. Katheryn Judkins 164. Annie Keeney 165. Ruby Keeney 166. Marion Kellam 167. Elmer Kellar 168. Lester Kellar 169. Lillian Kennedy 170. Edna Kent 171. Gage Kent 172. Ruth Kent 173. Mamie Kime 174. Anna Kirkpatrick 175. Mabel Kress 176. Marie Kress 177. Darrell Leach 178. Walter Lee 179. Orlin Lester 180. Irn Lippincott 181. Olin Lippincott 182. Frank Long 183. Ardis Loper 184. Dale Lundy 185. Esther Marsh 186. Mildred Marsh 187. Amy Marshall 188. Loreen Marshall 189. Russell Marshall 190. Bernice Martin 191. Samuel Martin 192. William May 193. Ethel McCormick 194. Nathalie McCormick 195. Helen McElroy 196. Bessie McFerrin 197. Opal McFerrin 198. Harold McGee 199. Ralph McGee 200. Thelma Lyon 201. James McGranahan 202. Edwin McKee 203. Everett McKee 204. Leonard McKee 205. Wallace McKee 206. Vivian McNear |
207. Katherine McNeil 208. Ross McPherson 209. Mildred Meek 210. Bennie Mendenhall 211. Ferral Metcalf 212. Ida Mickey 213. Annie Miller 214. Frank Miller 215. Jennie Miller 216. Loraine Miner 217. Hoit Mitchell 218. Ross Morlan 219. Arthur Morley 220. Herbert Moore 221. Bonnie Morris 222. Ruth Morris 223. Eleanor Morrison 224. Merrill Morrison 225. Hazel Morton 226. May Morton 227. Loma Moss 228. Ferne Nagle 229. Kinsey Neely 230. Mildred Neely 231. Wayne Nichols 232. Ralph Nichols 233. Neva Nixon 234. Anna Mary Noble 235. Elwood Noble 236. John Noble 237. Loyd Noble 238. Ancil Norris 239. Blanche Norris 240. Charles Nutt 241. Correla Nuzum 242. Viola Nuzum 243. Grace Palmer 244. Bernard Park 245. Harold Park 246. Fred Peasley 247. Anna Peck 248. Marian Peck 249. Agnes Pendry 250. Warren Peddicord 251. Alice Phillips 252. Dorothy Phillips 253. Florence Phillips 254. Ross Phillips 255. Russell Phillips 256. Willard Pickard 257. Frank Piffer 258. Robert Pope 259. Florence Poling 260. Edith Prall 261. Eva Prall 262. Oren Prather 263. Dorothy Price 264. Mabel Price 265. Ollive Prince 266. Edwin Proudfoot 267. Irene Ragan 268. Sylvia Ragan 269. Alma Randolph 270. Amy Randolph 271. Georgia Randolph 272. Wilma Randolph 273. Olive Redberg 274. Garett Reddish 275. Clarence Reynolds 276. Lelia Rice 277. Dwain Rogers 278. Otto Ruble 279. Vera Ruble 280. Estelle Rush 281. Esther Rush 282. Verda Sams 282. Iolas Sarchett 284. Anna Saur 285. Bessie Schimelfennig 286. Harry Schreiber 287. Harriett Scroggs 288. Winifred Seay 289. Esther Shackelford 290. Jesse Shackelford 291. Ora Shackelford 292. Fred Shafer 293. Fern Shannon 294. Jessie Shannon 295. Amza Shaver 296. Veda Shaver 297. Venece Shaver 298. Donald Shaw 299. Eunice Shaw 300. Stuart Shaw 301. Esther Shearer 302. Ruth Shearer |
303. Marie Sheets 304. Clyde Sheppard 305. Gladys Sherriff 306. Cecil Sherriff 307. Elizabeth Shriver 308. Gertrude Shriver 309. Gladys Shular 310. John Shultz 311. Guy Shutt 312. Helen Sigler 313. Irene Sill 314. Mary Simons 315. Hazel Simmerman 316. Winifred Sinnard 317. Vinton Slocum 318. Corda Smith 319. Dewitt Smith 320. Dwight Smith 321. Fern Smith 322. Fred Smith 323. Gladys Smith (Freshman) 324. Gladys Smith (Senior) 325. Glenn Smith 326. Grace Smith 327. Ionis Smith 328. Leola Smith 329. Leota Smith 330. Mary Smith 331. Frank Spear 332. Cash Spurgin 333. Thomas Spurgin 334. Earl Stacy 335. Edna Steele 336. John Sterling 337. Kenneth Stratton 338. Ralph Suman 339. Vera Summers 340. Lloyd Swain 341. Guy Swartzlander 342. Catherine Taylor 343. John Taylor 344. L.C. Taylor 345. Marjorie Tharpe 346. Ruth Thomas 347. Adalene Tilley 348. Loraine Todd 349. Milo Tomlinson 350. Virgil Trimble 351. Elton Trueblood 352. Gretchen Utterson 353. Ray VanDerford 354. Josephine VanderMueler 355. Lenore Wagner 356. Stella Wagner 357. Hattie Walker 358. John Walker 359. Ruth Walker 360. Harold Wallace 361. Florence Watland 362. Helen Watland 363. Ole Watland 364. Faune Welks 365. Fern Welks 366. Irene Welsher 367. Paul Welty 368. Wilma Westfall 369. Winifred Westfall 370. Gladys White 371. Juanita White 372. Grace Wikle 373. Donald Willcox 374. Margaret Willcox 375. Floyd Williams 376. Ollie Williams 377. Duane Winning 378. Eura Wolcott 379. Mona Wolverton 380. Charles Wood 381. Edna Wood 382. Leila Woodcock 383. Ada Woodward 384. Josephine Worth 385. Ralph Wright 386. Russell Wycoff 387. Carl Young 388. Ray Zarley 389. Edwin Davis 390. Estellene Woodyard 391. Ina Bumgardner 392. Dick Owens 393. Howard Brewer 394. Beulah Thomas 395. Louise Peasley 396. Don Lukin 397. Dan Keeney |